Kenneth M. Liechti
Professor, Associate Center Director, Zarrow Centennial Professorship in Engineering
Phone: (512) 471-4164
Office: ASE 5.228 (map)
Recent Publications:
Dankowicz, H (Interviewer). (2019, Jan. 23). Applied Mechanics Reviews Audio Interview: Prof. Kenneth Liechti [Audio podcast interview].
Books and Monographs:
Bedford, A.M. and Liechti, K.M. Mechanics of Materials, Prentice Hall, 2000.
Journal Papers:
Jain, S., Na, S.R., Liechti, K.M., Bonnecaze, R.T., (2019) “Cohesive zone models to understand the interface mechanics of thin film transfer printing,” Journal of Applied Physics, 125: 075301.
Jain, S., Yang, T., Negley, M. Na, S.R., Bonnecaze, R.T., Liechti, K.M., (2019) “A parametric cohesive zone beam theory analysis of mixed-mode graphene transfer,” International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 89, 129-138.
Wu, C., Huang, R., and Liechti, K.M., (2019) “Simultaneous extraction of tensile and shear interactions at interfaces,” Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 125: 225-254.
Na, S.R., Kim, Y., Lee, C., Liechti, K.M. and Suk, J.W. (2017) “Adhesion and Self-Healing between Monolayer Molybdenum Disulfide and Silicon Oxide.” Scientific Reports. 7: 14740.
Jain, S., Na, S.R., Liechti, K.M., Bonnecaze, R.T., 2017 “A Cohesive Zone Model and Scaling Analysis for Mixed-Mode Interfacial Fracture.” International Journal of Solids and Structures, 129: 167-176.
Xin, H., Borduin, R., Jiang, W., Liechti, K.M., and Li, W. (2017) “Adhesion Energy of As-Grown Graphene on Copper Foil with Blister Test.” Carbon, 123: 243-249.
Wu, Chenglin, Rui Huang, and Kenneth M. Liechti. (2017) “Characterizing Interfacial Sliding of Through-Silicon-Via by Nano-indentation.” IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability 17: 355-363.
Akinwande, D., C.J. Brennan, J.S. Bunch, P. Egberts, J.R. Felts, H. Gao, R. Huang, J.-S. Kim, T. Li, Y. Li, K.M. Liechti, N. Lu, H.S. Park, E.J. Reed, P. Wang, B.I. Yakobson, T. Zhang, Y.-W. Zhang, Y. Zhou, and Y. Zhu, (2017) “A Review on Mechanics and Mechanical Properties of 2D Materials—Graphene and Beyond.” Extreme Mechanics Letters, 13: 42-77.
Wang, P., W. Gao, J. Wilkerson, K.M. Liechti, and R. Huang, (2017) “Cavitation of water by volume-controlled stretching,” Extreme Mechanics Letters, 11: 59-67.
Na, S.R., Wang X., Piner, R.D., Huang, R., Willson, C.G., Liechti, K.M. (2016), “Cracking of CVD Graphene on Copper under Tension,” ACS Nano, 10: 9616-9625.
Walker, E.S., Na, S.R, Jung, D., March, S, D., Kim, J-S., Trivedi, T., Li, W., Tao, L., Minjoo L. Lee, M.L., Liechti, K.M., Akinwande, D., and Bank, S.R. (2016) “Large-Area Dry Transfer of Single-Crystalline Epitaxial Bismuth Thin Films,” ACS Nano, 16, 6931-6938
Jain, S., S.R. Na, K.M. Liechti, and R.T. Bonnecaze, (2016) “Characteristic scaling equations for softening interactions between beams.” International Journal of Fracture, 201: 1-9.
Wu, C., Gowrishankar, S., Huang, R. and Liechti, K. M., (2016) “On Determining Mixed-Mode Traction-Separation Relations for Interfaces,” International Journal of Fracture, 202, 1-19.
Suk, J. W., S. R. Na, R. J. Stromberg, D. Stauffer, J. Lee, R. S. Ruoff and K. M. Liechti (2016). “Probing the adhesion interactions of graphene on silicon oxide by nanoindentation.” Carbon 103: 63-72.
