2016-2017 Meeting Minutes

ACA Monthly Meeting

Wednesday, July 20, 2016


Stadium Club (Belmont)


8:15        Breakfast and networking

Special thanks to Athletics Student Services


8:30        Athletics Student Services

Updates by Kat Hastings

·         Emphasized efforts of connecting office with other parts of campus and encouraging students to do the same to avoid the “Athletics bubble”

·         Revamped new athlete orientation- 135 new student athletes this year; 12 attended during the summer, the rest will attend August 19th

·         Worked with New Student Services and Student Conduct and Accountability and various other offices to get outside programming so students have some understanding of college and academic life (includes UTPD, Student Conduct and Accountability, social responsibility, Voices Against Violence, and Counseling and Mental Health Center). Some of these presentations will happen for all student athletes, not just new students

·         Monday, August 22nd, Dean of Students Student Organization fair in the North End Zone- there will be 50-70 student organizations for student athletes but the fair will be open to all students on campus

·         Considering creating a Professional Development Day session about athletic academic eligibility to possibly help advisors when they work with athletes

·         Advising night will be held in the fall so students can talk to an advisor from their college; they are pushing college involvement


Dr. Marnie Binfield updates about Academic Mentors for athletes

·         Academic mentors for are graduate students that work with the student athletes during their study hall

·         Most athletes do a year of study hall then move out, though some stay longer or even through graduation

·         Study hall is intended to instill good study habits


Alanna Bitzel updates on Tutoring and Writing

·         Tutoring is available in specific content areas, like supplemental instruction

·         Tutors are upper division undergraduate students or graduate students

·         Collaborates with Sanger Learning Center and Undergraduate Writing Center to offer services

·         They are looking for students to serve as tutors and mentors- table handout about Texas Athletics Student Services Job Opportunities


Blake Barlow updates on NCAA compliance

·         For questions/comments/concerns about NCAA compliance, rules, etc. you can contact him at blake.barlow@athletics.utexas.edu

·         There is new NCAA legislation about academic misconduct that defers to the university process for student conduct (passed out handout mapping out procedure) – trying to avoid students getting exceptional assistance that don’t break policy

9:00        AlcoholEDU

Updates by Shannon Hanby

·         AlcoholEdu is an online alcohol education; the past 2-3 years was a different program but the UT system is adopting AlcoholEdu for all schools

·         Includes a module called “Haven” about sexual assault and healthy relationships

·         New students will get a link with log in information

·         It is required by all new students (freshmen and transfer students under 21- if a transfer student did it at another school, they will have to do it again)

·         Consists of 2 parts – part 1 will be sent out August 1st and takes about 2 hours to complete (1 hour for each module- the AlcoholEdu and Haven)

·         Students have from August 1st to August 23rd (midnight) to do part 1; 45 days after completion of part 1, they will get part 2 (takes roughly 30 minutes)

·         November 4th is the final date to complete part 2- if they do not, they will not be able to see their fall grades online. Students can call the Health Promotion Resource Center (HPRC) to get that bar cleared

·         HPRC had 98% compliance with alcohol education last year

·         Any questions can be directed to Shannon Hanby (s.hanby@uhs.utexas.edu)


9:10        ACA Treasurer Update/ Budget

Upates by Josh Barham

·         Profit for the year was $951.52; down from last year but explained that PDD came with additional expenses that were unforeseen- it was okay because they used extra funds from last year to cover the cost


9:15        ACA Advising Awards

Presented by Awards and Recognition Committee

·         Dedication to Students Award was awarded to Mark-Anthony Zuniga

·         Taking Initiative and Creating Positive Change was awarded to Yvanna Corella for her Family Orientation Packet


9:20        Kudos

Presented by Katie O’Donnell


9:25        Announcements

·         Vick Center has 2 new career counselors and a new advisor

·         Engineering Student Services has 2 new advisors

·         College of Education has a new advisor

·         Student Emergency Services is offering a program for FIG seminars about resilience – they have since sent an e-mail to ACA listserv, but can inquire about the program at studentemergency@austin.utexas.edu



ACA Executive Committee for 2015-2016
Sarah McKay – President
Kayla Ford – President Elect
Lexi Losch & Amanda Golden – Co-Vice Presidents/Program Chairs
Josh Barham – Treasurer
Yesenia Sanchez – Secretary
Kelsey Thompson – Historian
Blake Wilms – Communications Coordinator

ACA Executive Committee for 2016-2017

Kayla Ford – President

Justin Brady-Joyner – President-Elect

Jillian Sise & Daniel Zarazua – Vice-Presidents/Program Co-Chairs

Sara Sanchez – Treasurer

Alexis George – Treasurer-Elect

Anne Pugh – Secretary

Katie O-Donnell – Historian

Blake Willms – Communications Coordinator



Next ACA Meeting:  Wednesday, September 14, 2016 at 8:30am

Meeting ended at 9:30am



ACA Monthly Meeting

Wednesday, September 14th, 2016

8:10 – 10:00 am

SAC 2.302 – Legislative Assembly Room


8:10 am Breakfast & Networking

Special Thanks to Moody College of Communication for sponsoring this meeting


8:20 am Campus Safety and Security

Dr. Bob Harkins, Associate Vice President of Campus Safety and Security

●        Two major tasks in his office- campus safety following Haruka Weiser’s death and the Campus Carry law

●        Campus Carry Discussion:

○        Texas Legislature passed law requiring concealed carry on public higher education campuses

○        Starting 8/1 – people can now bring in a concealed weapon into an academic building

○        Open carry is “not prohibited” on our campus, but you do not often see it happening

○        How to find information on Campus Carry online:

■        UT homepage online- search campus carry – will take you to campuscarry.utexas.edu

●        Website has the information about everything that has to do with Campus Carry

●        Explanation of the website – there is an FAQ page for faculty/staff and students if you need to refer to it

●        There are printable information sheets for staff

○        Law itself allows presidents of public institutions the right to have excluded areas of campus (as long as it does not give the appearance of exclusion on campus in full)- the working group on campus came up with a report regarding where concealed carry would be prohibited on campus

■        Any time they did a exclusion they tried to find something to “hang their hat on” legally (both sides are suing)

