Undergraduate students

Current students:

  • Paul Abrams-Ortiz (undergraduate student, The University of Texas at Austin): undergraduate research project: Discovering Governing Equations from Data, Spring 2021
  • Ioannis P. Pistikopoulos (undergraduate student, The University of Texas at Austin): undergraduate research project: Food Energy Nexus, Fall 2018- present
  • Tam T. Do (undergraduate student, The University of Texas at Austin, part of GLUE program): undergraduate research project: Electrolysis Cell Modeling, Spring 2018- present


  • Marshall Tekell (undergraduate student, The University of Texas at Austin): undergraduate research project: Scaling Relations in Process Design, Spring 2019
  • Ryotaka (Billy) Matsumoto (undergraduate student, The University of Texas at Austin): undergraduate research project: Dynamic Intensification of Distillation Operations, Spring 2018- Fall 2018
  • Burke A. Snowden (undergraduate student, Yale University, Supported by Moncrief Fellowship from ICES): undergraduate research project: Allometric Scaling Relations in Process Design, Summer 2018
  • Lina D.M. Meyer (undergraduate student, RWTH Aachen): undergraduate research project: Dynamic Modeling of an Ammonia Plant, Spring 2018
  • Austin R. Dulaney (undergraduate student, The University of Texas at Austin): undergraduate research project: Dynamic Modeling of an Indirect Burner, Summer 2015- Spring 2016. Austin is currently pursuing a PhD in Chemical Engineering at Caltech.
  • Caroline Cisneros (undergraduate student, The University of Texas at Austin): undergraduate research project: Visual Mining of Process Data during State Transitions, (Spring 2015- Spring 2016). Caroline is currently with Emerson Process Management, Austin, TX.
  • Jena Ziesmer (undergraduate student, The University of Texas at Austin): undergraduate research project: Distributed Energy Generation and its Impact on the Power Grid (Fall 2014-Spring 2015). Jenna is currently with CapitalOne in Dallas, TX.
  • Akash Gupta (undergraduate student, The University of Texas at Austin): undergraduate honors thesis project: Pseudo-transient Models for Dividing Wall Columns, (Fall 2014- Fall 2015). Akash is currently with ExxonMobil, Baytown, TX
  • Dana L. McGuffin (undergraduate student, The University of Texas at Austin): undergraduate research project: Distributed Energy Generation and its Impact on the Power Grid (Fall 2014-Summer 2015). Dana is currently pursuing a PhD in Chemical Engineering at Carnegie Mellon.
  • Jing Li (undergraduate student, The University of Texas at Austin): undergraduate research project: Visual Mining of Process Data during State Transitions (Fall 2014). Jing is currently with Texas Instruments in Dallas, TX
  • Mark J. Khoury (undergraduate research volunteer, New York University): co-supervisor for summer research experience. Project: Dynamic Modulation of Cellular Stresses for Increased Metabolite Production (Summer 2013).
  • Kayla N. Morales (undergraduate researcher, University of Texas – El Paso, participant in the 2013 UT Austin Summer Research Academy supported by the Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation, LSAMP). Project: Optimal Switching of Charge/Discharge Modes in Residential Buildings with Thermal Energy Storage (Summer 2013).
  • Forrest E. Estep (undergraduate researcher, The University of Texas at Austin): supervisor for senior research project. Project: Increasing Dynamic Resilience of Microreactors through Segmented Catalyst Macromorphologies ( Fall 2012-Summer 2013). Forrest is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Petroleum Engineering at UT.
  • Andrew Keating (undergraduate researcher, The University of Texas at Austin): supervisor for senior research project. Project: Distributed Control of the Tennessee Eastman Process (Fall 2011).