Stelios Kyriakides
Professor, Center Director, John Webb Jennings Chair in Engineering
Phone: (512) 471-4167
Office: ASE 5.230 (map)
Recent Publications:
Books and Monographs:
Kyriakides, S. and Lee, L.-H., Mechanics of Offshore Pipelines: Vol. 2 Buckle Propagation and Arrest. Gulf Professional Publishing-Elsevier Sept. 2020.
Kyriakides, S., and Corona, E., Mechanics of Offshore Pipelines: Vol. 1 Buckling and Collapse. Elsevier, Oxford, UK, 2007.
Kyriakides, S., “Propagating Instabilities in Structures.” In Advances in Applied Mechanics, Ed. by J.W. Hutchinson and T.Y. Wu, Vol. 30, pp. 67-189, Academic Press, Boston, MA, Oct. 1993.
Journal Papers:
Greenly, J.L., Kyriakides, S., Tsimpoukis, S., “On the Underlying Material Response of Pseudoelastic NiTi.” Euro. J. Mech./ A Solids In press, 105023, 2023.
Tsimpoukis, S., Kyriakides, S., Landis, C.M., “Spatial and Temporal Evolution of Localized Deformation in NiTi Tubes in a Constant Stress Thermal Cycle: Experiments and Analysis.” Int’l J. Plast. 164, 103567, 2023.
Zhang, W., Kyriakides, S., “Cyclic Bending of Steel Tubes with Lüders Bands.“ Int’l J. Solids & Structures 264, 112101, 2023.
Zhang, W., Kyriakides, S., “Evolution of Lüders Banding Under Axial Loading and Reverse Loading.” Int’l J. Solids & Structures 257, 111780, 2022.
Kazinakis, K., Kyriakides, Landis, C.M., “Effect of Tension/Compression Asymmetry and Anisotropy on the Response of Pseudoelastic NiTi Tubes Under Equibiaxial Stress.” Extreme Mech. Let. 53, 101689 2022.
Kazinakis, K., Kyriakides, Landis, C.M., “Simulation of the Response and Evolution of Localization in Pseudoelastic NiTi Tubes Under Biaxial Stress States.” Int’l J. Plast. 151, 103179.
Lee, L.-H., Kyriakides, S., Netto, T.A., “On the Flip-Flop Mode of Dynamic Buckle Propagation in Tubes Under External Pressure.” Extreme Mech. Let. 48, 101378. 2021.
Chen, K., Kyriakides, S., “Limit Load Instabilities of Anisotropic Tubes Under Combined Tension and Torsion.” Int’l J. Solids & Structures (submitted).
Scales, M, Chen, K, Kyriakides, S., “Response, Localization and Rupture of Anisotropic Tubes Under Combined Pressure and Tension.” ASME J. Appl. Mech. 88, 011008 1-11, 2021.
Yuan, L., Kyriakides, S., “Hydraulic Expansion of Lined Pipe for Offshore Pipeline Applications.” Applied Ocean Research 108, 102523.
Zhang, W., Kyriakides, S., “Controlled Pipeline Lateral Buckling by Reeling Induced Curvature Imperfections.” Marine Structures 77, 102905.
Haley, J.A., Kyriakides, S., “Bending Induced Wrinkling in Axially Crushed Aluminum Tubes.” Int’l J. Solids & Structures 185-186, 1-13, 2020.
Yang, C., Kyriakides, S., “Crushings of Low Density Foams Under Triaxial Loadings.” Extreme Mech. Letters 35, 100620, 2020.
Kazinakis, K., Kyriakides, S., Bechle, N., Jiang, D., Landis, C.M., “Buckling and Collapse of Pseudoelastic NiTi Tubes Under Bending.” Int’l J. Solids & Structures (accepted Dec. 2019).
Yang, C., Kyriakides, S., “Continuum Modeling of Crushing Low Density Foams.” J. Mechanics Physics Solids 136, 103688, 2020.
Yuan, L., Kyriakides, S., “Liner Buckling During Reeling of Lined Pipe.” Int’l J. Solids & Structures 185-186, 1-13, 2020.
Scales, M., Chen, K., Kyriakides, S., “Material Response, Localization and Failure of an Aluminum Alloy Under Combined Shear and Tension: Part I Experiments.” Int’l J. Plasticity 120, 340-360, 2019.
Chen, K., Scales, M., Kyriakides, S., “Material Response, Localization and Failure of an Aluminum Alloy Under Combined Shear and Tension: Part II Analysis.” Int’l J. Plasticity 120, 361-379, 2019.
Chen, K., Scales, M., Kyriakides, S., “Effect of Material Frame Rotation on the Hardening of an Anisotropic Material in Simple Shear Tests.” ASME Journal of Applied Mechanic 85, 12501 1-5, 2018.
Chen, K., Scales, M., Kyriakides, S., “Ductile Failure Under Combined Tension and Shear.” IOPP Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1063 012163, 2018.
Yang, C., Kyriakides, S., “Multiaxial Crushing of Open-Cell Foams.” Int’l J. Solids & Structures 159, 239-256, 2019.
Chen, K., Scales, M., Kyriakides, S., “Material hardening of a high ductility aluminum alloy from a bulge test.” Int’l J. Mechanical Sciences 138-139, 476-488, 2018.
Gaitanaros, S., Kyriakides, S., Kraynik, A.M., “On the Crushing of Polydisperse Foams.” European J. Mechanics A/Solids 67, 1-11, 2018.
Liu, Y., Kyriakides, S., “Effects of Geometric and Material Discontinuities on the Reeling of Pipelines.” Applied Ocean Research 65, 238-250, 2017.
Jiang, D., Kyriakides, S., Landis, C.M., “Propagation of Phase Transformation Fronts in Pseudoelastic NiTi Tubes under Uniaxial Tension.” Extreme Mech. Letters 15, 113-121, 2017.
Kyriakides S., “Effects of Reeling on Pipe Structural Performance Part I: Experiments.” ASME J. Offshore Mech. Arctic Eng. 139:5, 051706, 2017.