■        25 policies were made – implementation task force are the ones who translate policies into campus activities

●        Ex. high hazard labs could be excluded

■        Handbook of Operating Procedures (HOP) was created – it goes through how Campus Carry is going to be implemented. The responsibility is on the person with a permit, the weapon must be in a holster, or in arm’s reach to avoid leaving weapons unattended; there is no storage of handguns on campus- the only place you can store the weapon is in your car or private residence

●        For students who will practice concealed carry, they must think through their day- the weapon must be concealed at all times (ex. If you are dancing for class or swimming and it accidentally shows, that is not allowed)

●        The person carrying the weapon must have license, training, be of age, etc. in order to concealed carry

●        According to the TXDPS website- 21-25 age group only 1-4% have a license

■        There are signs on campus where you cannot carry to tell the licensed people where they can and can’t carry

■        Regarding offices: Government workers with private offices have a greater right to privacy – if you have an office (walls floor to ceiling, door) you have the right to exclude concealed weapons (there are 12000 offices on campus).

●        According to the committee- if you want to exclude your office, you have to do so orally. You can send it out in writing, but you must also do so verbally. It has to be a one person office, not shared (for coverage under the court system)

●        The exclusion is tied to the office, not the person. So, if you do not have a private office but work for someone with a private office and you have a concern, you can use that office.

■        Residence halls are excluded – most living in the halls are underage and live in joint rooms which is why it is banned. Parents who are carrying can come into the hall, but they cannot stay overnight because there is no storage of handguns on campus

○        Question: Can you have your own signage in your office about Campus Carry?

■        Answer: Yes, inside the office (not windows going outside) – do not put up the official sign (those are state controlled signs)  but you put up your own sign since that falls under Freedom of Speech. You still have to tell students orally.

■        Other request: do not put it in the syllabi for courses

■        There is no list of banned places on campus

○        Question: Is there something more practical for oral notice for those of us who primarily meet with students on an individual basis?

■        Oral notice can be through any administrative assistant or front desk, too- when people make an appointment, you can have front desk staff give the oral notice

■        You can tell students through Canvas and in writing but to make it legal it must be oral

●        One member shared an idea of creating a video to send out for “oral notice” but Harkins was unsure that would be okay in terms of legality

○        Question: do you have a sense of how other public schools are responding?

■        UT is the only institution that excluded housing, offices (4 others then adopted the office policies), etc., so yes, he has an idea of it.

○        TX DPS did campus safety assessment on campus. They did find lighting and landscaping deficiencies

■        SURE walk is now a joint effort from Student Government and Parking and Transportation Services (PTS)

■        How to get students back off campus late at night — looking into night time transportation program

●        University is looking into the start ups to replace Uber and Lyft for any kind of help with getting home safely at night

■        Be Safe campaign started https://besafe.utexas.edu/

■        Encourage students to report to the police if they see something that is wrong around them

■        Union/SAC are both now restricted to staff/faculty/ students/ invited guests and they are trying to up security in terms of using ID to get into General Purpose classrooms

■        bharkins@austin.utexas.edu – send him an email if you have any questions


8:50 am Moody College of Communication- Theresa Thomas, Dr. Mimi Drumwright, Dr. Jennifer Jones

●        New Major – BS in Communication and Leadership

○        This major emerged from BDP ethics and leadership after 12 years

○        It is an interdisciplinary program

○        Every organization needs great leaders and great followers- the degree is central to UT’s mission and slogan; belief that there are many myths of leadership

○        Preparing students to practice the art and science of leadership – anyone can be a leader

○        Ethics is integrated throughout the program

○        Degree overview:

■        Core curriculum

■        12 hrs of communication and leadership courses

●        Introduction to communication and leadership (COM 301L)

○        Role that communication plays in leadership- includes ethics, diversity, etc. — tie in the with social issues

●        Seminar in communication and leadership

○        Core competencies of leadership & integrating those

●        Internship

○        Special type of leadership- have to be working and collaborating with other people and have an assignment that is important to the org

●        Capstone

○        Field study

■        Communication foundations 12 hrs

●        Ex. integrated comm for nonprofits, advanced presentation skills, team-based comm, etc.

■        Social issues (interdisciplinary) 12 hrs

●        Ex. Communication and social change, media and minorities, morality and politics, etc.

■        Free electives (27 hrs)

●        Ex. pre-med, pre-PT

■        College requirements (15 hrs)

●        Degree website: moody.utexas.edu/comm-leadership – for more information

●        Students are seeing this as a major for them to do public policy, social justice, philanthropy, entrepreneurship, etc. – students can use this degree in a variety ways

●        Question: Any special rules for Internal Transfer?

○        A: Same general rules as other Moody majors

●        Q: How large is the major? Is there a cap?

○        A: No cap right now- goal is to have 50 students in the major by start of spring 2017; 100 by 179. Hope for 50 students per semester- if you have a student that wants to apply they can, but currently priority is given to Moody students

●        Q: Can students take the intro class from outside the major?

○        A: Yes, it is open. Both the Intro course and Seminar course will be open to them.

●        Reminder: It is a 16-18 catalog major.

●        Q: Is there a minor in this?

○        A: No. But BDP in Ethics and Leadership would be similar


9:05 am Human Dimensions of Organizations

Dr. Art Markman & Dr. Amy Ware

College of Liberal Arts

●        BA HDO new program

○        Started with a masters program before having an undergraduate program

○        Goal is to teach people about people – understand people as individuals, groups, and cultures in order to work and communicate effectively

○        Goal: create a major to help students going into orgs like bsns, gov, non-profit, etc. — usually will do human resources or people management as careers

○        Degree should help students understand the skills they are learning in liberal arts are helpful realistically

○        Organization of major:

■        HDO 301

●        Open to all students, do not have to be in the declared major

■        HDO 320

■        3 of the following 4 fields (approved course list)

●        Quantitative reasoning

●        Qualitative reasoning

●        Creativity and innovation

●        Culture and communication

■        9 additional hours from the areas listed above

■        HDO 379 – connecting experience class- observe organizations and make recommendations

■        Students do have to do a minor (could do pre-med, etc., too)

■        Questions: Will this be an open major?

