UT Libraries is pleased to host another semester of the popular Data and Donuts workshop series this spring. There is a lot of new content as well as some old favorites. All workshops will be on Fridays at 3:00pm in the Perry Castaneda Library. Please check the flyer for topics… read more
Social Identity and Health in Central Texas – Immigration Today: The Impact on the Health of Our Community
More than 1.7 million undocumented immigrants live in Texas. Dell Medical School’s Department of Population Health and Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion invite you to participate in the first of a series of community conversations titled Social Identity and Health in Central Texas — Immigration Today: The Impact on the Health of Our Community. The goal… read more
Graduate Student Leadership Opportunity
Graduate Nursing Students Special Budget-Friendly Registration Fee of $149 The Graduate Nursing Student Academy (GNSA), open to all students in master’s and doctoral nursing programs, will be hosting the inaugural 2018 GNSA Leadership Conference on February 22-24, 2018 in Atlanta, GA. The conference is focused around the theme of Seizing the Opportunity to Lead and… read more