Liu, Y., Kyriakides, S., and Dyau, J.-Y., “Effects of Reeling on Pipe Structural Performance Part II: Analysis.” ASME J. Offshore Mech. Arctic Eng. 139:5, 051706, 2017.
Jiang, D., Kyriakides, S., Landis, C.M., “Bending of Pseudoelastic NiTi Tubes.” Int’l J. Solids & Structures 124, 119-214, 2017.
Jiang, D., Kyriakides, S., Landis, C.M., Kazinakis, K., “Modeling of Propagation of Phase Transformation Fronts in NiTi Under Uniaxial tension.” European J. Mechanics A/Solids 64, 131-142, 2017.
Scales, Tardif, N., Kyriakides, S., “Ductile Failure of Aluminum Alloy Tubes Under Combined Torsion and Tension.” Int’l J. Solids & Structures 97-98, 116-128, 2016.
Jiang, D., Landis, C.M., Kyriakides, S., “Effects of Tension/Compression Asymmetry on the Buckling and Recovery of NiTi Tubes Under Axial Compression.” Int’l J. Solids & Structures 100-101, 41-53, 2016.
Bechle, N.J. and Kyriakides, S., “Evolution of Phase Transformation Fronts and Associated Thermal Effects in a NiTi Tube Under a Biaxial Stress State.” Extreme Mech. Letters 8, 55-63, 2016.
Bechle, N.J. and Kyriakides, S., “Evolution of Localization in Pseudoelastic NiTi Tubes Under Biaxial Stress States.” Int’l J. Plasticity 82, 1-31, 2016.
Chen, K., Scales, M., Kyriakides, S., Corona, E., “Effects of anisotropy on material hardening and burst in the bulge test.” Int’l J. Solids & Structures 82,7-84, 2016.
Jiang, D., Bechle, N.J., Landis, C.M., Kyriakides, S., “Buckling and Recovery of NiTi Tubes Under Axial Compression.” Int’l J. Solids & Structures 80, 52-63, 2016.
Liu, Y., Kyriakides, S., Hallai, J.F., “Reeling of Pipe with Lüders Bands.” Int’l J. Solids & Structures 72, 11-25, 2015.
Gaitanaros, S. and Kyriakides, S., “On the Effect of Relative Density on the Dynamic Crushing of Open-Cell Foams.” Int’l J. of Impact Engineering 82, 3-13, 2015.
Yuan, L. and Kyriakides, S., “Liner Wrinkling and Collapse of Bi-material Pipe Under Axial Compression.” Int’l J. Solids & Structures 60-61, 48-59, 2015.
Yuan, L. and Kyriakides, S., “Liner Wrinkling and Collapse of Girth-Welded Bi-Material Pipe Under Bending.” Applied Ocean Research 50, 209-216, 2015.
Jang, W.-Y. and Kyriakides, S., “On the Buckling and Crushing of Expanded Honeycomb.” Int’l J. Mechanical Sciences 91, 81-90, 2015.
Bechle, N.J. and Kyriakides, S., “Localization in NiTi Tubes Under Bending.” Int’l J. Solids & Structures 51, 967-980, 2014.
Yuan, L. and Kyriakides, S., “Plastic Bifurcation Buckling of Lined Pipe Under Bending.” European J. Mechanics A/Solids 47, 288-297, 2014.
Barnes, A.T., Ravi-Chandar, K., Kyriakides, S., Gaitanaros, S., “Dynamic Crushing of Aluminum Foams: Part I-Experiments.” Int’l J. Solids & Structures 51, 1631-1645, 2014.
Gaitanaros, S., Kyriakides, S., “Dynamic Crushing of Aluminum Foams: Part II-Analysis.” Int’l J. Solids & Structures 51, 1631-1645, 2014.
Yuan, L. and Kyriakides, S., “Liner Wrinkling and Collapse of Bi-material Pipe Under Bending.” Int’l J. Solids & Structures 51, 1646-1661, 2014.
Farhat, C., Wang, K., Main, A, Kyriakides, S., Lee, L.-H., Ravi-Chandar, K., Belytscho, T., “Dynamic implosion of Underwater Cylindrical Shells: Experiments and Computations.” Int’l J. Solids & Structures 50, 2943-2961, 2013.
Haltom, S.S., Kyriakides, S., Ravi-Chandar, K., “Ductile Failure Under Combined Shear and Tension.” Int’l J. Solids & Structures 50, 1507-1522, 2013.
Hallai, J. and Kyriakides, S., “Underlying Material Response for Lüders Like Instabilities.” Int’l J. Plasticity 47, 1-12, 2013.
Gaitanaros, S., Kyriakides, S. and Kraynik A.M., “On the Crushing Response of Random Open-cell Foams.” Int’l J. Solids & Structures 49 2733-2743, 2012.
Tardif, N. and Kyriakides, S. “Determination of Anisotropy and Material Hardening for Aluminum Sheet Metal.” Int’l J. Solids & Structures 49 3496-3506, 2012.
Limam, A., Lee, L.-H., Corona, E. and Kyriakides, S. “On the Collapse of Dented Tubes Under Combined Bending and Internal Pressure.” Int’l J. Mechanical Sciences 55, 1-12, 2012.
Hallai, J. and Kyriakides, S., “On the Effect of Lüders Bands on the Bending of Steel Tubes: Part I Experiments.” Int’l J. Solids & Structures 48, 3275-3284, 2011.
Hallai, J. and Kyriakides, S., “On the Effect of Lüders Bands on the Bending of Steel Tubes: Part II Analysis.” Int’l J. Solids & Structures 48, 3285-3298, 2011.
Jiao, R. and Kyriakides, S., “Ratcheting and Wrinkling of Tubes due to Axial Cycling under Internal Pressure: Part I Experiments.” Int’l J. Solids & Structures 48, 2814-2826, 2011.
Jiao, R. and Kyriakides, S., “Ratcheting and Wrinkling of Tubes due to Axial Cycling under Internal Pressure: Part II Analysis.” Int’l J. Solids & Structures 48, 2827-2836, 2011.
Korkolis, Y.P. and Kyriakides, S., “Hydroforming of Anisotropic Aluminum Tubes: Part I Experiments.” Int’l J. Mechanical Sciences 53, 75-82, 2011.