●        A: Yesm students do not have to apply at this time.

■        Q: Do they have to see the advisor first to declare?

●        A: Yes, Jillian Sise is the advisor and can be emailed

■        For more information, visit hdo.utexas.edu



9:15 am ACA Updates

Kayla Ford, Justin Brady-Joyner, Josh Barham, Rose Mastrangelo and Susan Somers

Kayla Ford- President update:

●        Welcome back!

●        More than a member message

○        Any feedback on how you want ACA to be run can be given to any Executive Committee member

○        More than just a free breakfast (though that is great!!), but the Exec Committee wants to get feedback for future meetings

○        Meetings are more than just the speakers, we want to be more interactive

○        ACA will create more time for sharing ideas and best practices

○        We want to hear more from each other- set time aside at each meeting for committees, advisors, etc.

○        This is more than standing meeting- come and connect with colleagues from across campus

○        As an organization gets larger, make it smaller- connect with each other on a small scale

○        Feedback is important so we can improve

○        Josh Barham scanned a lot of historical documents, which is awesome. We want to look at the historical documents and understand the history of ACA

●        Justin Brady-Joyner – ACA Advisory Council Update

○        10 or more members from different departments; represents advising community on campus

○        Special projects- group was working on a survey (will be sent to ACA) – collect data about retention, employment, etc. — non-personal won’t be linked back to you

●        Josh Barham

○        Chair of R.O.A.D. committee

○        Update:

■        Update for certificates and minors on campus- September 30th

■        Different from registrar training; this is about the certificates and minors themselves

■        Lookout for a reminder e-mail- if you are in charge of a certificate or minor, please fill out the survey

●        ACA Advising Event Committee – Susan Somers, Rose Mastrangelo

○        Advising Expo in the past turned into a tabling event

○        This year it is turning into a new event. There are potentially additional resources and support from the Provost, no idea is too “out there” right now

○        It is trying to meet student needs, make it fun for advisors

○        Ex. Doing something new about minors, promoting new majors, more creative ways to share Internal Transfer information, following themes (ex. How to get involved in healthcare, business- not siloed to individual colleges)

○        Event is moving to the spring – early February is the hope

○        Want more diversity of advisors on the committee so there is input for all students on campus

○        Possibly will be a week of events; look out for e-mail from Susan


9:35 am Graduate Coordinator Network

Aida Gonzalez, Chair

●        GCN is the ACA for the graduate programs on campus

●        Major event: graduate school fair- they invite grad schools from across the country in the Union- October 11th there will be over 100 graduate programs present

○        Request that advisors share the word with students

○        Lookout for email from Aida for you to forward

○        She has flyers that will be included in the email

●        Students- freshman to seniors are free to go→ come and go and it will include a panel about “Is Grad School For Me?” – intended for freshmen and sophomores


9:40 am Announcements

●        November: Provost McInnis will be speaking at the November ACA meeting- let the Executive Committee know what topics you want her to cover

●        Katie O’Donnell- 16 Kudos

○        ACA Historian- will start a new member spotlight, starting now!

■        Megan McKay- Dept of Gov

■        Marc Pereira- Liberal Arts’ Student Division

●        General Announcements:

○        Julia Chinnock- BDP

■        Postcards and posters available for your office

■        Props to Cindy Gladstone for starting historical project

○        Alexis George

■        Social Work will be screening the presidential debate on Monday, Sept 26 in Utopia theater- there will be pizza

■        Voter registration will be happening in SW building – October 11th last day

○        Sara Sanchez, ACA Treasurer

■        Is collecting dues!

■        Depts will need to write a check

○        FUNdraising Committee

■        Needs a chair, please help!

■        PHUNdraising – join in and maybe be “more than” a member

■        There is a goal: Development scholarships — they want to raise $1500

■        Happy hour will be Wednesday, September 28th will be at Space 2420 at 5pm


Meeting ended at 10 AM. Minutes taken by ACA Secretary, Anne Pugh


Next Meeting: Wednesday, October 12th, 2016 at 8:30 am in SAC 2.302 – Legislative Assembly Room


ACA Executive Committee for 2016-2017

●        Kayla Ford – President

●        Justin Brady-Joyner – President-Elect

●        Jillian Sise & Daniel Zarazua – Vice-Presidents/Program Co-Chairs

●        Sara Sanchez – Treasurer

●        Alexis George – Treasurer-Elect

●        Anne Pugh – Secretary

●        Katie O’Donnell – Historian

●        Blake Willms – Communications Coordinator



ACA Monthly Meeting

Wednesday, October 12th, 2016 8:30 – 10:00 am

SAC 2.302 – Legislative Assembly Room


8:15 Breakfast & Networking

Special Thanks to School of Undergraduate Studies


8:30 School of Undergraduate Studies

Dean Brent Iverson

●        Proud of UT requiring all students having to take all six flags since it is unique to UT

●        Thank you to advisors for what you do as a parent of 3 UT graduates; student success is based so much in what happens behind the scenes, where advising happens

Two problems we are facing together and he feels there is not enough conversation about it:

●        PROBLEM 1: Choice of major and availability

■        Most 18 year olds don’t know what they want to do; they make a choice of major, but it’s a guess

■        Too many students initially want only a few majors and we cannot accommodate them in those majors

■        We ask students to choose a major before they have even heard of most of what we offer

These three problems amplify each other and make it unstable

●        Top 5 majors: computer engineering, biology, business, computer science, economics

○        Boils down to top three desires: Pre-med, computer science, business

○        He wants students to see the university for what it is, which is a wide variety of majors and minors/certificates

○        1 major, 1 minor or 1 certificate → there are over 10,900 possibilities/ combos

UGS built for students being uncertain; there is data supporting how UGS is doing

●        Goal: Graduating in 4 years

○        Found correlation of lower GPA, lower possibility of graduating in 4 years

●        Myth: students who start without a major take longer to graduate

○        Truth: students starting in UGS graduate at the same rate as all UT students

■        This is based off 4 and 5 year graduation rate from 2009-2012; statistically the same

●        90% of UGS students who graduated in 2016 graduated from the same college into which they first transferred when they left UGS

○        Because they had 1-2 years to explore, less guessing

●        Discovery Scholars Success Program

○        Academic support program features small classes, in-depth discussion sections with supplemental instruction, network-building activities, a team approach to advising, and workshops on topics like study skills and career development

■        The Sanger Learning Center does a great job of meeting students where their needs are with a team approach concept

●        PROBLEM 2: Erosion of the core curriculum

○        UGS was created to take care of the core curriculum initially

○        “What starts here changes the world”

■        “What starts here changes” is what he changed it to- he wants students to be prepared to be successful in a changing world

●        Experts predict our graduates will change careers at least once and their last career may not have been invented yet

●        We must prepare them to be flexible, adaptable, and nimble

●        For many of our students educational breadth is important more important than their major

○        How is UGS addressing it?

