We offer quite a few opportunities to participate in research. Below is a list of the current studies that we are recruiting for!
fMRI Research Studies
DOP2 Study (recruiting women with PTSD)
The purpose of our study is to investigate a new use for a medication called L-DOPA. L-DOPA has been approved for use in Parkinson’s disease, but not for PTSD. L-DOPA is thought to enhance certain cognitive abilities that we believe may be affected among women with PTSD. After the first remote visit, participants will be asked to come to the Health Discovery Building for two in-person visits, occurring two days in a row at the same time. Both visits will include an MRI. While in the scanner, participants will be asked to listen to and read along with a neutral script and a trauma script. These scripts will be written with a trained clinical psychologist at the remote visit. At the first MRI visit, participants will be asked to take L-DOPA or a placebo. At the end of the second MRI visit, researchers will collect a blood sample and a saliva sample. Compensation for completion of this study is $255. More information can be found here.
COMP Study (currently recruiting men with and without PTSD)
This study is investigating models of memory and decision making among those with and without posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Participants will actively complete learning tasks while undergoing a brain scan. This study comprises of four visits: one remote visit and three in-person visits. After the first remote visit, participants will be asked to come to the Health Discovery Building to complete the rest of the three visits, two of which must be completed 24 hours apart. All in-person visits include MRI scans and one of the in-person visits includes a blood draw and collection of a saliva sample. Compensation for completion of this study is $340. More information can be found here.
EXPO Study ( Actively recruiting men; Waitlist for women with PTSD)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of moderate-intensity exercise on memory consolidation and recall of safety learning. After the first remote visit, participants will be asked to come to the Health Discovery Building for two in-person visits, occurring two days in a row at the same time. Both visits will include an MRI. While in the scanner, participants will be asked to listen to and read along with a neutral script and a trauma script. These scripts will be written with a trained staff member at the remote visit. At the first MRI visit, participants will be asked to exercise on a stationary bike at moderate-intensity or low-intensity exercise. Blood draws are performed before and after exercise. At the second MRI visit, neither blood draws nor any exercise would be performed. Compensation is approximately $275.00. The protocol for this study is very similar to our DOP2 Study, so one cannot participate in both of these studies.
PACS Study (recruiting men and women with or without PTSD)
This research will focus on individual differences in responses to alcohol consumption. Your involvement would require you to attend one virtual and two in-person study visits on the UT Austin campus. Your first visit will be virtual, where you will complete a clinical interview, behavioral and cognitive assessments, and fill out some self-report surveys. Following this visit, you will then come to our lab at the HDB for two separate days. On these visits you would consume two beverages containing alcohol, be asked to complete several measures of your beliefs and behaviors, and attend an MRI scan. We would monitor your breath alcohol concentration and you must arrange to be driven home when you are at a safe level. You may be in the lab anywhere from 3-6 hours for each of these alcohol laboratory sessions.
You will be compensated up to $415 for completing the clinical interview, behavioral and cognitive assessments, the two beverage sessions and MRI scans. We will then touch base with you monthly for a one-year period to ask about your recent drug use, mood, and stress. One year following your initial visit, you will repeat the clinical interview and behavioral and cognitive assessments. You will be compensated up to $480 for the longitudinal follow-up assessments. Maximum compensation you can receive is $895. Your involvement in this research would be confidential, in that data gathered during the protocol will be associated with a given ID that is not connected to any of your identifiable information. This is done to protect your privacy. If you are interested in participating, you can fill out an interest form here.
Behavioural Studies
Mystery Zone Exercise Study
This research aims to understand how exercise impacts the way that individuals learn and make decisions. This is a two-part study (i.e., two study visits) which involves computer-based learning and memory tasks, questionnaires, exercise, and blood draws at the Health Discovery Building located on the Dell Medical School campus.
Our participants are assigned to take part in experimental conditions which involve either 30-minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise (on a stationary exercise bike) or yoga. During Study Visit 1 you will complete baseline questionnaires, a computer-based learning task, an exercise intervention or control condition, and a subsequent memory task. Immediately prior to and following the exercise intervention or control condition, you will complete questionnaires that assess mood and undergo a venous blood draw performed by a trained phlebotomist. During the learning and memory tasks you will be presented with images that may be paired with a mild electrical pulse to your leg while we record the electrical activity on your hand.
Study Visit 2 is identical to Study Visit 1, except you will not complete the baseline questionnaires and will perform the opposite experimental condition (ie., if you completed the yoga exercise intervention during Study Visit 1, you will complete the yoga control intervention during Study Visit 2). This study will take a total of 6.5 hours to complete. If you complete the entire study, you will receive $100 in compensation. Study visit 1 is expected to take 3.5 hours (and is worth $50). Study visit 2 is expected to take 3 hours (and is worth an additional $50). Note that payments are made via Venmo. If you are interested in this study, you can click here to sign up!