Wang, P., Liechti, K.M., Huang, R. (2016), “Snap Transitions of Pressurized Graphene Bubbles,” Journal of Applied Mechanics, 83, 071002.
Na, S. R., N. Rahimi, L. Tao, H. Chou, S. K. Ameri, D. Akinwande and K. Liechti (2016). “Clean graphene interfaces by selective dry transfer for large area silicon integration.” Nanoscale 8: 7523-7533.
Cao, Z., L. Tao, D. Akinwande, R. Huang and K. M. Liechti (2016). “Mixed-mode traction-separation relations between graphene and copper by blister tests.” International Journal of Solids and Structures, 84: 147-159
Na, S. R., D. A. Sarceno and K. M. Liechti (2016). “Ultra-long-range interactions between silicon surfaces.” International Journal of Solids and Structures 80: 168-180.
Liechti, K.M., Ravi-Chandar, K. (2015), “The Interaction of High Strain-Rate Elastomeric Polymer Coating with the Substrate Material and the Mechanisms of Failure.” In Elastomeric Polymers with High Rate Sensitivity: Applications in Blast, Shockwave, and Penetration Mechanics. Elsevier Inc., 359-401.
Cao, Z., Tao, L., Akinwande, D., Huang, R. and Liechti, K. M. (2015) “Mixed-mode interactions between graphene and substrates by blister tests.” Journal of Applied Mechanics, 82: 081008.
Liechti, K. M. (2015). “Understanding friction in layered materials.” Science 348(6235): 632-633.
Gao, W., Liechti, K.M. and Huang, R. (2015) “Wet adhesion of graphene.” Extreme Mechanics Letters, 3: 130-140.
Na, S. R., Suk, J. W., Ruoff, R. S., Huang, R., Liechti , K. M. (2015) “Selective mechanical transfer of graphene from seed copper foil using rate effects.” ACS Nano, 9(2): 1325-1335.
Na, S. R., Suk, J. W., Ruoff, R. S., Huang, R., Liechti , K. M. (2014) “Ultra long-range interactions between large area graphene and silicon.” ACS Nano, 8(11): 11234-11242.
Gao, W., Xiao, P., Henkelman, G., Liechti, K.M. and Huang, R. (2014) “Interfacial adhesion between graphene and silicon dioxide by density functional theory with van der Waals corrections.” Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 47: 255301.
Mauchien, T. K. and Liechti, K. M. (2014) “A fracture analysis of cathodic delamination of polyurea from steel,” International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 51: p. 23-31.
Cao, Z., Wang, P., Gao, W., Tao, L., Suk, J. W., Ruoff, R. S., Akinwande, D., Huang, R. and Liechti, K. M. (2014) “A blister test for interfacial adhesion of large-scale transferred graphene,” Carbon, 69, 390-400.
Sultana, C., Bhasin, A. and Liechti, K. M. (2014) “Rate and Confinement Effects on the Tensile Strength of Asphalt Binder,” Construction and Building Materials, 53, 604-611.
Motamed, A., Bhasin, A. and Liechti, K. M. (2014), “Using the Poker Chip Test for Determining the Bulk Modulus of Asphalt Binders,” Mechanics of Time Dependent Materials, 18, 197-215.
Wang, P., Gao, W., Cao, Z., Liechti, K. M., Huang, R. (2013) “Numerical analysis of circular graphene bubbles,” Journal of Applied Mechanics, 80(4), 040905.
Yue, K., Gao, W., Huang, R. and Liechti, K. M. (2012) “Analytical methods for the mechanics of graphene bubbles,” Journal of Applied Physics, 112, 083512.
Albrecht, A.B., Liechti, K.M. and Ravi-Chandar, K., (2013) “Characterization of the Transient Response of Polyurea,” Experimental Mechanics, 53, 113-122.
Gowrishankar, S., Mei, H., Liechti, K. M. and Huang, R. (2012) “Comparison of Direct and Iterative Methods for Determination of Silicon/Epoxy Interface Traction-Separation Relations,” International Journal of Fracture, 177, 109-128.
