Recent and forthcoming publications

Dillon, A. (2024) Why do people collect? The psychologist’s view. Art Basel, Jan 2024.

Dillon, A. (2023) Understanding Users: Designing Experience through Layers of Meaning. New York: Routledge.

Dillon, A. (2022) REAL Design: Respecting Experience, Augmenting Life. ACM SIGHCI 2022 HCIxB: Across Borders Workshop, April, 2022.

Dillon, A. (2022) Outsourcing our judgements: the trouble with metrics for faculty evaluations. Canadian Association of Information Science Annual Conference, CAIS 2022, June.

Dillon, A. (2022) Design as an accelerator of social capital in academic libraries. Chapter in The Social Future of Academic Libraries: New Perspectives on Communities, Networks, and Engagement T. Schlak, S. Corrall and P. Bracke (Eds) London: Facet.  2022.

Resmini, A. with Andrew Dillon (2021) On being magpies, in Resmini et al, Advances in Information Architecture, Springer, 39-51.

Ayon, V. and Dillon, A. (2021) Assistive Technology in Education: Conceptions of a Socio-technical Design Challenge. International Journal of Information, Diversity and Inclusion, 5, 2, 174-184.

Dillon, A. (2020). It’s All about Information and Culture. Editor’s Note, 
Information & Culture 55(3), 201-203.

Gwizdka J., Dillon A. (2020) Eye-Tracking as a Method for Enhancing Research on Information Search. In: Fu W., van Oostendorp H. (eds) Understanding and Improving Information Search. Human–Computer Interaction Series. Springer,

Dillon, A. (2019) Collecting as routine human behavior: personal identity and control in the material and digital world.  Information and Culture, 54 (3) 255-280.

Gwizdka, J, Zhang, Y., and Dillon, A. (2019) Using Eye Tracking Methods to Study Consumer Online Health Information Search Behavior. Journal of Information Management. 71, 6, 739-754

Dillon, A. (2017) Theory for design: the case of reading. In D. Sonnewald (ed) Theory Development in the Information Sciences, Austin: UT Press, 222-238.

Dillon, A. (2017) Applying science to design: the quest for the bridging representation. In A. Black, P. Luna, O. Lund and S. Walker. (eds) Information Design: Research and Practice, Gower. 2017. 291-299.

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