■        Adding an interdisciplinary certificates provides exceptional educational breath

●        BDP a great model

○        Each BDP leverages what classes are already here at UT

○        Topics that are timely and adapt to changes occurring in the world

○        93% BDP students agreed or strongly agreed that their BFP certificate gave them the ability to apply perspectives from multiple disciplines

○        Students are supposed to gain educational breadth from the core curriculum requirements

○        Three problems that reinforce each other:

■        UT Austin required to adopt a new state law to give college credit for an AP score of 3 or more

■        Dual credit/early high school programs have increased 650% since 2000 so that 133,000 students were enrolled in 2015

●        Often, those classes aren’t a good representation of college level courses

■        2.5 week online courses available for 3 unit credit for every core subject – it’s the 2.5 week timeline he worries about, since it isn’t enough time with the material/instruction

■        Students are left with the impression that the core curriculum is not that important and is the domain of the high schools, not higher education

●        Iverson feels we need to get it back to higher education

○        He joked he is the “Guardian of the Core Curriculum”

■        Used an example from a Chronicle of Higher Education article titled “Degrees of Ignorance”

●        The problem of lack of educational breadth is national

●        This article showed that a University of Michigan engineer had little knowledge outside of engineering

●        Successful people have a broad education and are adaptable

○        40% of core hours were completed non-residence by 2016 FTIC grads (transfer students not included); 18% credit-by-exam, 21% transfer courses

○        On average 23 non-residence core hours were completed by 2015 and 2016 grads

■        The majority of total core hours in Humanities, rhetoric, history, and government were completed non-residence by 2016 FTIC grads

○        The commission of 125, when they started UGS in 2005- they wanted to do more with the core curriculum and Iverson feels it is more true today than 2005

●        How is UT addressing this problem?

○        Signature Courses

■        Interdisciplinary courses required for every entering UT undergraduate

○        Thanks to UGS for supporting other colleges

■        If there is anything you think UGS could do better, please let them know

○        Signature course stories are in a book

○        True core curriculum reform:

■        Flags: essential skills and experiences for this century; an evolution of the core curriculum

○        Quantitative Reasoning (QR)

○        Ethics and Leadership (EL)

○        Cultural Diversity (CD)

○        Global Cultures (GC)

○        Independent Inquiry (II)

○        Writing (WR)

●        Introduction: Shannon, new flags and petitions coordinator

●        2752 different course have flags

●        >40% of courses have flags

●        Flags did not slow down graduation rates

○        Ongoing assessment is critical and UGS often does assessment

■        Proposed policy: UT Austin will not accept for credit toward core curriculum requirements courses of less than 3 weeks (fewer than 21 days) duration taken at another institution by a degree-seeking student at UT-Austin (this has not been approved by faculty council yet)

■        There is a desire to change student attitudes as well

○        Would like University advisors to consider the following

■        If you encounter a student interested exploring other majors advise them to go to the Vick center for career counseling/exploration

■        Remember that the core curriculum at UT can provide the world class educational breadth that all students will need to succeed down the road in today’s world


9:05 UTeach Urban Teachers, College of Education

Alina Pruitt & Tiye Cort

●        Alina Pruitt is writing a dissertation on anti-racist teaching and learning- social justice oriented curriculum

●        Tiye Cort in 2nd year doctoral program

●        Both in Language & literacy studies

●        Texas teacher certification program for grades 7-12 specifically focused on valuing the diverse linguistic and cultural resources students bring into the classroom

●        The program prepares english and social studies educators to thrive in the context of urban schools

●        Re-imagining what it means to teach literacy and democracy

●        Program will take students in their Junior year of undergrad- during senior year they continue with their major and add a 45 hr field experience (minimum)

○        During the summer will do an internship with Breakthrough (unique system)- 450 hours during the summer

●        Showed a promotional video

●        Student speaker: Alex Felan, undergraduate certification program, senior, major: history; hometown: McGregor, Texas – transfer student, age 41; saw this program as a way to get involved; program gave new perspectives on things you think you know about but actually have no idea; UTUT an extra semester doing student teaching, felt a lot of his peers didn’t know it existed

○        Look for transfer students, look for students with a call to service, look for students who want to do more/something extra and encourage them to apply

●        There is a master’s level program as well

○        Kent Coupé, student seeking M.Ed with secondary certification, social studies, major history; hometown: Walnut Creek, California

○        Sought out program because it marries theory and classroom practice to help him be a better teacher who is mindful

●        ROAD event
ROAD to Urban Schools: Preparing teachers for linguistically and culturally diverse communities

○         SAC 2.112 Balcony B; Thursday October 13, 2016 12-1pm


9:25 ACA Updates

Anne Pugh

●        President-Elect special election

●        Ana Dison, nominee, ran unopposed

○        She gave her speech

○        Motion to elect her into office was seconded and accepted

●        Ana Dison is now the President-Elect of ACA for the 2016-2017 year

Josh Barham

●        ROAD wants to know if you have anything you would like to see; sent out survey via listserv

●        UTUT program on Thursday

Tepera Holman

●        ACA Awards and Recognition Committee working on NACADA awards in Spring 2017- lookout for an e-mail and think about who you want to nominate

Lovelys Powell

●        History of ACA: How the ACA Argosy got its name

○        Lovelys lived in an apartment complex called The Argosy which means a grand ship going through the ocean and a fellow ACA historian heard this and they decided it was the name of their newsletter

○        There are old issues in the back for people to peruse and it is online as well

Kayla Ford

●        Committees updates:

○        Educational policy, Student Deans Committee, Provost’s Council of Student Advocates

○        Provost’s council subcommittees include: campus inclusion, degree plans, experiential learning, financial aid, math


9:35 “From Surviving to Thriving: Developing Professional Resilience in Challenging Times.”

