CFP: SCMLA October 8-10th, Houston Texas

Deadline: April 29, 2020

Please consider participating at this small and user-friendly conference. We are trying to sustain our Russian language/literature panels at this type of conferences for a greater exposer of Russian programs and research, which will not be possible without your participation. If you know graduate students interested in presenting their research or local school teachers / community college instructors (lecturers, professor) interested in sharing their pedagogical practices, please share this e-mail with them.

As I already mentioned, our panels are very friendly and welcoming, pretty informal. Your presentation can be on results of seasoned research, or on work in progress (preliminary results) – in Russian literature, comparative literature, literature and film intersection, linguistic aspects of literature, poetry.

If you are interested in presenting, email the suggested topic and abstract  by April 29th to  Jill Martiniuk, University of South Florida:

Double submissions are not allowed. You also must a member of SCMLA. Each member may submit a proposal to one academic session.

Looking forward to your ideas, suggestions, proposals.

South Central Modern Language Association

Houston, Texas

October 8-10, 2020

Call for Papers

Summer Course: Russian Film at Wheaton College

Deadline: May 2, 2020

With the move to distance learning, my summer Russian Film class at Wheaton College (RUSS/FNMS 282) can be opened up for anyone, anywhere. This would be perfect for students who need to make up credits due to the current mess, but is of course open to everyone.

The dates are May 19 to June 12. The class is 4 days a week, 2.5 hours a day and will be a mix of synchronous and asynchronous delivery. All films will be available online with subtitles. The class is taught in English. No previous knowledge is expected. The administration is giving us flexibility in scheduling and structuring, so I can work with individual needs.

The class will cover 100 years of Russian film from Vertov to the present. It will serve as an introduction to film analysis as well as Russian history and culture of the 20th and 21st centuries. Given the format I plan on putting a particular emphasis on writing about film.

Please have anyone interested contact me ( for details. Registration ends May 2. (Apologies for the short notice, this was a late add.) For further information see

Acad. Job: Mellon Assistant Professor of Russian and East European Studies – Vanderbilt University

Deadline: May 15, 2020

The Department of German, Russian and East European Studies at Vanderbilt University invites applications from all humanistic and social science disciplines for the position of Mellon Assistant Professor of Russian and East European Studies (non-tenure-track, 3-year appointment, 2-2 load). The department seeks a candidate with an innovative scholarly research agenda and a commitment to undergraduate education.  Applications are particularly welcome from scholars whose research investigates twentieth or twenty-first century Soviet or post-Soviet Russia within the broader context of the East European or Eurasian regions.

Applicants must have received their Ph.D. no more than four years prior to the start of the position. Interviews will be conducted by Zoom in May 2020. The successful candidate will begin in August 2020 or January 2021.

To be considered, please submit by May 15, 2020 the following materials: cover letter, curriculum vitae, a writing sample (dissertation chapter or article), two sample syllabi, evidence of teaching effectiveness, and three letters of reference.

Vanderbilt University has a strong institutional commitment to recruiting and retaining an academically and culturally diverse community of faculty. Minorities, women, individuals with disabilities, and members of other underrepresented groups, in particular, are encouraged to apply. Vanderbilt is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer.
Please direct questions to the chair of the search, Prof. Lutz Koepnick at

Russian for Beginners – Fully Online Summer Course (University of Arizona)

The Department of Russian & Slavic Studies at the University of Arizona offers two intensive 5-week fully online courses in Russian for beginners:

Russian 101: June 8 – July 9 Russian 102: July 13 – August 12

  • The courses are based on the online and completely free textbook Mezhdu Nami and involve both self-paced activities and online meetings with the instructor using Zoom.
  • Both courses are taught entirely online and involve synchronous online group and individual meetings for interactive practice with the instructor.
  • At the 101 level, we offer 4 meetings a week. At the 102 level, 3–4 meetings a week are offered. All group meetings will be recorded and made available to the students.
  • Meeting times are discussed with students prior to the beginning of the course in order to ensure the most comfortable schedule for those enrolled in the class. Upon request, individual meetings will also be offered. This is an excellent alternative to the traditional face-to-face environment you can get with a lot of individual attention given to every student!
Continue reading “Russian for Beginners – Fully Online Summer Course (University of Arizona)”

2020 Read Russia Prize: English Translations of Russian Literature

Deadline: May 31, 2020

Read Russia is delighted to announce the fourth 2020 READ RUSSIA PRIZE competition for the best new English translations of Russian literature. The READ RUSSIA PRIZE is awarded every two years for works of Russian literature published in new English translations. All publishers of Russian literature in English translation are invited to submit translations newly published between 2018 and 2020. 

Nominations should be e-mailed in no later than May 15, 2020.  Full submission materials are due in digital form by May 31, 2020.  (We will make every effort to be flexible with deadlines this year.) 

Details about the competition guidelines & information about the 2020 READ RUSSIA PRIZE jury can be found at the link below:

Funding: Fellowships from NYU’s Jordan Center

Deadline: May 1, 2020

The NYU Jordan Center for the Advanced Study of Russia offers a variety of funding opportunities and residency programs to students and scholars throughout the year. Learn more about Spring 2020 deadlines below.

