In accordance with the Board of Visitors Bylaws, membership shall consist of persons especially interested in accomplishing the objectives and goals of McDonald Observatory and the Department of Astronomy. Members are nominated and elected by the Board of Visitors. The Board of Visitors’ Membership year begins September 1st.
Annual Membership Gift
Current members of the Board of Visitors may pay their dues by clicking the blue membership level links below.
Other Priority Areas of Fundraising: Current members may also choose to earmark an additional gift to one or more of the following fundraising goals.
- Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT)
- Astronomy Department Excellence
- Education & Outreach, i.e., StarDate, Public Programs, Teacher Workshops
Current Board of Visitors Members are expected to attend meetings and actively support McDonald Observatory and the Department of Astronomy programs through their engagement, advocacy, and financial contributions. When attending meetings, members (excluding public official members) are also expected to pay for themselves and their guests. Elections are held at either the Winter or Summer Board of Visitors meeting. If you are interested in becoming a Board of Visitors Member, please contact Anna Boxall at 512-471-3303 or