Motamed, A., Bhasin, A. and Liechti, K. M. (2013) “Constitutive modeling of the nonlinearly viscoelastic response of asphalt binders; incorporating three-dimensional effects,” Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials, 17, 83-109.
Liechti, K. M. Na, S. R., Seitz, O. and Chabal, Y., (2013) “A High Vacuum Fracture Experiment for Examining Molecular Interactions,” Experimental Mechanics, 53, 231-241.
Chevallard, G., Ravi-Chandar, K., and Liechti, K.M. (2012) “Modeling the nonlinear viscoelastic behavior of polyurea using a distortion modified free volume approach,” Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials, 16, 181-203.
Motamed, A., Bhasin, A. and Liechti, K. M. (2012) “Interaction Nonlinearity in Asphalt Binders,” Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials, 16, 145–167.
Morales, S.A., Albrecht, A.B., Zhang, H., Liechti, K.M. and Ravi-Chandar, K. (2011) “On the dynamics of localization and fragmentation: V. Response of polymer coated Al 6061-O tubes,” International Journal of Fracture, 172, 161-185.
Xu, D. and Liechti, K. M. (2011) “Analytical and Experimental Study of a Circular Membrane in Adhesive Contact with a Rigid Substrate,” International Journal of Solids and Structures, 48, 2965-2976.
Chevallard, G., Ravi-Chandar, K., and Liechti, K.M. (2011) “Modeling the nonlinear viscoelastic behavior of polyurea using a distortion modified free volume approach,” Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials, 16, 181-203.
Motamed, A., Bhasin, A. and Liechti, K. M. (2011) “Interaction Nonlinearity in Asphalt Binders,” Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials, 16, 145-167.
Xu, D. and Liechti, K. M., (2010) “Analytical and Experimental Study of a Circular Membrane in Hertzian Contact with a Rigid Substrate,” International Journal of Solids and Structures, 47, 969-977.
Xu, D. and Liechti, K. M., (2010) “Bulge Testing Transparent Thin Films with Moiré Deflectometry,” Experimental Mechanics, 50, 217-225
Xu, D., Liechti, K. M. and Ravi-Chandar, K., (2009) “Mechanical Probing of Icelike Water Monolayers,” Langmuir, 25, 12870-12873.
Zhang, H., K.M. Liechti, and K. Ravi-Chandar, (2009) “On the dynamics of localization and fragmentation-III. Effect of cladding with a polymer.” International Journal of Fracture, 155(2): 101-118.
Zhu, Y., Liechti, K. M., Ravi-Chandar, K., (2009) “Direct Extraction of Rate Dependent Traction-Separation Laws for Polyurea/Steel Interfaces,” International Journal of Solids & Structures, 46, 31-51.
Lin, M. W., Hellebusch, D. J., Wu, K., Kim, E. K.,. Lu, K. H., Liechti, K. M., Ekerdt, J. G., Ho, P. S., Willson , G. C., (2008) “Role of Surfactants in Adhesion Reduction for Step and Flash Imprint Lithography,” J. Micro/Nanolith. MEMS MOEMS 7, 033005.
Xu, D., Ravi-Chandar, K., and Liechti, K. M., (2007) “On scale dependence in friction: Transition from intimate to monolayer lubricated contact,” Journal of Interface and Colloid Science, Vol. 318 , pp. 507-519.
Xu, D., Liechti, K. M. and Ravi-Chandar, K (2007) “Mesoscale scanning probe tips with subnanometer rms roughness,” Review of Scientific Instruments Vol. 78, 073707, 2007.
Xu, D., Liechti, K. M. and Ravi-Chandar, K (2007) “On the modified Tabor parameter for the JKR-DMT transition in the presence of a liquid meniscus,” Journal of Interface and Colloid Science, Vol. 315, pp. 772-785, 2007.
Mingji Wang, Dewei Xu, K. Ravi-Chandar, and Kenneth M. Liechti, “On the development of a Meso Scale Friction Tester,” Experimental Mechanics, Vol. l47 (1), pp. 123-132, 2007.
