The team will host workshops to increase education and awareness around CCUS, and to build a network of academics, professionals, and policy makers with interest in the carbon capture space.
This page will include summaries and media from these workshops.
Upcoming Workshops
Past Workshops
Workshop 1: The Science of CCUS 101
September 29, 2021 at the J.J. Pickle Research Campus
Presented by Sue Hovorka and colleagues at the Bureau of Economic Geology, with Wyoming colleagues participating via Zoom. Included a visit to the UT/SRP CO2 capture pilot plant, with a tour by Gary Rochelle.

Workshop 2: Barriers to CCUS Deployment at Scale
April 20, 2022 via Zoom
The first workshop that included all of our seed grant recipient teams, in addition to UT-Austin and University of Wyoming faculty and students. A 90-minute panel discussion with David Greeson, Proven Project Development Group, and Tim Thomas, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries on “Barriers to deployment of CCUS technologies at scale in the United States.”
Workshop 3: Lightning Updates From Each Project Team
August 31, 2022 via Zoom
Workshop 4: Legal Aspects of Geologic Carbon Storage
September 29, 2022 via Zoom
90-minute discussion with Tara Righetti, Professor of Law and Occidental Chair in Energy and Environmental Policies, University of Wyoming, on “Legal Aspects of Geologic Carbon Storage.”
Workshop 5: Next-Generation Carbon Capture Technologies
October 19, 2022 via Zoom
90-minute panel discussion on “Next-generation carbon capture technologies,” with: Ed Rubin, Professor Emeritus, Carnegie Mellon University; Joan Brennecke, Professor, Cockrell Family Chair in Engineering, University of Texas at Austin; L.-S. Fan, Distinguished University Professor and C. John Easton Professor, Ohio State University; and Winston Ho, Distinguished Professor of Engineering, Ohio State University.
Towards improved guidelines for cost evaluation of carbon capture and storage
IEAGHG Technical Review, August 2021
Workshop 6: CO2 Pipelines
November 30, 2022 via Zoom
90-minute panel discussion on “CO2 pipelines,” with: Darshan Sachde, Trimeric Corp., and Jeff Lee, Battelle
Workshop 7: Lightning Updates From Each Project Team
January 25, 2023 via Zoom
Workshop 8: Dr. Julio Friedmann, Chief Scientist at Carbon Direct and former Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Office of Fossil Energy at the U.S. Department of Energy
March 29th, 2023 via Zoom
Workshop 9: Dr. Susan Hovorka, Senior Research Scientist at the Bureau of Economic Geology
Assuring Permanence of Geologic Storage – Tools, Regulations, and Limitations
The Safe Drinking Water Act requires that any injection well in the US avoid endangerment of US drinking water. In this talk, Sue describes the existing approaches, new CO2-specific approaches, and limits on what can actually be assured.
April 26th, 2023 via Zoom
Workshop 10: Carrie Jenks, Executive Director, Environmental and Energy Law Program, Harvard Law School
Carbon capture and the regulation of greenhouse gas emissions from power plants
October 25th, 2023 via Zoom
Workshop 11: Mohammed Al-Juaied, Associate in the Environment and Natural Resources Program and the Science, Technology and Policy Program at the Harvard Kennedy School’s Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs
CCUS in Saudi Arabia: Challenges and Opportunities
November 29th, 2023 via Zoom