Korkolis, Y.P. and Kyriakides, S., “Hydroforming of Anisotropic Aluminum Tubes: Part II Analysis.” Int’l J. Mechanical Sciences 53, 83-90, 2011.
Wilbert, A., Jang, W.-Y., Kyriakides, S., Floccari, J.F., “Buckling and Progressive Crushing of Laterally Loaded Honeycomb.” Int’l J. Solids & Structures 48, 803-816, 2011.
Giagmouris, Y., Kyriakides, S., Korkolis, Y.P., and Lee, L.-H., “On the Localization and Failure in Aluminum Shells due to Crushing Induced Bending and Tension.” Int’l J. Solids & Structures 47, 2680-2692, 2010.
Korkolis, Y.P., Kyriakides, S., Giagmouris, Y., and Lee, L.-H., “Constitutive Modeling and Rupture Predictions of Al-6061-T6 Tubes Under Biaxial Loading Paths.” ASME J. Applied Mechanics 77:5, 064501, 1-5, 2010.
Jang, W.-Y., Kyriakides, S. and Kraynik, A.M., “On the Compressive Strength of Open-Cell Metal Foams with Kelvin and Random Cell Structures.” Int’l J. Solids & Structures 47, 2872-2883, 2010.
Korkolis, Y.P. and Kyriakides, S., “Path Dependent Failure of Inflated Aluminum Tubes.” Int’l J. Plasticity 25, 2059-2080, 2009.
Jiao, R. and Kyriakides, S., “Wrinkling of Tubes Under Axial Cycling.” ASME J. Applied Mechanics 77:3, 031012: 1-11, 2010.
Jiao, R. and Kyriakides, S., “Ratcheting, Wrinkling and Collapse of Tubes Under Axial Cycling.” Int’l J. Solids & Structures 46, 2856-2870, 2009.
Limam, A., Lee, L.-H., Corona, E. and Kyriakides, S. “Inelastic Wrinkling and Collapse of Tubes Under Combined Bending and Internal Pressure.” Int’l J. Mechanical Sciences 52, 637-647, 2010.
Jang, W.-Y. and Kyriakides, S., “On the Crushing of Aluminum Open-Cell Foams: Part I Experiments.” Int’l J. Solids & Structures 46, 617-634, 2009.
Jang, W.-Y. and Kyriakides, S., “On the Crushing of Aluminum Open-Cell Foams: Part II Analysis.” Int’l J. Solids & Structures 46, 635-650, 2009.
Sakakibara, N., Kyriakides, S. and Corona, E. “Collapse of Partially Corroded or Worn Pipe Under External Pressure.” Int’l J. Mechanical Sciences 50, 1586-1697, 2008.
Kyriakides, S., Ok, A. and Corona, E., “Localization and Propagation of Curvature Under Pure Bending in Steel Tubes with Lüders Bands.” Int’l J. Solids & Structures 45, 3074-3087, 2008.
Lee, L.-H., Kyriakides, S. and Netto, T.A., “Integral Buckle Arrestors for Offshore Pipelines: Enhanced Design Criteria.” Int’l J. Mechanical Sciences 50, 1058-1064, 2008.
Korkolis, Y. P., and Kyriakides, S., “Inflation and Burst of Anisotropic Aluminum Tubes Part II: An advanced yield function including deformation-induced anisotropy.” Int’l J. Plasticity 24 1625-1637, 2008.
Jang, W.-Y., Kraynik, A. M., and Kyriakides, S., “On the Microstructure of Open-Cell Foams and its Effect on Elastic Properties.” Int’l J. Solids & Structures 45, 1845-1875, 2008.
Da Silva, Andre and Kyriakides, Stelios, “Compressive Response and Failure of Balsa Wood.” Int’l J. Solids & Structures 44, 8685-8717, 2007.
Korkolis, Y. P., and Kyriakides, S., “Inflation and Burst of Anisotropic Aluminum Tubes for Hydroforming Applications.” Int’l J. Plasticity 24, 509-543, 2008.
Herynk, M.D., Kyriakides, S., Onoufriou, A., and Yun, H.D., “Effects of the UOE/UOC pipe manufacturing processes on pipe collapse pressure.” Int’l J. Mechanical Sciences 49, 533-553, 2007.
Corona, E., Lee, L.-H. and Kyriakides, S., “Yield anisotropy effects on buckling of circular tubes under bending.” Int’l J. Solids & Structures 43, 7099-7118, 2006.
Bardi, F.C. and Kyriakides, S., “Plastic Buckling of Circular Tubes Under Axial Compression: Part I Experiments.” Int’l J. Mechanical Sciences 48, 830-841, 2006.
Bardi, F.C., Kyriakides, S. and Yun, H.D., “Plastic Buckling of Circular Tubes Under Axial Compression: Part II Analysis.” Int’l J. Mechanical Sciences 48, 842-854, 2006.
Paquette, J.A. and Kyriakides, S., “Plastic Buckling of Tubes Under Combined Axial Compression and Internal Pressure.” Int’l J. Mechanical Sciences 48, 855-867, 2006. doi:10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2006.03.003
Gong, L. and Kyriakides, S. “On the Crushing Stress of Open Cell Foams.” ASME J. Applied Mechanics 73:5, 807-814, 2006.
Kyriakides, S. and Lee, L.-H., “Buckle Propagation in Confined Steel Tubes.” Int’l J. Mechanical Sciences 47:4-5, 603-620, 2005.
Gong, L., Kyriakides, S. and Triantafyllidis, N. “On the Stability of Kelvin Cell Foams Under Compressive Loads.” J. Mechanics and Physics of Solids 53, 771-794, 2005.
Kyriakides S., Bardi, F.C. and Paquette, J.A., “Wrinkling of Circular Tubes Under Axial Compression: Effect of Anisotropy.” ASME J. Applied Mechanics 72, 301-305, 2005.
Gong, L., Jang, W.-Y and Kyriakides S., “Compressive Response of Open-Cell Foams. Part I: Morphology and Elastic Properties.” Int’l Journal of Solids & Structures 42, 1355-1379, 2005.
