Publications 2023

  1. Baldea, L. T. Biegler, M. G. Ierapetritou, Editorial for the Festschrift Honoring the Legacy of Babatunde A. Ogunnaike, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, accepted 1/06/2023
  2. L. Martorell, G.T. Rochelle, M. Baldea, W. Elliott, C. Bauer, Comparison of Detailed Capital Expense Estimates for Two NGCC Retrofits with Capture by Amine Scrubbing, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, accepted. Available on Chem arXiv
  3. Lejarza, E. Koninckx, L.J. Broadbelt, M. Baldea, A dynamic nonlinear optimization framework for learning data-driven reduced-order microkinetic models, Chemical Engineering Journal, accepted on 2/20/2023
  4. Santander, V. Kuppuraj, C.A. Harrison, M. Baldea, A Bayesian approach to improving production planning, Computers & Chemical Engineering, accepted on 3/12/2023