Park, S-J., Liechti, K. M. Roy, (2006) “A nonlinear Viscoelastic Fracture Analysis of Concrete/FRP Delamination in Aggressive Environments,” International Journal of Fracture, Vol. 149, pp. 9-27, 2006
V. Chakkarapani, K. Ravi-Chandar and K.M. Liechti (2006) “Characterization of Multiaxial Constitutive Properties of Rubbery Polymers,” ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, Vol. 128, p. 489-494, 2006.
Roy, S., Wang, Y., Park, S., Xu, Dewei, and Liechti, K. M., “A Three Dimensional Viscoelastic Analysis of Thin Film Delamination,” Journal of Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, Vol. 14:1-12, pp. 379-390, 2007.
Morehouse, J. A., Lloyd, D. R., Freeman, B. D., Lawler, D. F., Liechti, K. M., and Becker, E. B., “Modeling the Stretching of Microporous Membranes,” Journal of Membrane Science, Vol. 203, pp. 430-439, 2006.
Roy, S., Wang, Y., Park, S., and Liechti, “Cohesive Layer Modeling of Time-Dependent Debond Growth in Aggressive Environments,” Journal of Engineering Material and Technology, Vol. 128, No. 1, pp. 11-17, 2006.
Xu, D., Liechti, K. M., de Lumley Woodyear, T. (2006) “Closed Form Nonlinear Analysis of the Peninsula Blister Test,” The Journal of Adhesion, 82:8, 831-866, 2006.
Roy, S., Vangadassalam, K., Wang, Y., Park, S. and Liechti, K. M. (2006) “Characterization and Modeling of Strain Assisted Diffusion in an Epoxy Adhesive Layer,” International Journal of Solids & Structures, 43, 27-52.
Wang, M., Liechti, K. M., Srinivasan, V., White, J. M., Rossky, P. J., Stone, T.M., (2006) “A Hybrid Continuum-Molecular Analysis of IFM Experiments of a Self-Assembled Monolayer,” Journal of Applied Mechanics, 73, 769-777.
Mello, A.V. and K.M. Liechti, (2006) “The Effect Of Self-Assembled Monolayers On Interfacial Fracture.” Journal of Applied Mechanics, 73, 860-870.
Wang, M., Liechti, K. M., Wang, Q. and White, J. M. (2005) “Self-Assembled Silane Monolayers: Fabrication with Nanoscale Uniformity,” Langmuir. 21, pp. 1848-1857.
Park, S. J., Liechti, K. M. and Roy, S. (2004) “Simplified Bulk Experiments and Hygrothermal Nonlinear Viscoelasticity,” Journal of Time-Dependent Materials, 8, pp. 303-344.
Mello, A. W. and Liechti, K. M. (2004), “A Piezoelectric Biaxial Loading Device For Interfacial Fracture Experiments.” Experimental Mechanics, 44, pp. 495-501.
Wang, M., Liechti, KM., White, J. M., Winter, R. M. (2004) “Nanoindentation of Polymeric Thin Films with an Interfacial Force Microscope,” Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 52, pp. 2329-2354.
Arzoumanidis, G. A. and Liechti, K. M. “Linear Viscoelastic Property Measurement and its Application to Modified Free Volume Models,” Journal of Time-Dependent Materials, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 209-215, 2003.
Park, S. J. and Liechti, K. M. “Rate-dependent Large Strain Behavior of a Structural Adhesive,” Journal of Time-Dependent Materials, 7(2): 143-164, 2003 .
Popelar, C. F., and Liechti, K. M., “A Distortion-Modified Free Volume Theory for Nonlinear Viscoelastic Behavior,” Journal of Time-Dependent Materials, 7(2): 89-141, 2003, .
Liechti, K. M., Arzoumanidis, A.G., and Park, S-J., “Fatigue Fracture of Fully Saturated Bonded Joints,” Journal of Adhesion, Vol. 78, pp. 383-411, 2002.
Liechti, K. M. and Marton, B. “Delamination of a High-Temperature Sandwich Plate,” Experimental Mechanics, Vol. 42, pp. 206-213, 2002.
Swadener, J. G. and Liechti, K. M. “Shear induced toughening in bonded joints: experiments and analysis,” International Journal of Fracture, Vol. 114, pp. 113-132, 2002.
