
Please consider donating to our Journal to fund our publications on civil liberties and civil rights. Journal funding relies primarily on our own members dues as well as royalties. No financial support other than facilities is guaranteed by the law school. Maintaining a Journal poses unique financial challenges, and your tax-deductible contribution will go a long way in assuring our success. The Journal is truly grateful for the generosity and support. We think you will be impressed with the results and will be proud to be associated with the Texas Journal on Civil Liberties & Civil Rights. We would appreciate your donation, which you can make online here.

Contributions to the Texas Journal on Civil Liberties & Civil Rights are tax-deductible, and the law school will provide a receipt with the applicable tax codes. Also, the law school can provide the application for matching gifts for employers who participate in this program. All contributions will be noted in the Dean’s Townes Hall Notes alumni magazine.

Giving Levels

Platinum: $3,000 and over
Gold: $1,000 to $2,999
Silver: $500 to $999
Bronze: up to $500

In appreciation of your sponsorship, you will receive the following recognition:
1. All levels: Name and sponsorship level printed in an upcoming issue of the Journal.
2. Silver & above levels: Upon request, a one-time provision of copies of the two most-recent issues. After your donation, you make make your request by e-mail our managing editor ( by referencing the date and amount of your donation, your desired shipping address, and to let them know whether to wait for publication of the issue currently in progress.
3. If the donation is related to a specific event, your organization’s name and logo will be printed in each program the Journal distributes at the respective event.

Payment Instructions

CHECK: Please make your check donation payable to The Texas Journal on Civil Liberties and Civil Rights, and mail to:

The Texas Journal on Civil Liberties & Civil Rights
The University of Texas School of Law
727 East Dean Keeton Street
Austin, TX 78705

CREDIT CARD: To donate online, please click here.
Please see if your employer matches gifts by clicking here.


Consider advertising in our Journal. We publish twice a year (fall and spring) and have a circulation of more than 500 recipients. For more information please contact, the Journal’s managing editor at