Global Policy Studies & International Security LBJ School Politics and Governance University of Texas at Austin

The Policy Student’s Approach for Defending Progress in the Trump Era

Photo: Paul Kuhne Last fall, I decided to quit my full-time job and apply to policy school. After some consideration, I enrolled at the Lyndon Baines Johnson School of Public Affairs as a candidate in Global Policy Studies. I had two reasons for attending LBJ. First, I believe in the values that LBJ espoused and […]

The Moving Parts of Sanitation

Sanitation work is often hard to define. It is not clear whether you should specifically be working on providing access to a formal sewage system, building a municipal sewage system, building individual toilets, educating users, cleaning toilets, promoting use, or providing security. It is unclear how one activity should be prioritized over another or how […]

Economics & Trade Policy

Data Visualization at the LBB

The opinions herein reflect those of the author and in no way represent those of the Legislative Budget Board of Texas When someone asks me what I do at the LBB, I jokingly describe my position as “graph-monkey”. But there’s a bit more to it than that: My internship at the LBB is creating interactive […]

Health & Social Policy

Affordable Care Act Implementation in Central Texas

Michael Gaudini explains how the LBJ School and Insure Central Texas are working together to enroll Central Texans in ACA.   [soundcloud url=”″ params=”” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

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