On May 13th, CM2 helped run a University of Texas free webinar focused on the Pedestrian Wars. This webinar allowed graduate-level students an opportunity to share their research and findings on many different facets of the pedestrian viewpoint, from financial incentives, accessibility within transit access, and the value of slow… read more
Past Event
February Brown Bag Presentation Set for the 24th
Please join CM2 for an informative presentation from Ph.D. candidate Joshua Davidson (University of Pennsylvania) regarding measuring the change in bike share use. As cities large and small strive to increase transit options, bike share programs remain a popular topic. What does a data-based analysis show about these bike-share programs?… read more
Girl Day 2022 Call for Volunteers
Calling all STEM role models and volunteers: CM2 needs your help! CM2 is excited to participate in Girl Day @ UT Austin 2022 presented by UT Austin’s WiSTEM (Women in STEM). Kids and their chaperones will join in free virtual STEM programming for K-8th graders on the Gatherly platform on… read more
Texas Southern University 2020 Workshop Report Now Live
Dr. Carol Abel-Lewis, and Dr. Gwendolyn Goodwin released their official report from the TSU Center for Transportation Training and Research (CTTR) megaregions workshop that occurred in December of 2020. You can view the official report HERE Please see below for a summary of the event. Texas Southern University’s Center for… read more
CM2 at the ACSP 2021 Annual Conference
Last month, transportation planners, administrators, practitioners, researchers, students, and representatives of government, industry, and academic institutions gathered online for the all-virtual Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP) 61st Annual Conference. Many CM2 PIs and GRAs presented their CM2-related research in either poster or lectern sessions during the multi-day virtual conference. For… read more
CM2 October 2021 Brown Bag Video on YouTube
The CM2 October 2021 Brown Bag online presentation took place on October 19th and was the last scheduled brown bag presentation of the Fall 2021 academic semester. If you missed the Zoom presentations from Dr. John Landis and Ph.D. student Alex Li from our partner institution University of Pennsylvania, please… read more