Gong, L., and Kyriakides S., “Compressive Response of Open-Cell Foams. Part II: Initiation and Evolution of Crushing.” Int’l Journal of Solids & Structures 42:5-6, 1381-1399, 2005.
Kyriakides, S. and Netto, T.A., “On the Dynamic Propagation and Arrest of Buckles in Pipe-in-Pipe Systems.” Int’l Journal of Solids & Structures 41, 5463-5482, 2004.
Lee, L.-H. and Kyriakides, S., “On the Arresting Efficiency of Slip-On Buckle Arrestors for Offshore Pipelines.” Int’l J. Mechanical Sciences 46, 1035-1055, 2004.
Aguirre, F., Kyriakides, S. and Yun, H.D., “Bending of Steel Pipes with Lüders Bands.” Int’l J. Plasticity 20:7, 1199-1225, 2004.
Kyriakides, S., Corona, E. and Miller, J.E., “Effect of Yield Surface Evolution on Bending Induced Cross Sectional Deformation of Thin-Walled Sections.” Int’l J. Plasticity 20, 607-618, 2004.
Miller, J.E. and Kyriakides, S., “Three-Dimensional Effects of the Bend-Stretch Forming of Aluminum Tubes.” Int’l J. Mechanical Sciences 45:1, 115-140, 2003.
Bardi, F.C., Yun, H. and Kyriakides, S., “On the Axisymmetric Progressive Crushing of Circular Tubes in Compression.” Int’l Journal of Solids & Structures 40, 3137-3155, 2003.
Kyriakides, S., “Propagating Instabilities in Materials.” In, Materials Science for the 21th Century, Society of Materials Science, Japan, Vol. 1, pp. 316-325, May 2001.
Kyriakides, S., “Buckle Propagation in Pipe-in-Pipe Systems. Part I Experiments.” Int’l Journal of Solids & Structures 39:2, 351-366, 2002.
Kyriakides, S. and Vogler, T.J. “Buckle Propagation in Pipe-in-Pipe Systems. Part II Analysis.” Int’l Journal of Solids & Structures 39:2, 367-392, 2002.
Olso, E. and Kyriakides, S., “Internal Ring Buckle Arrestors for Pipe-in-Pipe Systems.” Int’l Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics 38:2, 267-284, 2003.
Kyriakides, S., “Efficiency Limits for Slip-On Type Buckle Arrestors for Offshore Pipelines.” ASCE Journal Engineering Mechanics 128:1, 102-111, 2002.
Kyriakides, S. and Miller, J.E., “On the Propagation of Lüders Bands in Steel Strips.” ASME J. Applied Mechanics 67, 645-654, 2000.
Corona, E. and Kyriakides, S., “Asymmetric Collapse Modes of Pipes Under Combined Bending and External Pressure.” ASCE J. Engineering Mechanics 126:12, 1232-1239, 2000.
Vogler, T.J. and Kyriakides, S., “On the Initiation and Growth of Kink Bands in Fiber Composites: Part I Experiments.” Int’l J. Solids & Structures 38:15, 2639-2651, 2001.
Vogler, T.J., Hsu, S.-Y. and Kyriakides, S., “On the Initiation and Growth of Kink Bands in Fiber Composites: Part II Analysis.” Int’l J. Solids & Structures 38:15, 2653-2682, 2001.
Miller, J.E., Kyriakides, S. and Bastard, A.H. “On Bend-Stretch Forming of Aluminum Extruded Tubes: Part I Experiments.” Int’l J. Mechanical Sciences 43, 1283-1317, 2001.
Miller, J.E., Kyriakides, S. and Corona, E. “On Bend-Stretch Forming of Aluminum Extruded Tubes: Part II Analysis.” Int’l J. Mechanical Sciences 43, 1319-1338, 2001.
Kyriakides, S. and Netto, T. A. “On the Dynamics of Propagating Buckles in Pipelines.” Int’l Journal of Solids & Structures 37:46-47, 6843-6867, 2000.
Vogler, T.J , Hsu, S.-Y. and Kyriakides, S. “Composite Failure Under Combined Compression and Shear.” Int’l J. Solids & Structures 37:12, 1765-1791, 2000.
Netto, T.A. and Kyriakides, S., “Dynamic Performance of Integral Buckle Arrestors for Offshore Pipelines. Part I Experiments.” Int’l Journal of Mechanical Sciences 42:7, 1405-1423, 2000.
Netto, T.A. and Kyriakides, S., “Dynamic Performance of Integral Buckle Arrestors for Offshore Pipelines. Part II Analysis.” Int’l Journal of Mechanical Sciences 42:7, 1425-1452, 2000.
Netto, T.A., Kyriakides, S. and Ouyang, X. “On the Initiation and Propagation of Buckles on a Beam on a Nonlinear Foundation.” ASME J. Applied Mechanics 66:2, 418-426, 1999.
Vogler, T.J. and Kyriakides, S. “Inelastic Behavior of an AS4/PEEK Composite Under Combined Transverse Compression and Shear: Part I Experiments.” Int’l J. Plasticity 15, 783-806, 1999.
Hsu, S.-Y., Vogler, T.J. and Kyriakides, S. “Inelastic Behavior of an AS4/PEEK Composite Under Combined Transverse Compression and Shear: Part II Modeling.” Int’l J. Plasticity 15, 807-836, 1999.
Papka, S.D. and Kyriakides, S., “In-Plane Biaxial Crushing of Honeycombs: Part I Experiments.” Int’l Journal of Solids & Structures 36:29, 4367-4396, 1999.
Papka, S.D. and Kyriakides, S., “In-Plane Biaxial Crushing of Honeycombs: Part II Analysis.” Int’l Journal of Solids & Structures 36:29, 4397-4423, 1999.
Vogler, T.J and Kyriakides, S., “On the Axial Propagation of Kink Bands in Fiber Composites. Part I Experiments.” Int’l Journal of Solids & Structures 36, 557-574, 1999.
