Energy & Environmental Policy

Niger Delta – a time-sensitive but hopeful situation

Photo: Jurgen 2017 Crook Fellow Amara Uyanna is interning with Sustainability International this summer in Nigeria, and updates us here on the environmental conditions of the Niger Delta region, where among other responsibilities she is coordinating bioremediation efforts in the area: “Time is an illusion” just as much as “time is of the essence.” Either of the […]

LBJ School Philanthropy & Non-Profit Organizations

There is no Road in Your Home: Social Networking in Uganda

Photo: Laura Richards “There is no road in your home,” my neighbor Michael said to my friends and I as we sat down with a plate full of homemade Ugandan food. I tilt my head in confusion, trying to fit his words into the context of the evening full of dancing, singing, talk of politics […]

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