Vicki Packheiser, Clinical Associate Professor

●        Claiming the day and preventing “work trance”

○        Within 2 minutes of arriving at work, you settle into the norms and climate of your space

■        Think about why you do this work

○        Whatever the reason is that you do this work, during your first two minutes you need to do something that connects you to that purpose (can be small, can be a screensaver, a reminder, a ritual- start tomorrow- so that when you come in, it’s the first thing you connect with).

○        We have a limited amount of willpower, we know our brain runs out of steam as we go on through the day; those things that are most important to you, do them in the morning

○        You don’t need to be perfect, but decision making isn’t as good later in the day- and anything you can make into a habit decreases energy you have to spend

●        Legacy as a compass

○        Whenever you do end up leaving this job, what do you want your gift to this universe to have been?

○        The goals we hold to ourselves are more important than our job responsibilities- do the things that are truly meaningful for you (and your job responsibilities, but prioritize what is meaningful)

○        People who are most satisfied in their jobs are people able to see gradual progress in their work toward their goals

○        How do I want to be remembered? – use this question as a compass

●        Gratitude and Positivity Practices

○        Abundant research on the benefits of gratitude on our brain

○        Benefits psychological, spiritual, and physical well-being

○        Robert Emmons – prominent researcher she recommended reading to practice gratitude

○        Positivity practice: Barbara Fredrickson – researched the 3:1 positivity ratio — when the ratio of positive feelings to other feelings is 3:1, people tend to thrive

○        Anything you can do to enhance your positive feelings (calm, serenity, joy, positive anticipation, etc.) – will build your life

○        Broaden and Build Theory: when you are in that state of heightened positive emotion, our brain broadens and we are more open and more expansive- heightened state for new ideas and new learning

○        Any way to build: Checking in with coworkers, Recognition of coworkers, etc.

○        You have no idea how much you have positively touched lives of students

○        Continued positivity will lead to a change in brain – our brain starts to attend to things in a different way

○        Positivity practices: random acts of kindness, gratitude journal, gratitude letters or visits to others, etc.

○        Everything matters, words matter, etc.



●        Becoming a resiliency coach

○        It is possible to take 10-15 minutes most days and learn something about professional resilience- we know that our jobs are stressful, so how can we become more psychologically hardy to handle this stress

■        Do some research about time management, how to manage stress, etc. Be the one in the office to share it with others in your office for resilience and positivity

●        We are like a baby’s mobile- one movement makes a wake and one person can create change


9:55 Announcements Kudos and Spotlights

Katie O’Donnell – Kudos & Spotlight

●        Spotlight: Shirley Sanchez, senior academic advisor, school of nursing; she is open to e-mail if you want to get to know her

General Announcements:

●        Sara Sanchez, treasurer, is taking dues, cash or check

●        Casey butler FYE office has posters for TIG/TRIG mentor recruitment

●        Josephine Bibby – thanks to people who went to ACC-UT networking

●        Jennifer Brookins- new advisor in Biology Advising Center




ACA Executive Committee for 2016-2017

●        Kayla Ford – President

●        Ana Dison – President-Elect

●        Jillian Sise & Daniel Zarazua – Vice-Presidents/Program Co-Chairs

●        Sara Sanchez – Treasurer

●        Alexis George – Treasurer-Elect

●        Anne Pugh – Secretary

●        Katie O’Donnell – Historian

●        Blake Willms – Communications Coordinator



ACA Monthly Meeting

Wednesday, November 9th, 2016 8:30 – 10:00 am

SAC 2.302 – Legislative Assembly Room


8:15 Breakfast & Networking

Special Thanks to The Health Professions Office


8:25 Kudos

Katherine O’Donnell


8:30 Executive Vice President and Provost, Dr. Maurie McInnis

●        Discussion of what advisors need to be mindful when working with students moving forward:

○        Students are acutely insecure following election outcome (immigrant, undocumented students especially)

○        Help them get counseling and advice

●        Leadership everywhere on campus focusing on diversity

○        Looking at local levels for diversity – Deans of each College/School have made diversity and inclusion committees to help find solutions to issues and concerns regarding diversity

●        The university will be looking at a university-wide diversity action plan, which the Provost is starting now

●        Provost McInnis’ background:

○        Previously was faculty at UVA. She had gotten undergrad at UVA then her MA and PHD at Yale

○        She is a historian; her own scholarship was in the American South particularly focusing on race and slavery

○        Her administrative pathway was through being the Associate Dean for the College of Arts & Sciences prior to coming here. At UVA she ran advising, which is a different model than UT since they operate with faculty advisors.

■        Her job included making sure faculty had training and support they needed as advisors to ensure student success. Remained advising first year students throughout her path of advancing at UVA because she believed in student success and helping first year students navigate the change and life issues common for first year students.

●        Advising is a critical role for a university trying to improve graduation rates from 50% to 70%, which takes a huge cultural shift– it takes one on one meeting with students

●        Four year graduation rates matter because our students are able to reduce how much they spend on school and can avoid acquiring more debt

○        It also looks good to employers; but we also want students to achieve their educational goals along the way, not force them out

●        She had concerns about barriers to student progress:

○        UVA had more flexible degree plans – more of a liberal arts focus, while UT has complex degree plans.

○        Complexity of the many things UT students have to achieve to graduate was a surprise to her; but UT’s Project 2021 to help simplify degree requirements is heartening.

■        Idea to get departments to think hard about these curricular decisions; what do we really want UT students to leave here with- how to think, ask questions, come up with new solutions and answers, etc.- to inform curriculum

○        She is looking into the little rules and exceptions being made as well- trying to evaluate these barriers and improve some (ex. Whether flags can be at the instructor or course level)

○        She plans to have a blank slate look at course rules and numbering at some point soon — complete change of renumbering courses due to UT’s unique way of course numbering being confusing


●        Q: Curious about search committee for the Graduate School Dean search and how much staff is on there

○        There is one staff member on there, trying to keep the committee smaller so not currently seeking to add any more members

●        Q: Compensation for advisors tends to not move- thoughts? Affordability for advisors to live in Austin etc.