Hsu, S.-Y., Vogler, T.J and Kyriakides, S., “On the Axial Propagation of Kink Bands in Fiber Composites. Part II Analysis.” Int’l Journal of Solids & Structures 36, 575-595, 1999.
Vogler, T. J. and Kyriakides, S., “On the Effect of Loading Rate on the Compressive Strength of an AS4/PEEK Composite.” ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics 65:4, 1056-1058, 1998.
Papka, S.D. and Kyriakides, S., “Experiments and Full-Scale Numerical Simulations of In-Plane Crushing of a Honeycomb.” Acta Materialia 46:8, 2765-2776, 1998.
Hsu, S.-Y., Vogler, T. J. and Kyriakides, S., “Compressive Strength Predictions for Fiber Composites.” ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics 65:1, 7-16, 1998.
Shaw, J. A. and Kyriakides, S., “Initiation and Propagation of Localized Deformation in Elasto-Plastic Strips Under Uniaxial Tension.” Int’l Journal of Plasticity 13:10, 809-835, 1998.
Kyriakides, S., Park, T.-D. and Netto, T.A., “On the Design of Integral Buckle Arrestors for Offshore Pipelines.” Proc. BOSS’97 Ed. J.H. Vugts, Vol. 1, 277-289, Pergamon (Elsevier Sciences) 1997. Also, Applied Ocean Research 20, 95-114, 1998.
Papka, S.D. and Kyriakides, S., “In-plane Crushing of a Polycarbonate Honeycomb.” Int’l Journal of Solids & Structures 35, 239-267, 1998.
Vogler, T.J. and Kyriakides, S., “Initiation and Axial Propagation of Kink Bands in Fiber Composites.” Acta Materialia 45:6, 2443-2454, 1997.
Kyriakides, S. and Ruff, A. E., “Aspects of Failure and Postfailure of Fiber Composites in Compression.” Journal of Composite Materials 31:20, 2000-2037, 1997.
Park, T.-D. and Kyriakides, S., “On the Performance of Integral Buckle Arrestors for Offshore Pipelines.” Int’l Journal of Mechanical Sciences 39:6, 643-669, 1997.
Shaw, J.A. and Kyriakides, S., “On the Nucleation and Propagation of Phase Transformation Fronts in a NiTi Alloy.” Acta Materialia 45:2, 683-700, 1997.
Power, T.L. and Kyriakides, S., “Circumferential Stiffeners as Buckle Arrestors in Long Panels.” Int’l Journal of Solids and Structures 33, No. 13, 1837-1851, 1996.
Shaw, J.A. and Kyriakides, S., “Thermomechanical Aspects of NiTi.” Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 43, 1243-1281, 1995.
Park, T.-D. and Kyriakides, S., “On the Collapse of Dented Cylinders Under External Pressure.” Int’l Journal of Mechanical Sciences 38, No. 5, 557-578, 1996.
Corona, E., Hassan, T. and Kyriakides, S., “On the Performance of Kinematic Hardening Rules in Predicting a Class of Biaxial Ratcheting Histories.” Int’l Journal of Plasticity 12, No. 1, 117-145, 1996.
Kyriakides, S., Perry, E.J. and Liechti, K.M., “Instability and Failure of Fiber Composites in Compression.” Applied Mechanics Reviews 47, No. 6, Part 2, S262-S288. Also, Proceedings 12th US National Congress of Applied Mechanics, Ed. A.S. Kobayashi.
Papka, S.D. and Kyriakides, S., “In-plane Compressive Response and Crushing of Honeycomb.” Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 42, No. 10, 1499-1532, 1994.
Kyriakides, S., Arseculeratne, R., Perry, E.J. and Liechti, K.M., “On the Compressive Failure of Fiber Reinforced Composites.” Int’l Journal of Solids and Structures 32, No. 6/7, 689-738, 1995.
Power, T.L. and Kyriakides, S., “Localization and Propagation of Instabilities in Long Shallow Panels Under External Pressure.” ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics 61, 755-763, 1994.
Hassan, T. and Kyriakides, S., “Ratcheting in Cyclically Hardening and Softening Materials: Part I Uniaxial Behavior.” Int’l Journal of Plasticity 10, 149-184, 1994.
Hassan, T. and Kyriakides, S., “Ratcheting in Cyclically Hardening and Softening Materials: Part II Multiaxial Behavior.” Int’l Journal of Plasticity 10, 185-212, 1994.
Dyau, J. Y. and Kyriakides, S., “On the Propagation Pressure of Long Cylindrical Shells Under External Pressure.” Int’l Journal of Mechanical Sciences 35, 675-713, 1993.
Kyriakides, S. and Arseculeratne, R., “Propagating Instabilities in Long Shallow Panels.” ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics 119, No. 3, 570-583, 1993.
Dyau, J.Y. and Kyriakides, S., “On the Localization and Collapse in Cylindrical Shells Under External Pressure.” Int’l Journal of Solids and Structures 30, 463-482, 1993.
Kyriakides, S. and Ju, G. T., “Bifurcation and Localization Instabilities in Cylindrical Shells Under Bending: Part I Experiments.” Int’l Journal of Solids and Structures 29, 1117-1142, 1992.
Ju, G.T. and Kyriakides, S., “Bifurcation and Localization Instabilities in Cylindrical Shells Under Bending: Part II Predictions.” Int’l Journal of Solids and Structures 29, 1143-1171, 1992.
Kyriakides, S., Corona, E. and Fischer, F. J., “On the Effect of the UOE Manufacturing Process on the Collapse Pressure of Long Tubes.” ASME Journal of Engineering for Industry 116, 93-100, 1994.
Kyriakides, S. and Chang, Y. C., “On the Effect of Axial Tension on the Propagation Pressure of Long Cylindrical Shells.” Int’l Journal of Mechanical Sciences 34, 3-15, 1992.
Dyau, J. Y. and Kyriakides, S., “On the Response of Elastic-Plastic Tubes Under Combined Bending and Tension.” ASME Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 114, 50-62, 1992.
Hassan, T. and Kyriakides, S., “Ratcheting in Cyclic Plasticity-Part I: Uniaxial Behavior.” Int’l Journal of Plasticity 8, 91-116, 1992.
