Roger T. Bonnecaze
Phone: (512) 471-3945
Office: MER 1.206 (map)
Research Areas:
Rheology, Transport and Mixing of Suspensions and Powders, Electrical Impedance Tomography
My research focuses on the discovery and understanding of fundamental phenomena in the behavior of complex fluid and materials processing flows and applying this knowledge to modeling, design and use of industrial and natural processes. In my research group, we are actively addressing these challenging issues using experimental, computational and theoretical tools, many of which are developed within the group.
Current areas of focus include:
- The rheology, memory and aging of soft-particle pastes
- Suspension transport
- Microrheology and biomechanics of cancer cells
- Immersion and imprint Lithography
- Flow, reaction and transport in porous media
- Theoretical design of polymer barrier material