○        A: She doesn’t know much about it because it falls under the individual college/school but it speaks to a much larger institutional problem because of lack of funds. We are not receiving more funds from state and only just got a tuition increase while our peers in other states allowed those places to move forward and UT has not gotten there. We have another legislative session coming up and it doesn’t look good for more money. No real answer for it because it’s all tied to revenue

●        Thank you to advisors for all you do


9:00 (8:56am) Health Professions Office & University Writing Center Leslie Riley, HPO Director, Alice Batt, UWC asst. Director

●        HPO:

○        Housed in the College of Natural Sciences but serves students across campus

○        Cover pre-medical, pre-dental, pre-pharmacy, pre-veterinary, pre-optometry, pre-physician’s assistant, pre-physical therapy, and pre-occupational therapy requirements

■        The office does not cover Nursing/ Pre-nursing

■        They will have conversations about Public Health and healthcare administration but that is further out from their areas of expertise

○        The office also works on pre-requisite courses and making the aids for students and advisors to use

○        They help students understand what schools expect and with planning toward time of admission exams

○        Offer coaching on application process and how to explore going into health professions

○        There are around 5000 students on campus that are Pre-health (not totally sure, though, since there’s no official metric)

○        Students should plan ahead by 3 weeks to meet with a HPO coach; they do have group advising, graduate interns, and peer advisors

○        Staff introduction

●        University Writing Center:

○        Change of name from Undergraduate Writing Center to University Writing Center because they can now see graduate students

○        With undergraduates:

■        ~11000 students seen this year

■        Have just moved to Learning Commons in PCL

■        End of this spring will have about 150 consultants

●        Increase in staff, saw a 17% increase in visits

■        Approach is nondirective and non-evaluative; They work by asking questions to have students improve their writing skill

■        Hire both graduate and undergraduate students as consultants

■        Course specialist consultant program; student can be paired with a particular professor and course to help with writing for students in that course

■        Graduate students can apply at any time to be a consultant

■        Questions?

●        Q: What do you do if a student’s writing is a total mess?

●        A: There are no quick fixes- They don’t say “Hey, this is a hot mess”- they will ask what they’re working on, what is the assignment now, what is the most important thing you want to focus on?, if I see something, do you want me to mention it? – power is put in the student’s hands

○        Can visit UWC 3 times per writing assignment

●        Q: What about with Dissertation/longer assignments?

○        Maybe 3 times per chapter or something like that, it depends on what the student needs

●        Q: Do you help students who have English not as their first language?

●        A: All consultants trained for ESL writers- about 50% students who come in are ESL writers

■        UWC offers in-class presentations (including FIG)- they come to class or the class can go visit them in the Learning Commons — presentations are listed on their website

●        Partnership between HPO and UWC: new this spring, they are going to try to have HPO focus on brainstorming and content or personal statements and any reviewing of written drafts for applying to health graduate schools will go to UWC

●        Additional Questions?

○        Q: Can they ask about classes in the HPO?

■        A: They can talk about pre-requisites but will be sent back to the academic advisor just to make sure it fits with their specific degree plan

○        Q: Graduate schools do not have the same point of view for being done in 4 years?

■        A: correct-a gap year works, doing a post-baccalaureate, etc. Professional schools want students to come when they’re ready — 4 year rate doesn’t matter as much

○        Q: What about the Pre-Health Professions Certificate?

○        A: Enrollment management tool for students outside CNS, it’s not an enhancement necessarily to their ability to get into these schools

■        Shannon A’lyce Oulds is the contact for questions about PHPC

9:15 ACA Updates

ACA President-Elect, Awards and Recognition, FUNdraising, Holiday Party

●        Swearing in our new president-elect, Ana Dison

●        Call for nominations for the NACADA awards reminder; process is time intensive so check with someone you’re nominating before you do so — any questions let Tepera Holman or Kayla Ford know

●        FUNdraising Committee update: Rose Mastrangelo and Megan McKay

○        Webb College Prep Academy volunteer opportunity Nov 12th

○        Early morning: childcare

○        Group: we will be serving lunch 11:30a-2p

○        Fall Goody Bag drive- last day to order is Nov 30th- you can use 1 dollar to send a bag to a colleague; look out for a reminder

●        ACA Holiday Party- Breanna Weiland

○        Thursday, December 8th 3-5pm; food will be provided; dessert competition The Legacy Room, CBA 3.202

●        Professional Development Day: Alyson Bodner and Michelle Hiatt

○        Save the Date for PDD – February 22nd at JJ Pickle; call for proposals; registration opens next week

9:23AM- Marion Rocco is an elementary school librarian and adjunct professor for Children’s Literature announcement

●        INF 322T has changed; in the past it was a large format lecture class but now the seat count has been dropped to 100 students per section

●        The course is more challenging and meaningful for students and interactive

●        They adopted a flipped model. Students are required to do a module each week prior to class to allow them to prepare for more in-depth work in courses. This gets rid of lecture in class. More group discussion, writing reflection, etc. to make it more engaging.

●        Open to all undergraduates regardless of major. Handouts are in the back.

●        Serious fun- serious with high academic expectations, but it is fun because of the content


●        Hispanic Faculty and Staff Association – December 8th, lunch-time winter party $15, silent auction, etc. The money goes to a scholarship for students; rec sports center in 2nd level

●        New advisor introductions

Spotlights: Michelle Hiatt, Carter Burks


9:33 Office of The Dean of Students, Sorority and Fraternity Life (SFL)- Marilyn Russell, Suzy Day, Jaden Felix

●        There will be a longer presentation through a ROAD event later in the year

●        Today’s topics: SFL through your lens- what we think we know, another perspective, the future, your questions

●        What we know

○        Brainstorm of thoughts about SFL:

○        Segregated, white, rich, time management issues, hazing, exclusion, drinking, philanthropy, service, leadership, tradition, gender binary, etc.

