What is GNSA?
The Graduate Nursing Student Association (GNSA) is the official graduate student nursing organization recognized by the University of Texas at Austin. The purpose of GNSA is to promote the educational and professional development of nurses enrolled in graduate school at The University of Texas School of Nursing at Austin.
Who can belong to GNSA?
All graduate nursing students are automatically members and are encouraged to be active participants.
What does GNSA do?
GNSA representatives serve on several School of Nursing committees (e.g., Student Services, Research, and Graduate Studies). Additionally, GNSA works closely with the School of Nursing Advisory Council, the Alumni Association, and the University of Texas Nursing Student Association.
GNSA officers represent graduate nursing students on University wide committees such as The Senate and Council of Graduate Students. GNSA hope that these varied representations support a multidisciplinary approach to research, academic and professional issues that impact graduate nursing students.
GNSA regularly schedules social events and informational gatherings. Check in regularly for more information about upcoming events.
GNSA is always looking for opportunities to help graduate nursing students – from hosting “meet the faculty” events to securing a new microwave for our student lounge!
How are board members chosen?
Each spring, GNSA holds a general election among all graduate students to elect the new board. Keep your eye out for an email announcing this general election.
Who is my GNSA representative?
Click here to view your GNSA representative. Please take the opportunity to introduce yourself to your representative or any other board members when you see us – we’d love to meet you and talk with you!
How can I get involved with GNSA?
ANGS is a volunteer organization and we’d love to have your help! Contact one of the board members or your representative and let us know your interests and talents. Whether you want to help out with our fundraisers, get involved with some of our charity work or lend a hand on the website, there are plenty of opportunities for involvement!
What should I do if I have more questions?
If you’ve looked through this site and still can’t find the information you’re looking for, get in touch with your GNSA representative.