It’s time to start recruiting new ANGS executive members for the 2018-2019 academic year. My experience as a leader in ANGS has taught me about leadership, organization, networking, and communication.
In the last year, we have organized a Hurricane Harvey fundraiser in conjunction with the undergraduate student organizations, we have had students volunteer at stroke screenings for preventative health services in Austin, and we’ve had alumni of the graduate programs come talk to current students about what life is like after graduate school. These are only a few of the events we’ve participated in so far, and there is more to come this semester!
If you think you are interested in serving as a leader in the Association of Nurses in Graduate School, please fill out this interest form. Please fill out this form, link below, by Friday, March 2nd.
Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions you may have at
Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you!
Ellen Bleiweiss, RN
President, Association of Nurses in Graduate School