○        Address issues but also recognize the positives

●        Another perspective

○        History of SFL:

■        Sororities and Fraternities started out as a housing solution when the university first opened its doors

■        Late 50s saw the first African-American Sorority/Fraternity

■        Sororities and Fraternities separated from the university in the late 60s; began to hire their own staff

■        1986 presidential commission is formed, decided to bring Sororities and Fraternities back to campus

●         SFL type office created in 1988

■        1990s- increase of multicultural organizations; several councils that support those organizations

■        6 councils and group of affiliates (info in handout)

○        SFL involvement: Academic success, service & philanthropy, leadership development, community

○        Chart showing points of engagement with office: risk management, new member orientation, chapter coaching, all presidents meeting, impact, leadershape, volunteer institute summer orientation

○        They remind students that they have an academic foundation; Students involved have higher graduation and retention rates as well

○        Student safety is always priority

●        The future

○        Celebrate the good while also addressing the bad

○        Reporting concerns: Office of Dean of Students, BCAL, Campus Climate Response Team

■        Let SFL know; if they do not know things they cannot change things


●        Q: Do you segregate graduation rate stats/data based on family income

○        A: They do not have access to that data- it is separated by council and organization

●        Q: Do you see cross-council work to learn about each other?

○        A: In pockets, yes; depends on the year and where the particular chapter is in terms of their own organization

■        There is a leadership course in EDP so they can learn about each other; the all presidents meeting also helps make that synergy and learning about each other

●        Q: It still seems segregated among the councils- do the councils do meetings or retreats with each other

○        A: For IMPACT, LeaderShape- that is opportunity for students to get together across councils; a lot of these programs have started in the past few years. Trying to shift culture



●        Q: What is your agency and your power? What role do you play?

○        A: Every Sorority and Fraternity is considered a Registered Student Organization (RSO); these are not sponsored student organizations because they are national organizations

○        It’s hard but since they are RSOs, the SFL staff are advisors; do not tell them what to do nor do they have to when they have social meeting

■        Relationship is: they are clear about responsibilities as an RSO; SFL is in a middle space to build a bridge

●        Contact: fb.me/UTAustinSFL; @UTAustinSFL #TexasGreeks

●        There will be a ROAD event follow up to help dispel myths and give information and data about the community

●        They have info books for you to take


Meeting ended at 10 AM. Minutes taken by ACA Secretary, Anne Pugh


Next Meeting: ACA/APSA Winter Holiday Party – Thursday, December 8th from 3-5pm in CBA 3.202 Legacy Events Room


January Meeting: Wednesday, January 11th, 2017 from 8:30-10am in SAC 2.410- North Ballroom


ACA Executive Committee for 2016-2017

●        Kayla Ford – President

●        Ana Dison – President-Elect

●        Jillian Sise Kozlowski & Daniel Zarazua – Vice-Presidents/Program Co-Chairs

●        Sara Sanchez – Treasurer

●        Alexis George – Treasurer-Elect

●        Anne Pugh – Secretary

●        Katie O’Donnell – Historian

●        Blake Willms – Communications Coordinator



ACA Monthly Meeting

Wednesday, January 11th, 2017 8:30 – 10:00 am

SAC 2.410 – North Ballroom


8:15 Breakfast & Networking

Special Thanks to Study Abroad Office


8:25 Kudos

Katie O’Donnell


8:30 Study Abroad Office

Monya Lemery, Associate Director

●        Activity: Form group of 2-3 people; meet someone new and answer questions

●        Why should our students study abroad?

○        Benefits to Students:

■        Independence

■        Global Citizens

■        Possibly learn a language

■        Learning about the world

■        Great food and wonderful views

■        Cultural competencies

■        Become attractive to employers

■        Expand their professional and personal networks

■        Also more attractive to graduate and professional schools

■        Academic credit

■        Skill building

○        Benefits to UT:

■        More visible internationally

■        Students bring back their cultural competencies and influence peers on campus; a more global campus

■        Could benefit international recruiting/admissions

■        Benefit to faculty to have that learning environment

■        Students have a renewed sense of self and purpose upon return

■        Relieves burden on our classes here

●        UT Austin Numbers

○        Ranked #3 nationally for number of students we send abroad

○        3700+ students abroad annually

○        80 countries

○        1 million dollars in study abroad scholarships (among the top institutions that give out scholarships)

■        Access to study abroad is a huge piece of their work and mission in the Study Abroad Office  – emphasis on all students

○        Curriculum integration

■        17 departments with brochures; continually creating more

■        Also have a database- my credit abroad- which is a great tool for determining curriculum integration

○        Promotes four year graduation rates

○        Increases student retention at UT

■        Higher campus engagement

○        Internationalize campus

●        Top 10 Countries

○        Spain

○        UK

○        France

○        China

○        Italy

○        Austria

○        Argentina

○        Mexico

○        Germany

○        Brazil

●        There is a push to have UT students study abroad in Latin America; reasons include:

○        Less expensive, spanish, heritage learners, economic growth and opportunity in those regions

○        Huge trade partner for Texas

○        Other reasons: border culture, business, energy, natural resources, etc.

●        Abroad Programs available

○        Faculty-led, affiliated, exchange, internships, service learning

●        Big Goals:

○        Double the numbers of students going to Latin America from year 2015 to 2020

○        Send 1200 students to the region

●        Program highlight: Business foundations in Mexico City July-December 2017 16+ credits, FIN 320F, classes in English or Spanish, internships, research, top university, March 1st application deadline

●        Study Abroad Fair on January 25; Summer application is due February 15th and Fall is due March 1st


8:50 ACA Updates

●        ACA Awards and Recognition Committee

○        Outstanding Advisor: Megan Conner

○        Outstanding New Advisor: Kelly Frazer

○        Outstanding Advising Award, Administrator: Sarah Kitten

○        Outstanding Advising Program Award: Path to Admission through Co-Enrollment (PACE)

●        Josh Barham, ROAD Committee

○        Calendar of Events:

■        1/12- THECB 60X30 10-1130am in UTC 4.103

■        2/8 Art of Dialogue 10-11a in SAC 3.112 Balcony B

■        2/15 Video Game Addiction 11a-1p in SAC 1.118

■        2/16 PDD Presentation Practice

●        FUNdraising Committee

○        Welcome back happy hour on Tuesday, January 31st at UT Club in the Stadium; food and drink ticket for everyone who RSVPs 5:15p for tour  (4:30-6:30pm)

●        Advising Expo

○        February 6-10: asking that all programs offer a session during this week. Committee will create a flyer and social media promotions listing the info sessions

○        February 9: Expo Day

■        Tabling will run from 10a-3p FAC porch and lobby

■        Themed presentations in FAC 328 running concurrently with tabling

●        Entrepreneurship and Creativity – 10am

●        Health and Wellness – 11 am

●        Technology and Society – 1pm

●        World Changers – 2pm

○        Look for emails about logistics

○        3 steps to an awesome table

■        Identify your awesomeness

●        Pick a few things to highlight; what’s the best thing ever?

