
Research in BME

Whether you are interested in applying to graduate/medical school or not, joining a research lab is a great way to learn about advancements and areas of interest within the field. However, if you are applying to medical or graduate school, having research experience is becoming more and more necessary for successful applicants. The first step in attaining a position as an undergraduate researcher is exploring labs and finding one that seems interesting to you. Check out our BME Research Library for a guided exploration of research led by BME faculty.

GURU & Graduate School

BMES is now collaborating with the Graduate-Undergraduate Research Union (GURU) in order to provide our members with more opportunities to become involved with research in the department. GURU is an independent board of undergraduate and graduate BME students that seek to connect research labs and students searching for research positions. GURU also facilitates workshops on topics relating to graduate school and research.
Contact: GURU chair Sarah JonesĀ

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