UT ASME Student Org

As a student at UT, I have been increasingly involved with the student branch of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). ASME is the largest student engineering organization at UT, with over 750 active members. In the fall semester of my sophomore year, I received the Member of the Semester Award, for my active and positive participation in all aspects of the organization. The next semester, I ran for and was elected as the Corporate Affairs Officer for the 2022-2023 school year.

As Corporate Affairs Officer, I networked with company representatives to plan and organize campus events. Through this opportunity, I had the chance to work directly with engineers and recruiters from fantastic companies such as Boeing, Texas Instruments, BASF, Chevron, and many more. The events I hosted with these companies ranged from large-scale general meetings which would have as many as 150 people, to more intimate settings such as coffee chats where around 10 students would get the chance to talk with representatives more closely. This experience helped me improve my communication skills and provided an excellent opportunity to grow my professional network.