Hassan, T., Corona, E. and Kyriakides, S., “Ratcheting in Cyclic Plasticity- Part II: Multiaxial Behavior.” Int’l Journal of Plasticity 8, 117-146, 1992.
Corona, E. and Kyriakides, S., “An Experimental Investigation of the Degradation and Buckling of Circular Tubes Under Cyclic Bending and External Pressure.” Thin-Walled Structures 12, 229-263, 1991.
Ju, G. T. and Kyriakides, S., “Bifurcation Versus Limit Load Instabilities of Elastic-Plastic Tubes Under Bending and Pressure.” ASME Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 113, 43-52, 1991.
Kyriakides, S. and Chang, Y. C., “On the Initiation and Propagation of a Localized Instability in an Inflated Elastic Tube.” Int’l Journal of Solids & Structures 27, 1085-1111, 1991.
Li, F. S. and Kyriakides, S. “On the Response and Stability of Two Concentric, Contacting Rings Under External Pressure.” Int’l Journal of Solids & Structures 27, 1-14, 1991.
Li, F.S. and Kyriakides, S., “On the Propagation Pressure of Buckles in Cylindrical Confined Shells.” ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics 57, 1091-1094, 1990.
Yun, H. and Kyriakides, S. “On the Beam and Shell Modes of Buckling of Buried Pipelines.” Int’l Journal of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 9, 179-193, 1990.
Kyriakides, S. and Chang, Y.C., “On the Inflation of a Long Elastic Tube in the Presence of Axial Load.” Int’l Journal of Solids and Structures 26, 975-991, 1990.
Corona, E. and Kyriakides, S., “On the Collapse of Inelastic Tubes Under Combined Bending and Pressure.” Int’l Journal of Solids and Structures 24, 505-535, 1988.
Ju, G.T., and Kyriakides, S., “Thermal Buckling of Offshore Pipelines.” ASME Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 110, 355-364, 1988.
Kyriakides, S. and Yeh, M.K., “Plastic Anisotropy in Drawn Metal Tubes.” ASME Journal of Engineering for Industry 110, 303-307, 1988.
Yeh, M.K. and Kyriakides, S., “Collapse of Deep Water Pipelines.” ASME Journal of Energy Resources Technology 110, 1-11, 1988.
Corona, E. and Kyriakides, S., “An Unusual Mode of Collapse of Tubes Under Combined Bending and Pressure.” ASME Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology 109, 302-304, 1987.
Kyriakides, S. and Shaw, P.K., “Inelastic Buckling of Tubes Under Cyclic Bending.” Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology 109, 169-178, 1987.
Kyriakides, S., “Propagating Buckles in Long Confined Cylindrical Shells.” Int’l Journal of Solids and Structures 22, 1579-1597, 1986.
Yeh, M.K. and Kyriakides, S., “On the Collapse of Inelastic Thick-Walled Tubes Under External Pressure.” ASME Journal of Energy Resources Technology 108, 35-47, 1986.
Shaw, P.K. and Kyriakides, S., “Inelastic Analysis of Thin-Walled Tubes Under Cyclic Bending.” Int’l Journal of Solids and Structures 21, 1073-1100, 1985.
Yun, H.D. and Kyriakides, S., “Localized Plastic Buckling of a Heavy Beam on a Contacting Surface.” ASME Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology 108, 146-150, 1986.
Yun, H.D. and Kyriakides, S., “A Model for Beam Mode Buckling of Buried Pipelines.” ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics 111, 235-253, 1985.
Kyriakides, S., Yeh, M.K., and Roach, D., “On the Determination of the Propagation Pressure of Long Circular Tubes.” ASME Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology 106, 150-159, 1984.
Kyriakides, S. and Youn, S.K., “On the Collapse of Circular Confined Rings Under External Pressure.” Int’l Journal of Solids and Structures 20, 699-713, 1984.
Kyriakides, S., Babcock, C.D., and Elyada, D., “Initiation of Propagating Buckles from Local Pipeline Damages.” ASME Journal of Energy Resources Technology 106, 79-87, 1984.
Kyriakides, S. and Arikan, E., “Postbuckling Behavior of Inelastic Inextensional Rings Under External Pressure.” ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics 50, 537-543, 1983.
Kyriakides, S. and Shaw, P.K., “Response and Stability of Elastoplastic Circular Pipes Under Combined Bending and External Pressure.” Int’l Journal of Solids and Structures 18 957-973, 1982.
Kyriakides, S. and Babcock, C.D., “The Spiral-Arrestor: A New Arrestor Design for Offshore Pipelines.” ASME Journal of Energy Resources Technology 104, 73-77, 1982.
Kyriakides, S. and Babcock, C.D., “Experimental Determination of the Propagation Pressure of Circular Pipes.” ASME Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology 103, 328-336, 1981.
Kyriakides, S. and Babcock, C.D., “Large Deflection Collapse Analysis of an Inelastic Extensional Ring Under External Pressure.” Int’l Journal of Solids and Structures 17, 981-993, 1981.
Kyriakides, S. and Babcock, C.D., “On the ‘Slip-On’ Buckle Arrestor for Offshore Pipelines.” ASME Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology 102, 188-192, 1980.
Webber, J.P.H., Kyriakides, S., and Lee, C.T., “On the Wrinkling of Honeycomb Sandwich Columns with Laminated Crossply Faces.” The Aeronautical Journal 80, 264-272, June 1976.
Books/Proceedings Edited:
Kyriakides, S. and Triantafyllidis, N., Guest Editors, “Material Instabilities and the Effect of Microstructure,” Special Volume, International Journal of Solids and Structures, dedicated to the proceedings of an IUTAM Symposium held on May 7-11, 2001, Austin, TX (32 papers), Vol. 39:13-14, pp. 3311-3929.
De Borst, R., Kyriakides, S. and van Baten T.J., Guest Editors,”Stability and Vibration in Thin-Walled Structures.”Special Volume, International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics, Honoring Professor Johann Arbocz (28 papers), Vol. 37:4-5,pp. 571-1002, 2002.