Roy, S., Xu, W., Park, S.J. and Liechti, K.M. “Anomalous Diffusion of a Penetrant in a Viscoelastic Polymer: Modeling and Testing,” Polymers & Polymer Composites, Vol. 8 No. 5, pp. 295-305, 2000.
Wu, J-D. and Liechti, K. M. “Mixed-Mode, Time-Dependent Rubber/Metal Debonding,” Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 49, 1039-1072, 2001.
Wu, J-D. and Liechti, K. M. “Multiaxial And Time-Dependent Behavior Of A Filled Rubber,” Journal of Time-Dependent Materials, Vol. 4, pp. 293-331, 2000.
Mohammed, I and Liechti, K. M., “The Effect of Corner Angles in Bimaterial Structures,” International Journal of Solids and Structures, 38, 4375-4394, 2001.
Liechti , K. M., Shirani, A., Dillingham, R. G., Boerio, F. J. .and Weaver, S. M., “Cohesive Zone Models of Polyimide/Aluminum Interphases,” J. Adhesion, 73, 259-297, 2000.
Mohammed, I and. Liechti, K. M. “Cohesive Zone Modeling of Crack Nucleation at Bimaterial Corners,” Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Vol.48, pp. 735-764, 2000.
Roy, S. Xu, W.Q., Park, S.J. and Liechti, K.M., “Anomalous Moisture Diffusion in Viscoelastic Polymers: Modeling and Testing,” ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 67,pp. 391-396, 2000.
Hung, S.-C. and Liechti, K. M., “Nonlinear Multiaxial Behavior and Failure of Fiber Reinforced Composites,” Time Dependent and Nonlinear Effects in Polymers and Composites, STP1357, pp.176-222, 2000.
Hung, S.-C. and Liechti, K. M., “Finite Element Analysis of the Arcan Specimen for Fiber Reinforced Composites Under Pure Shear and Biaxial Loading.” Journal of Composite Materials, Vol. 33, pp.1288-1317, 1999.
Swadener, J. G., Liechti, K. M. and A. L. de Lozanne, “The Intrinsic Toughness and Adhesion of a Glass Epoxy Interface,” Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids Vol. 47, pp. 223-258, 1999.
Shirani, A. and Liechti, K. M. “A Calibrated Fracture Process Zone Model for Thin Film Blistering,” International Journal of Fracture, 93, pp. 281-314, 1998.
Liechti, K. M., Schnapp, S. T., and Swadener, J. G., “Contact Angle and Contact Mechanics of a Glass/Epoxy Interface,” International Journal of Fracture, Vol. 86, pp. 361-374, 1998.
Swadener, J. G. and Liechti, K. M., “Asymmetric Shielding Mechanisms in the Mixed-Mode Fracture of a Glass/Epoxy Interface,” ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 65, pp. 25-29, 1998.
Hung, S.C. and Liechti, K. M., “An Evaluation of the Arcan Specimen for Determining the Shear Moduli of Fiber Reinforced Composites,” Experimental Mechanics, Vol. 37, pp. 460-468, 1997.
Popelar, C. F., and Liechti, K. M., “Multiaxial Nonlinear Viscoelastic Characterization and Modeling of a Structural Adhesive.” ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, Vol. 119, pp. 205-210, 1997.
Liang, Y.-M., and Liechti, K. M., “On the Large Deformation and Localization Behavior of an Epoxy Resin Under Multiaxial Stress States,” International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 33, pp.1479-1500, 1996.
Kyriakides, S., Arseculeratne, R., Perry, E. J., and Liechti, K. M., “On the Compressive Failure of Fiber Reinforced Composites,” Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 32, pp. 689-738, 1995.
Liang, Y.-M., and Liechti, K. M., “Toughening Mechanisms in Mixed-Mode Interfacial Fracture,” International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 32, pp. 957-978, 1995.
Liechti, K. M., and A. Shirani, “Large Scale Yielding in Blister Specimens,” International Journal of Fracture, Vol. 67, pp. 21-36, 1994.
Liechti, K. M., “On the Use of Classical Interferometry Techniques in Fracture Mechanics,” Chapter 4, pp. 95-124, in Experimental Techniques in Fracture, III, Ed. J. S. Epstein, VCH Publishers, New York, 1993.
