Can I apply to join?
No. Membership to Alpha Lambda Delta and Phi Eta Sigma is by invitation only.
What are the membership eligibility requirements?
Membership is offered to students who complete 12+ credit hours and earn a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.50 during their first or second semester at UT.
Can you tell me if I am eligible for membership?
Students can only be notified of eligibility by receiving an invitation. If invitations have been distributed and you believe you should have been notified, please contact the chapter advisor.
When do invitations go out?
Invitations are sent out after the 12th class day in the fall and spring semesters. Please consult the Academic Calendar to see when these dates fall in a particular year. Students who have been invited to join will be notified shortly thereafter.
How am I notified that I have been invited?
Students who have been invited to join will receive an email. To ensure that you receive notification, please make sure your contact information is current on UT DIRECT.
What is the difference between the two organizations? Do I have to join both? Which one should I join?
Alpha Lambda Delta and Phi Eta Sigma were originally honor societies for women and men, respectively. Both became co-ed in the 1970’s. Since ALDPES a joint honor society at UT Austin, each student who accepts the invitation has the option join both Alpha Lambda Delta and Phi Eta Sigma. Students who join both societies are able to participate fully in all local chapter activities. However, students are only eligible for national scholarships and other resources from the society/societies they join.
How do I join?
Instructions for joining are included in the invitation for membership. Students must complete online registration and payment of one-time, lifetime membership dues before being inducted into the organization.
I am a transfer student and joined at my previous school. How do I affiliate myself with the UT chapter?
Transfer students should complete the Transfer Student Form to be added to the UT chapter membership roll. The chapter is unable to provide a new membership certificate for transfer members.
I am currently studying abroad. Can I still join?
Yes. Students who are studying abroad may still join by following the instructions provided with their invitation letter. Students are not required to attend the induction ceremony. Members who are unable to attend and collect their membership certificate and materials will be notified by email about how to obtain them. Members who wish to attend a later induction ceremony due to study abroad should still join and contact the chapter when they return to make arrangements.
How much does it cost to join?
Membership in Alpha Lambda Delta is $55. This is a one-time membership fee and covers $30 national dues and $25 local chapter dues.
Membership in Phi Eta Sigma is $55. This is a one-time membership fee and covers $35 national dues and $20 local chapter dues.
How do I pay?
Instructions for payment are included in the invitation for membership. At this time, Alpha Lambda Delta and Phi Eta Sigma only accepts credit and debit cards for online payment.
What level of participation is required for members? How much time will I need to devote to this organization?
Alpha Lambda Delta and Phi Eta Sigma have twice-a-month meetings, as well as service, socials, and other miscellaneous events. Members are awarded points based on their level of involvement with the organization. The level of participation affects a member’s ability to hold office in the organizations and be nominated for scholarships from the organizations.
Do I have to attend the induction ceremony to join?
No. Although new members are encouraged to attend their induction ceremony, attendance is not required for membership.
Does the chapter provide honor cords or other graduation materials?
Members are eligible to purchase graduation cords from the chapter in the weeks leading up to the graduation period. Information about pricing and location of pick-up will be sent to chapter members prior to graduation.
How do I apply for scholarships?
Members are eligible for a number of national Alpha Lambda Delta and Phi Eta Sigma awards and scholarships, in addition to a number of local chapter scholarships.
The chapter will provide information to members about how to apply for local scholarships toward the end of the fall and spring semesters.
What’s the cost for each honor cord?
$18 for each cord (ALD or PES) if you are an inactive member.
$13 for each cord if you are an active member.
What color are the cords?
Alpha Lambda Delta: Red and Gold
Phi Eta Sigma: Black and Gold
How do I pay for my cords?
If you want to pay for cords with cash, you may only do so at the Treasurers’ office hours (Check website for Office Hours). For any other office hour, you can pay through Venmo.
A new point list will be produced at the end of every month and will be sent out in the newsletter.
This Point List Includes:
– All the social events
– All the miscellaneous points
– All the service events
– All pictures points
Things to Keep in Mind:
1) New Members need 9 POINTS; Old Members need 12 POINTS.
2) You must have a minimum of 1 social point, 1 service point, and 1 miscellaneous point.
3) This list includes only members who have been receiving points by participating in ALDPES events and meetings. If you are not on the list, you are still a member.
If you have any questions or concerns about your points, please email us at and we will reply as soon as we can.
How many points do I need to be active?
12 points for old members, 9 points for new members (members who joined in the current semester):
1 social point minimum.
1 service point minimum.
1 “miscellaneous” point minimum (preferably a workshop or study hour, but a separate social or service event will count too).
How do I get points?
You can earn:
1 point for each social event you attend (regardless of hours).
1 point for each service event.
1 point for each hour of study hours you attend.
1 point for driving members to an event.
1 point for emailing 4 pictures to our Historian.
1 point for emailing 2 pictures with a caption to the Historian.
1 point for attending a meeting (be sure to sign in!)
1extra point for wearing an ALDPES shirt to any event.
What’s the point deadline?
Points usually need to be in by the last Wednesday of the semester.
Do service events from other clubs count?
ALD/PES only accepts hours for service based on work you have done with ALD/PES, and are therefore unable to accept service from any other organization.
My hours aren’t correct!
Please be patient with hours being updated, there is generally at least a week turn around between when events occur and when hours are updated. If points are in for the event but you are missing points, please email our account,
My name isn’t even on the list!
If your name is not on the list, then you have not earned any points yet this semester. You are still a member though!
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the secretaries at
Why should I stay active?
We work on the reward system where if you are an active member you’re allowed to attend the end of the semester banquet for free. Also, you must be active to become an officer or receive a scholarship.
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