Proceedings Papers:
Harrison, B., Liu, Y., Kyriakides, S., “Measurement of Lined Pipe Liner Imperfections and the Effect on Wrinkling and Collapse Under Bending.” Proc., 35th Int’l Conf. on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, Busan, South Korea, June 19-24, 2016, OMAE2016-54539.
Liu, Y. and Kyriakides, S., “Effect of Geometric and Material Discontinuities on the Reeling of Pipes.” Proc., 33rd Int’l Conf. on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, San Francisco, California, June 8-13, 2014, OMAE2014-24474.
Yuan, L. and Kyriakides, S., “Wrinkling and Collapse of Girth-Welded Lined Pipe Under Bending.” Proc., 33rd Int’l Conf. on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, San Francisco, California, June 8-13, 2014, OMAE2014-23577.
Yuan, L. and Kyriakides, S., “Wrinkling Failure of Lined Pipe Under Bending.” Proc., 32nd Int’l Conf. on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, Nantes, France, June 9-14, 2013, OMAE2013-11139.
Bechle, N., Kyriakides, S., “Pure Bending of Pseudoelastic NiTi Tubes.” Paper SM09-005 Proceedings, XXIII ICTAM, August 2012, Beijing, China.
Jang, W.-Y., Kyriakides, S., “Buckling and Crushing of Expanded Honeycomb.” Paper SM14-011 Proceedings, XXIII ICTAM, August 2012, Beijing, China.
Gaitanaros, S., Kyriakides, S. and Kraynik, A.M., “Numerical Modeling of the Crushing Response of Aluminum Open-Cell Random Foams.” Paper FS11-004 Proceedings, XXIII ICTAM, August 2012, Beijing, China.
Reichel, T., Pavlyk, V., Beissel, J., Averov, I., Kyriakides, S., J., “On the Collapse Pressure of Impanded Large Diameter Pipe (JCO-C). Proceedings, 9th Biennial International Pipeline Conference, September 24-28, 2012, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, IPC2012-90735.
Hallai, J. and Kyriakides, S., “Bending Capacity of Tubes with Lüders Bands: Influence of Geometric and Material Parameters. Proc., 31st Int’l Conf. on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 2-6, 2012, OMAE2012-8360.
Reichel, T., Pavlyk, V., Beissel, J., Kyriakides, S., Jang, W.-Y., “New Impander Technology for Improved Collapse Resistance of Large Diameter Pipe for Deepwater Applications.” Proc., Offshore Technology Conference, May 2-5, 2011, Houston, Texas, OTC21503.
Jiao, R. and Kyriakides, S., “Ratcheting, Wrinkling and Collapse of Tubes Induced by Axial Cycling under Internal Pressure.” Proc., Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering Conference, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, June 18-24, 2011, OMAE2011-49706.
Limam, A., Lee, L.-H., and Kyriakides, S., “Effect of Local Imperfections on the Collapse of Tubes Under Bending and Internal Pressure.” Proceedings, 8th Biennial International Pipeline Conference, September 27-October 1, 2010, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, IPC2010-31594.
Reichel, T., Pavlyk, V., Beissel, J., Kyriakides, S., Jang, W.-Y., “Improved Collapse Resistance of Large Diameter Pipe for Deepwater Applications using a New Impander Technology. Proceedings, 8th Biennial International Pipeline Conference, September 27-October 1, 2010, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, IPC2010-31551.
Giagmouris, Y., Kyriakides, S., Korkolis, Y.P., and Lee, L.-H., “Localization and Failure of Aluminum Shells Under Combined Bending and Tension.” Proceedings 17th International Symposium on Plasticity and Its Current Applications. Jan. 3-8, 2011, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.
Hallai, J. and Kyriakides, S., “Effect of Lüders Bands on the Bending Capacity of Steel Tubes.” Proceedings, Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering Conference, Shanghai, China, June 6-11, 2010, OMAE2010-20982.
Korkolis, Y.P. and Kyriakides, S., “On the Prediction of Burst in Aluminum Burst Hydroforming.” Proceedings 16th International Symposium on Plasticity and Its Applications. Jan. 3-8, 2010, St. Kitts, Virgin Islands.
Jiao, R. and Kyriakides, S., “Ratcheting Wrinkling and Collapse of Tubes by Axial Cycling: Experiments and Modeling.” Proceedings 16th International Symposium on Plasticity and Its Applications. Jan. 3-8, 2010, St. Kitts, Virgin Islands.
Korkolis, Y.P. and Kyriakides, S., “Forming Limits of Anisotropic Aluminum Tubes Considering Linear and Non-Linear Loading Paths.” Proceedings 15th International Symposium on Plasticity and Its Applications. Jan. 3-8, 2009, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands.
Jiao, R. and Kyriakides, S., “Progressive Wrinkling and Collapse of Tubes due to Axial Cycling.” Proceedings International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, June 2009, OMAE2009-79754.
Korkolis, Y.P. and Kyriakides, S., “Inflation and Burst of Anisotropic Aluminum Tubes for Hydroforming Applications, Including Deformation Induced Anisotropy. Proceedings 14th International Symposium on Plasticity and Its Applications. Jan. 3-8, 2008, Kona, Hawaii.
Jang, W.-Y. and Kyriakides, S., “On the Crushing of Metallic Open-Cell Foams.” Proceedings, ICTAM 08, August 2008, Adelaide, Australia.
Kyriakides, S., Ok, A. and Corona, E., “Lüders Bands Induced Localization and Propagation of Curvature in Steel Tubes under Pure Bending.” Proceedings, ICTAM 08, August 2008, Adelaide, Australia.
Limam, A., Lee, L.-H., Corona, E. and Kyriakides, S. “Plastic Buckling and Collapse of Tubes Under Bending and Internal Pressure. Proceedings Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering Conference, Estori, Portugal, June 2008, OMAE2008-57986.
Lee, L.-H, Kyriakides, S. and Netto, T.A., “Enhanced Design Criteria for Offshore Pipeline Buckle Arrestors.” Proceedings Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering Conference, Estori, Portugal, June 2008, OMAE2008-57985.
