Seminar Schedule – Summer 2019
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Time: 3:30pm – 4:30pm
Place: ASE 2.134
On the Double Transition in the Failure Mode of Polycarbonate
Josué Aranda Ruiz, Univeristy of Carlos III, Madrid
The transition in the mode of failure observed in Polycarbonate, was explored both experimentally and numerically. The limit between both behaviors depends on several intrinsic factors, such as temperature and deformation rate, and extrinsic factors such as notch radius and location, and specimen thickness. A global damage model capable of reproducing and predicting this transition has been proposed, calibrated and validated. For this purpose, experimental tests and numerical simulations have been carried out, developing a VUMAT user subroutine in the finite element commercial code ABAQUS/Explicit, which takes into account both failure criteria (brittle and ductile), independently. These numerical results have allowed to observe that a double transition may occur, depending on the thickness and strain rate.
For further information, please contact Dr. K. Ravi-Chandar at or (512) 471-4213.