
The Mother Infant Nutrition (MINT) Study  focuses on the relationship between mom’s body fat changes during pregnancy, weight changes throughout pregnancy and postpartum, and baby’s body fat at birth.

Currently, there is not much research on how changes in body fat and weight during pregnancy
relate to one another. There is even less research on how diet and physical activity are related to these pregnancy weight changes. With MINT, we are using many methods, including magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), to look at mom’s body composition changes throughout pregnancy and baby’s environment in the uterus. That way, we will have a better idea of what makes up mom’s weight changes and which lifestyle factors are associated with them.

The MINT study has the potential to help us better understand the outcomes for both
mom and baby associated with different pregnancy weight gain paths, and develop
better guidelines for pregnancy weight gain and nutrition.

For more information on the MINT Study, email widen.lab@austin.texas.edu or follow this link.

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