■        Represent it visually

●        Objects, images, be creative, get student workers to help, have fun

■        Connect

●        Make eye contact, connect with students, make the first move; ask a question to engage student

○        Do not have a pile of papers on your table

○        If you need help with table ideas, Beth LaBate happy to help


9:10 Division of Diversity and Community Engagement

Drs. Richard Reddick and Kristen Hogan

Speaking on the Diversity Education Initiative (DEI)

●        Can request presentations for your department

●        What is DEI

○        http://diversity.utexas.edu/diversityeducation/

■        There is a web form for you fill out to request them to come present

○        In 2015-2016

■        21 workshops (10-400 attendance)

■        949 students, staff, faculty

■        UT Law school, ULN, UWC, OLLI, Athletics, International Office, Admissions, Freshman Interest Groups, DHFS, etc.

○        Purpose:

■        DEI promotes learning that critically examines multiple identities and perspectives in order to foster a climate of inclusive excellence at UT Austin and surrounding communities

○        What they do: provide diversity education through consultation  and educational programs on campus and in the community; programs are designed to meet the goals and needs of the organization and have included: building awareness of social identities, developing an inclusive workplace, engaging communities through dialogue and exploring privilege and socialization

■        Most consultation and programming is stand-alone (60-90 min)

○        Activity: Vote from your Seat

■        “Do you feel UT is an inclusive place for most identities”

●        Thoughts from ACA: There is always work to be done, we are good in some areas and not so great in others

■        “Your words and actions make a difference on campus”

●        Thoughts from ACA:

○        We can help create an inclusive climate (how we decorate our office, how we talk to students, etc.)

○        Thoughtful words and actions; thinking about impact and be intentional

○        DEI Training content:

■        Linking UT’s history of diversity and inclusion to the unit; welcoming participation through low-risk activities to prime discussion on diversity and inclusion; intersection of identities activity; conclusion and evaluations; customizable content (according to what you need; ex. Diversity planning, mentoring, facilitated dialogue, social justice)

■        Fees may be implemented down the line in order to pay for materials used

●        Questions: Do we need to provide our own space?

○        There is some space they have, but they recommend having your own space and typically go to where they are requested.

●        Q: Would you be able to do a shorter presentation for a 50 minute FIG class?

○        Yes, it depends on what it is and the time needed and they work with you on what you need


9:25 Leadership Ethics and Institute

Katie O’Malley, Coordinator of Leadership Development

Dave Dessauer, new Director of the Leadership and Ethics Institute (LEI)

●        LEI is here as a resource for students or staff for leadership education

Spring opportunities

●        February 8th- ROAD presentation on inclusive leadership

●        Leadership education and progress program- 8 week cohort based program for 1st year freshman and transfer students – application due first day of classes

●        Texas Leadership Summit Saturday February 11th – free one day leadership workshop

○        Could use help on sessions about leadership- if you want to facilitate please let them know


9:40 Announcements

Dennis Passovoy, Lecturer in McCombs

●        MAN 336P (fall) , MAN 367P (spring) — not prerequisites for each other at the moment, students can take 367P first

○        Social Entrepreneurship I & II

●        Capstone, open to all colleges (MAN 336 or 320F preferred)

●        Satisfies McCombs’ internship requirement

●        Aimed at giving students real life experience in creating a social enterprise

○        Projects are team-based

○        Find social problem they can solve

●        Related to Texas Enactus

●        Contact: Dennis Passovoy – dennis.passovoy@mccombs.utexas.edu (512)426-1961


Susie Smith, Director Texas Parents Association

●        Nominate a deserving senior student for the Outstanding Student Award

○        Must be a graduating senior for the 2016-2017 academic year (December 2016, May 2017 or end of summer but walked in May)

○        There is a male and female recipient and 4 finalists

○        Given $1000 grant to give back to a campus organization or project

○        Part of commencement exercises

●        Nominations accepted January 17th and are due Monday, February 6th

●        texasparents.org/awards

●        65th Anniversary of the award this year

ACA Spotlight

●        Mandy Davidson, Associate Advisor in Biology

●        Diane Larsen, Senior Academic Program Coordinator for Public Health

●        Let Katie O’Donnell know if you have someone you think should be spotlighted!

Eric Carter, co-chair PDD, Alyson Bodner

●        PDD is a little over a month away; will be held Wednesday, February 22nd

●        Thank you to committee, HFSA and APSA for collaborating, UFCU, SSI, and UGS for contributions, thank you to everyone who registered and submitted a proposal

●        Reminder: please  remember to register for PDD

●        Website: pddconference.weebly.com

Andrea Gonzales (for Jeff Mayo in Transfer Experience Office)

●        ACC to UT Marketplace reminder and invitation (ACC Highland campus) – register

Sarah Kitten

●        New Major of computational engineering; info sessions open to students and staff

●        Not a lot of advertising – very small and very competitive about 25 students per class

New advisor announcements


No ACA Monthly Meeting in February; next meeting will be March 8th from 8:30a-10a in SAC 2.410 – North Ballroom




ACA Executive Committee for 2016-2017

●        Kayla Ford – President

●        Ana Dison – President-Elect

●        Jillian (Sise) Kozlowski & Daniel Zarazua – Vice-Presidents/Program Co-Chairs

●        Sara Sanchez – Treasurer

●        Alexis George – Treasurer-Elect

●        Anne Pugh – Secretary

●        Katie O’Donnell – Historian

●        Blake Willms – Communications Coordinator