Note on Coronavirus: Current NYU policy prohibits university-funded foreign travel and all non-essential, in-person visits from both internationally-based and US-based individuals. We hope that this will not be the case in a few months once the situation has changed globally. Of course, our programs are all conditional upon NYU’s campus reopening in the Summer/Fall and programs such as ours being allowed to fund international travel and host international visitors. Please reach out to with any questions or concerns.
Continue reading “Funding: Fellowships from NYU’s Jordan Center”

Job: Congressional Fellowships on Women and Public Policy

Deadline: June 3, 2020

The Congressional Fellowships on Women and Public Policy program is now accepting applications until the deadline on June 3rd. The program places fellows in the Washington, D.C. offices of Members of Congress and congressional committees. Additionally, fellows meet once a week at issue seminars with women’s advocates, congressional staff, researchers, and lobbyists. This program is unique—the only graduate-level fellowship program on Capitol Hill focused on women. 

Please share this opportunity widely in your networks as an amazing chance for students and recent alumni to begin their careers in policymaking. We encourage you to share this opportunity through newsletters, email blasts, or with staff members/professors who would like to share the application with interested students. 

Only students who are currently enrolled in a master’s, doctoral, or professional degree program at an accredited institution, or who have completed such a program within two years of January 2021, are eligible to apply. To start your application visit:

You can also find us on TwitterFacebookInstagram, and LinkedIn. Please feel free to follow us for updates and share our fellowship posts with your network! 

Acad. Job: Teaching UC San Diego Russian Literature Courses 2020-21

Deadline: April 10, 2020

The Department of Literature at UC San Diego invites applicants to teach one or more courses in Russian Literature during the 2020-2021 academic year. We would especially welcome candidates able to teach a course in late 19th-century Russian literature. However, all areas and proposed courses will be considered based on department needs.

Ph.D., MFA, or Master’s Degree in related field by the time of appointment and outstanding teaching experience are required.

Continue reading “Acad. Job: Teaching UC San Diego Russian Literature Courses 2020-21”

CFP: 20th Annual Aleksanteri Conference “Eurasia and Global Migration”

Deadline: May 15, 2020

The 20th Annual Aleksanteri Conference brings together scholars exploring dimensions of global migration to, from and within the Eurasian space. For the purposes of this conference, the geographic domain of the Eurasian space includes Central and Eastern Europe and the post-Soviet space. We discuss migration and the agency of migrants in terms of social, political, cultural and economic processes and flows, which redefine the contours of national boundaries and affect societal development in both sending and receiving societies. Migration to, from and within the Eurasian space has been a part of flows and processes between the Global North and Global South, but also a part of the building of past empires.

Historically, the impact of migration in many fields, such as economy and culture, has been enormous. In addition to these, migration affects national politics, global inequality, urbanization, local communities, travel of ideas, cultural renewal, institutional development, labor markets, innovation, education and social policy,  as well as foreign and security policy. Migration also requires transnational solutions as a part of national and regional migration policy. New migration flows and processes can be expected due to political upheavals, environmental degradation and climate change.

Continue reading “CFP: 20th Annual Aleksanteri Conference “Eurasia and Global Migration””

CFP: Russian Language Journal

Deadline: May 1, 2020

The Russian Language Journal invites submission of articles for inclusion in a special issue dedicated to Digital Humanities, co-edited by Thomas Garza ( and Robert Reynolds (, to be published in December of 2020.

Submissions should relate to the intersection of any treatment, field, or methodology of Digital Humanities with any topic that falls under the stated scope of the RLJ, including Russian language, culture, and the acquisition of Russian as a second language. Possible topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Digital and computational approaches and applications in literary and linguistic fields, including computational text analysis, stylometry, authorship attribution, digital philology or textual scholarship;
  • Intelligent Computer-Assisted Language Learning (ICALL), including automatic exercise generation, automatic readability/complexity analysis, grammatically intelligent information retrieval or web search, automatic error correction, or intelligent tutoring systems;
  • Automatic assessment of second-language reading, writing, speaking, or listening proficiency;
  • Creation and maintenance of large digital corpora, treebanks, dictionaries, or other digital linguistic resources;
  • Digital approaches in music, film, theatre, and media studies; electronic art and literature, digital activism, etc.;
  • Cultural heritage, digital cultural studies, and research undertaken by digital cultural institutions;
  • Social, cultural, and political aspects of Digital Humanities including digital feminisms, digital indigenous studies, digital cultural and ethnic studies, digital black studies, digital queer studies, digital geopolitical studies, multilingualism and multiculturalism in DH, eco-criticism and environmental humanities as they intersect with the Digital Humanities;
  • Theoretical, epistemological, methodological or historical aspects of Digital Humanities;
  • Institutional aspects of DH, interdisciplinary aspects of scholarship, open science, public humanities, societal engagement and impact of DH;
  • Digital Humanities pedagogy and academic curricula;
  • Any other theme pertaining to the intersection of Digital Humanities and the Russian language.

    Contributions may be written in either English or Russian, and should generally be no longer than 7000 words. More detailed explanations regarding submission policies and procedures can be found at or at the end of this issue. 

Submissions should be sent by email to either of the co-editors no later than 1 May 2020.

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