New York City fourth graders who receive a climate change curriculum with hydroponic gardening have higher science achievement scores

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We compared 2014–15 New York State Science Assessment scores of fourth grade students who received the New York Sun Works (NYSW) Program (n = 638) with two comparison groups: students who received NYSW the following year (n = 993) and students attending matched schools (n = 1490). We first applied a multi-level regression model to compare scores between NYSW recipients and the first comparison group, which revealed non-significant but higher scores among NYSW recipients. We then compared the achievement scores of the NYSW recipients to both comparison groups using Welsch two sample t-tests. On average, NYSW recipients scored significantly higher than both the comparison groups (p < 0.001). Results suggest that further testing should explore the impact of climate change education on science achievement.


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