This page provides an overview for students to get internships and for research opportunities working with me.
Staff Positions:
- None at this time
Post-Doctoral Researchers:
- Potentially available upon request
Graduate Student Research:
- If you earn a fellowship or are paying for your graduate degree, you may define a project and if we have similar interests, I’d be glad to collaborate with you to complete your work; if you’re not sure what might be a good topic, please contact me and we can discuss options. Current and past examples include:
- Acceleration methods for reactor multiphysics depletion calculations using the Proper Orthogonal Discretization.
- Production Through Simulation: Using Simulation Technologies to Create and Evaluate Nuclear Fuel Fabrication Facility Designs
- Development of radiation buildup factors on Mars using MCNP
- Research on the Structural Integrity of a Uranium-Boron-Cadmium Converter
- Calculation of the Effectiveness of Non-Hydrogenous Constituents in Hydrogenous Moderators
- Projects with active funding in search of a Graduate Research Assistant:
- Multiphysics Modeling Leveraging Reduced Order Algorithms for Criticality Consequence Analyses During Casting
- Utilizing high-fidelity coupled physics reactor simulation software to generate reduced-order models for accident analysis. Available now and in collaboration with Texas A&M and ACU.
- Most any other topic related to molten salt reactor design, simulation, or licensing, especially with reactor simulation tools such as VERA, any MOOSE application, or SCALE, including radiation transport and coupled physics (heat transfer, thermochemistry, and flow).
- Projects from proposed work:
- Multi-fidelity Design Optimization Methods
Summer Internships:
- University of Texas
- I would be willing to host students from any university, including UT, to collaborate with myself and graduate students on any of the “Projects with Active Funding” listed above or with any of the graduate student research on the “Team” page.
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- NESLS: General nuclear internship program, y0u apply and list areas of interest, a researcher sees your application and wants to host you so they propose a specific research topic; Due 2/28
- NESLS: General nuclear internship program, y0u apply and list areas of interest, a researcher sees your application and wants to host you so they propose a specific research topic; Due 2/28
- Idaho National Laboratory
- Graduate and undergraduate opportunities; you apply to specific areas (e.g. reactor design) that has several listed potential projects.
- Graduate and undergraduate opportunities; you apply to specific areas (e.g. reactor design) that has several listed potential projects.
- Abilene Christian University
- Research in support of designing an Molten Salt Research Reactor; Due 2/18.
- Research in support of designing an Molten Salt Research Reactor; Due 2/18.
- Other places with internship program you might consider (but I am less familiar with and would be glad to have someone send from the institution send me more info):
- Argonne National Lab
- Pacific Northwest National Lab
- Los Alamos National Lab
- Lawrence Livermore National Lab
- Sandia National Lab
- Westinghouse
- General Electric
- Framatome
- Electric Power Research Institute
- Southwest Research Institute
- Terrapower
- Kairos Power
- X-Energy
- …