EVENT: Megaregions Guest Speaker Dr. Gian Claudia Sciara on April 19 DATE: April 19, 2021 12:30 PM CST GUEST SPEAKER: Dr. Gian Claudia Sciara, University of Texas at Austin, Community & Regional Planning EVENT DETAILS: Dr. Sciara will present her work titled “Megaregions for inter-metropolitan transportation planning” in a virtual presentation to CM2… read more
Guest Lecture
CM2 welcomes guest speaker, Ethan Seltzer on April 7, 2021
EVENT: Megaregions Guest Speaker Dr. Ethan Seltzer on April 7 DATE: April 7, 2021 12:30 PM CST GUEST SPEAKER: Dr. Ethan Seltzer, Portland State University EVENT DETAILS: Dr. Seltzer will present his work on megaregions in a virtual presentation to CM2 audiences Join Zoom Meeting: https://utexas.zoom.us/j/99208011456 Meeting ID: 992 0801 1456 One tap mobile… read more
CM2 welcomes Jonathan Barnett on April 14th
EVENT: CM2 Guest Speaker Series: Jonathan Barnett DATE: April 14, 2021 12:30 PM CDT GUEST SPEAKER: Jonathan Barnett, University of Pennsylvania EVENT DETAILS: Jonathan Barnett will lecture on how to advance housing opportunity and development through Megaregion investment. Join Zoom Meeting https://utexas.zoom.us/j/99208011456 Meeting ID: 992 0801 1456 One tap mobile +13462487799,,99208011456# US (Houston)… read more
CM2 welcomes guest speaker Dr. Zhenhua Chen on March 31st
EVENT: CM2 Welcomes Guest Speaker Dr. Zhenhua Chen on March 31st DATE: March 31, 2021 12:30 PM CST GUEST SPEAKER: Dr. Zhenhua Chen, Ohio State University EVENT DETAILS: Dr. Chen will present his work, Regional Impact of the High-Speed Rail System: Lessons for the U.S. in a virtual presentation to… read more