Category: News
Burgermaster Lab Nutri Project at AMIA 2022
Dr. Marissa Burgermaster presented results from the AHRQR21 AIM2 – Nutri “lab testing” study at the American Medical Informatics Association Annual Symposium on November 5, 2022, in Washington D.C. This was Nutri’s first debut at a scientific conference! (Publication post to follow). (center) Dr. Burgermaster, Madalyn Rosenthal, and Nutri senior investigator Dr. Bill Tierney after…
Nutri wins 1st Place Poster Award
Congrats to Madalyn Rosenthal for winning first place at the Department of Nutritional Sciences’ 2022 Jean Andrews Centennial Scientific Poster Session and Reception! Madalyn eloquently defended the significance, innovation, and scientific rigor of Nutri and the lab testing study.