Much of the research conducted in preschool and early care and education (ECE) settings has focused on centers where lunch is provided, but not on centers where parents send bag lunches. The LunchBag intervention study, conducted since 2009, has been one of the largest trials to examine this population. The results of LunchBag reveal what parents pack in their child’s lunches, what children eat, and how a theory-based intervention can make changes in parent packing behavior. Tune in to this webinar to get an overview of the study, along with many of our surprising findings.
January 30, 2018
12 PM – 1 PM (CST)
Presentation by:
Cindy Roberts-Gray, PhD
Third Coast R & D
Moderated by:
Deanna Hoelscher, PhD, RDN, LD, CNS, FISBNPA
Director, Michael & Susan Dell Center for Healthy Living