Kyriakides, S., Herynk, M.D., and Yun, H.D., “Optimization of UOE Pipe Manufacturing Process for Improved Collapse Performance Under External Pressure.” IPC 2006-10614, Proceeding of the International Pipeline Conference, Calgary, Canada, September 25-29, 2006.
Fryer, M., Tait, P., Kyriakides, S., Timms, C. and DeGeer, D. (2004). “The prediction and enhancement of UOE-DSAW collapse resistance for deepwater pipeline.” Proc. 5th Biennial International Pipeline Conference, October 4-8, 2004, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, Vol. 3, 1961-1966.
Gong, L., and Kyriakides S., “On the Crushing Response of Open Cell Foams.” Proc. ICTAM 04, August 2004, Warsaw, Poland, ISBN 83-89687-01-1.
Netto, T.A. and Kyriakides, S., “Dynamic Arrest of Propagating Buckles in Offshore Pipelines.” Proc. ICTAM 04, August 2004, Warsaw, Poland, ISBN 83-89687-01-1.
Kyriakides, S. and Netto, T.A. “Dynamic Propagation and Arrest of Buckles in Pipe-In-Pipe Systems.” In, Proceedings Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering ‘02 Conference, Oslo, Norway, June 2002.
Miller, J.E. and Kyriakides, S., “Stretch Forming of Rectangular Aluminum Tubes for Automotive Applications.” In Proceedings of the International Body and Engineering Conference, Detroit, MI October 2-5, 2000.
Netto, T.A. and Kyriakides, S., “Dynamic Performance of Integral Buckle Arrestors for Offshore Pipelines.” In, Proceedings Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering ‘98 Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, July 1998.
Shaw, J.A and Kyriakides S. “Initiation and Propagation of Localized Deformation in the Pseudoelastic Response of NiTi.” Proceedings, ASCE Engineering Mechanics Conference, San Diego, CA, March 1998.
Papka, S. D. and Kyriakides, S., “In-plane Crushing of a Polycarbonate Honeycomb.” In, Proceedings IUTAM Symposium Material Instabilities in Solids, June 1997, Delft, Ed. R. de Borst and E. van der Giessen, Wiley, Chichester, England, 1998, pp. 159-183.
Shaw, J. A. and Kyriakides, S., “Material Characterization of NiTi Shape Memory Alloys: I Experiments.” In, Proceedings of Symposium “Plastic and Fracture Instabilities in Materials,” Ed. N. M. Ghoniem, ASME MD-Vol. 57, pp. 81-84. Joint ASME AMD-MD Summer Conference, UCLA, June 1995.
Klever, F.J., Palmer, A.C. and Kyriakides, S., “Limit-state Design of High-Temperature Pipelines.” In, Proceedings Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Houston, TX, Feb. 1994, Vol. V, pp. 77-92,
Ju, G. T. and Kyriakides, S., “On the Effect of Local Imperfections on the Stability of Elastic Plastic Shells in Bending.” Proceedings Int’l Colloquium: Buckling of Shell Structures on Land in the Sea and in the Air, Lyon, France Sept. 17-19, 1991, Ed. J.F. Jullien, Elsevier Applied Science 1991.
Corona, E. and Kyriakides, S., “Structural Degradation of Elastic-Plastic Tubes Due to Cyclic Loads.” Advances in Plasticity, Proceedings Plasticity ‘89, Pergamon Press, 215-219, 1989.
Kyriakides, S., Corona, E., Madhavan, R. and Babcock, C.D. “Pipe Collapse Under Combined Pressure, Bending and Tension Loads.” Proceedings Offshore Technology Conference, May 1989, OTC 6104 1, 541-550.
Corona, E. and Kyriakides, S., “Collapse of Pipelines Under Combined Bending and Pressure.” Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on the Behaviour of Offshore Structures, Trondheim, Norway, June 1988, 3, 953-964.
Yun, H. and Kyriakides, S., “Buckling of Pipelines in Seismic Environments.” Proceedings 3rd U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Charleston, S.C., Aug. 1986, III, 2179-2189.
Shaw, P.K. and Kyriakides, S., “Inelastic Cyclic Bending of Thin-Walled Tubes.” Extended Abstract, Proceedings of the 15th Engineering Mechanics Division Specialty Conference, ASCE, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY, Aug. 1984.
Kyriakides, S., Yun, H.D., and Yew, C.H., “Buckling of Buried Pipelines Due to Large Ground Movements.” Proceedings of the 4th ASME National Congress on Pressure Vessels and Piping, Portland, OR, PVP – V. 77, 140-146, June 1983.
Kyriakides, S. and Shaw, P.K., “Bending of Elastoplastic Tubes Under Cyclic Bending Loads.” Extended Abstract, Proceedings of the 4th Engineering Mechanics Division Specialty Conference, ASCE, Purdue University 1, 664-668, May 1983.
Kyriakides, S. and Babcock, C.D., “On the Initiation of a Propagating Buckle in Offshore Pipelines.” Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on the Behavior of Offshore Structures, 2, pp. 187-199 (Edited by C. Chryssostomides and J.J. Connor), M.I.T., Boston, MA, Aug. 1982.
Kyriakides, S. and Babcock, C.D., “Buckle Propagation Phenomena in Pipelines,” in Collapse: The Buckling of Structures in Theory and Practice (Edited by J.M.T. Thompson and G.W. Hunt), Cambridge University Press, pp. 75-91, 1982, Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium, University College, London, Sept. 1982.
Kyriakides, S., “On the Stability of Inelastic Circular Pipes Under Combined Bending and External Pressure.” Proceedings of 1981 Spring Meeting of the Society of Experimental Stress Analysis, 372-378, May 1981.
Kyriakides, S. and Babcock, C.D., “Prediction of Wet Buckles in Offshore Pipelines.” Proceedings Marine Technology ‘80, 16th Annual Conference, Washington, D.C., 439-444, Oct. 1980.
Kyriakides, S. and Babcock, C.D., “On the Dynamics and the Arrest of the Propagating Buckle in Offshore Pipelines.” Proceedings Offshore Technology Conference, OTC 3479, 1035-1045, May 1979.