All posts by Madison McGuire

Stifling a sneeze

Image result for kleenex tissues

Photo from Amazon

Madison McGuire

Many of us were warned as children to not hold in a sneeze, because our “heart would stop” or our “brain would explode.” While this seems like dramatic exaggeration, there may be a kernel of truth.

It might seem appropriate to pinch your nose and quiet the sneeze in certain social situations. However, recent research suggests it’s better to just let it out– while covering your mouth of course.

The diaphragm and chest muscles contract during a sneeze to clear mucus, irritants, and germs out of our system at approximately 100 miles per hour. According to ENT specialists from NYU, “suppressing the sneeze by holding the nose or mouth increases the pressure in the the sinuses, nasal cavity, or chest about 5 to 24 times of that during a normal sneeze.” Infected mucus can be pushed into the middle ear, causing infection or a ruptured eardrum. Blocking the nostril and mouth during a sneeze can also lead to air trapped in the chest, and in rare cases, the rupture of a cerebral aneurysm, a tear in the throat, or cracked cribs.

Although sneezing might seem embarrassing or unsanitary in a crowd of people, take care of your health and let your body’s natural reflexes take control. It best to sneeze or cough into the fold of your elbow.–maybe-not


Eating for two

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Source: The Conversation

Madison McGuire

While there might be days during pregnancy when women feel extremely hungry, the idea that those expecting are “eating for two” is misleading. Substantial weight gain during pregnancy increases the risk of gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, or a large baby and the need for a cesarean birth.

Contrary to popular belief, energy needs do not change during the first trimester. And, on average, only 300 more calories are to be consumed each day during the last six months of pregnancy.  

A recent survey revealed that more than two-thirds of pregnant women are unaware of how many extra calories to eat. While it is important to consume enough nutrients, pregnant women can feel pressure from others to eat larger meals. Poor eating habits make it harder for moms to lose the excess weight after delivery. Larger babies that are born from overweight women are at higher risk for obesity and other significant health problems, such as jaundice and metabolic syndrome.

Women are advised to choose healthy foods that give more “nutritional bang for their calorie buck.” While constant cravings are a normal part of pregnancy, the “eating for two” rationale should not be used to binge on unhealthy snacks or grab two plates every meal.

Fake (Follicle) News : Does shaved hair grow back faster?

Image result for woman shaving legs

Sources: How stuff works

Madison McGuire

With the trend of facial shaving on the rise among women, many people have wondered whether taking off “peach fuzz” with a razor makes its subsequent regrowth faster and thicker. Shaving is an inexpensive and efficient method of hair removal. But some worry that shaving may increase hair growth. This has contributed to the popularity of alternatives like waxing, threading, laser treatments, electrolysis, and body sugaring. However, recent findings show “no significant differences in total weight of hair produced in a measured area could be ascribed to shaving.” Compared to unshaven hair, there is no reason to believe that shaving will result in thicker or faster regrowth.

Hair is tapered at the end, so when the tip is sliced, its perceived as thick stubble, but it will eventually taper again once it grows well past the surface. Hair is also affected by the environment. For example, newly shaven arms have not been exposed to sunlight and other factors that lighten the hair. In addition, facial hair is naturally more fine and delicate than body hair, so specific types of razors should be used to maintain facial fuzz and avoid irritation.

Only procedures that cause trauma to the follicle can affect the rate of growth, such as laser removal. Even though many people prefer to ditch the razor and undergo a more permanent method of hair removal, shaving will not result in “gorilla-like” regrowth as people once believed.