Letter from the Editors

On behalf of the Baines Report, we would like to welcome you to our new and improved website. The Baines Report is an online publication dedicated to promoting student op-eds and blogs, as well as multimedia features. The Report is governed by students of the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas, Austin.

Returning readers, viewers, and listeners will be pleased to find that all past content housed on the previous website is now available within the archives of the new site. We appreciate your interest in the Baines Report and look forward to your continued support.

We have been looking forward to the re-launch of The Baines Report since becoming Co-Editors-in-Chief last semester. We would like to thank our staff sponsor, Kerri Battles, LBJ web guru, Lori Lacey, the members of the Baines Report, and student contributors for making this re-launch possible.

Lastly, we would like to encourage students to continue to support The Baines Report through content submissions. While we have become well known for student op-eds and blogs, we invite students to use alternative types of media to contribute to policy debate. The Baines Report would love to work with authors seeking to publish: comics, photo essays, and videos.

Love always,

Kaitlin Sharkey
Rob Wieczorek

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