The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) visited the Texas Megaregion to host the Multi-Jurisdictional Coordination for the Greater Texas Region Workshop. Representatives from Municipal Planning Organizations (MPOs) and Area Councils in Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and Arkansas gathered alongside FHWA and the Texas Department of Transportation to discuss pressing issues in planning for freight in the Greater Texas region. Among the… read more
Tech Transfer
CM2 Researchers and Students Attend FHWA Texas Megaregional Workshop
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) visited the Texas Megaregion to host the Multi-Jurisdictional Coordination for the Greater Texas Region Workshop. Representatives from Municipal Planning Organizations (MPOs) and Area Councils in Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and Arkansas gathered alongside FHWA and the Texas Department of Transportation to discuss pressing issues in planning for freight in the Greater Texas region. Among the… read more
CM2 Consortium Attends Annual Transportation Research Board Meeting
Researchers and students from the Cooperative Mobility for Competitive Megaregions (CM2) consortium attended the 97th annual Transportation Research Board (TRB) meeting on January 7-11, 2018. TRB brought more than 13,000 transportation professionals to Washington DC. While at the event, the CM2 team was involved in several key activities detailed below.
Dr. Junfeng Jiao Presents Research on US Transit Deserts
Dr. Junfeng Jiao, presented his research project about transit deserts, funded by the USDOT University Transportation Centers (UTC) grant, to students and faculty on February 7th during a Department of Architecture Goldsmith Talk. Interested in what areas in cities may be underserved by current transit networks, Dr. Jiao coined the term “transit desert.” A “transit desert” describes… read more
CM2 Fall Exhibition 2017: Anniversary of U.S. Department of Transportation Grant Funding
It has been nearly one year since the U.S. Department of Transportation (US DOT) selected The University of Texas at Austin as the lead institution for a Tier 1 University Transportation Center (UTC). The UT Austin team of faculty and student researchers gathered on December 1, 2017 to celebrate this… read more
ACSP Conference – Denver 2017
During the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP) conference in Denver, CM2 PIs met for a roundtable discussion: “Leveraging Local & State Planning for Megaregional Transportation Needs”. In attendance were PIs from Texas Southern University, University of Pennsylvania, and The University of Texas at Austin. The roundtable was jointly… read more