Big, Small, and Everything in Between: The Dynamics of Electricity Reliability and Integration
March 6-7, 2025
AT&T Hotel and Conference Center
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Join us for the Austin Electricity Conference! AEC is an invitation-only conference uniting academics and energy professionals to discuss current electricity industry matters. The format encourages open dialogue through concise panel presentations, ample plenary discussions, and adherence to Chatham House Rules.
The four panels at AEC25 will explore various core issues associated with Reliability and Integration: build out of the generation, transmission, and distribution systems given the rapid growth in electricity demand amid spiraling climate-change driven natural disasters (hurricanes, wildfires, floods, winter storms), and the complex policy and regulatory challenges these developments present for the reliability and resilience of the electricity system. A particular focus will be on discussing the full spectrum of challenges and solutions including both “big” and “small” scales across loads, transmission, technologies, and businesses.
David E. Adelman
Ross Baldick
Varun Rai
David B. Spence