Liechti, K. M. and Adamjee, W., “Mixed-Mode Cathodic Delamination of Rubber from Steel,” J. Adhesion, Vol. 40, pp. 27-45, 1992.
Liechti, K. M., Chai, Y.-S., and Liang, Y.-M., “Three-Dimensional Effects in Interfacial Crack Propagation,” Experimental Mechanics, Vol. 32, pp. 218-224, 1992.
Liechti, K. M. and Liang, Y.-M., “The Interfacial Fracture Characteristics of Bimaterial and Sandwich Blister Specimen,” International Journal of Fracture, Vol. 55, pp. 95-114, 1992.
Liechti, K. M. and Chai, Y.-S. “Asymmetric Shielding in Interfacial Fracture Under In-Plane Shear,” Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 59, pp. 295-304, 1992.
Liechti, K. M., “Fracture Testing and Failure Analysis of Structural Adhesives,” in American Society for Materials, Engineered Materials Handbook, Volume 3: Adhesives and Sealants, pp. 335-348, 1990.
Liechti, K. M. and Chai, Y-S. , “Biaxial Loading Experiments for Determining Interfacial Fracture Toughness,” Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 58, pp. 680-687, 1991.
Liechti, K. M. and Hayashi, T., “On the Uniformity of Stresses in Some Adhesive Deformation Specimens,” Journal of Adhesion, Vol. 29, pp. 167-191, 1989.
Liechti, K. M. and Freda, T. “On the Use of Laminated Beams for the Determination of Pure and Mixed-Mode Fracture Properties of Structural Adhesives,” Journal of Adhesion, Vol. 28, pp. 145-169, 1989.
Liechti, K. M., Becker, E. G., Lin, C., and Miller, T., “A Fracture Analysis of Cathodic Delamination in Rubber to Metal Bonds,” International Journal of Fracture, Vol. 39, pp. 217-234, 1989.
Liechti, K. M. and Hanson, E. C., “Nonlinear Effects in Mixed-Mode Interfacial Delaminations,” International Journal of Fracture, Vol. 36, pp. 199-217, 1988.
Liechti, K. M., Ginsburg, D., and Hanson, E. C., “A Comparison Between Measurements and Finite Element Predictions of Crack Opening Displacements Near the Front of an Interface Crack,” Journal of Adhesion, Vol. 23, pp. 123-146, 1987.
Dillard, D. A., Liechti, K. M., Lefebvre, D. A., Lin, C., and Thornton, J. S., “Development of Alternate Techniques for Measuring the Fracture Toughness of Rubber to Metal Bonds in Harsh Environments,” Adhesively Bonded Joints: Testing, Analysis and Design, ASTM STP 981, W.S. Johnson, Ed., Philadelphia, pp. 83-97, 1988.
Liechti, K. M. and Hanson, E. C., “An Examination of Mixed-Mode Debonding in the Blister Test,” Adhesively Bonded Joints: Testing, Analysis and Design, ASTM STP 981, W.S. Johnson, Ed., Philadelphia, pp. 13-27, 1988.
Lin, C., and Liechti, K. M., “Similarity Concepts in the Fatigue Fracture of Adhesively Bonded Joints,” Journal of Adhesion, 21, pp. 1-24, 1987.
Liechti, K. M., “Moiré of Crack Opening Interferometry in Adhesive Fracture Mechanics,” Experimental Mechanics, Vol. 25, pp. 255-261, 1985.
Liechti, K. M., “Residual Stresses in Plastically Encapsulated Microelectronic Devices,” Experimental Mechanics, Vol. 25, pp. 226-231, 1985.
Liechti, K. M. and W. G. Knauss, W. G., “Crack Propagation at Material Interfaces: I. Experimental Technique to Determine Crack Profiles,” Experimental Mechanics, Vol. 22, pp 262-269, 1982.
Liechti, K. M. and W. G. Knauss, W. G., “Crack Propagation at Material Interfaces: II. Experiments in Mode Interaction,” Experimental Mechanics, Vol. 22, pp. 383-391, 1982.