Expanding Nursing Science in Population and Global Health
March 21 – 24, 2018
Sheraton Atlanta
Atlanta, GA
The Southern Nursing Research Society Annual Conference provides an opportunity for SNRS members to report ongoing and completed research as well as theoretical, conceptual, and methodological projects to colleagues.
The abstract submission site for students, late breaker posters and general session abstracts will open on September 5, 2017. Please review the student/late breaker poster and General Session submission guidelines, which contains important information and items that you will need prior to starting the abstract submission process. Reviewing this information in advance will greatly facilitate the submission process.
The deadline for submissions is October 2, 2017 at 5:00 p.m., CT. The site will promptly close at 5 pm CT. Please plan accordingly as there will NOT be an extension. (SNRS membership is NOT required at the time of abstract submission. However, SNRS membership is REQUIRED at the time of presentation, if you are selected.)
New for 2018 – As a result of feedback from the membership, the Board has approved and implemented a $25 submission fee for each abstract. Once payment is made you will receive a link to the submission site. Please understand that these payments must be processed by a staff member during normal business hours so you will not receive your receipt for payment with the abstract link and ability to upload your abstract until normal business hours. Please plan accordingly.
ENRS, MNRS, and WIN members may also submit abstracts documenting proof of membership. The SNRS member registration rates will also be available for ENRS, MNRS and WIN members.
Pre-conference Workshop Submission Reminder: The call for pre-conference workshops is ongoing through September 12th. Don’t miss the deadline! To submit your pre-conference proposal please click here.