On Wednesday, March 8th, 2017 from 11:00 am until 2:00 pm the School of Nursing at the University of Texas at Austin welcomed several professional nursing organizations from our community to share information about their organization to undergraduate and graduate nursing students. This offered students a chance to network and… read more
Free Yoga and Meditation at the School of Nursing!
This semester the school of nursing will be providing free yoga and meditation sessions for students. Meditation sessions will be every Wednesday from 2:10-2:30pm and 2:40-3:00pm in room 2.104F. Yoga classes will be every Wednesday from 12:00-12:30pm (chair/stretch yoga) and 12:45-1:45pm (regular yoga) in room 3.150. All sessions will run January… read more
Interprofessional Case Competition
UTSNA has invited ANGS to participate in their Interprofessional case competion. More info is below: The social work, pharmacy, and nursing senate councils are working together to create a case competition in the spring. Students will be working with those in other healthcare fields to complete a case, and get… read more