Fall 2022 Wellness Week: 11/16

Support Groups in Cockrell

Cockrell School has many students orgs and resources to help students find their community!

Equal Opportunity in Engineering Program (EOE)@ut_eoe
Women in Engineering Program (WEP)@utwep
Student Organization
LGBTQ+ Engineering (LGBQT-ies)
National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)
oSTEM (LGBTQ+ STEM students)
Pi Sigma Pi (PSP)
Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers (SASE)
Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE)
Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers Senoritas (SHPE-Senoritas)
Society of Women Engineers at UT Austin (SWE)
Undergraduate Chemical Engineering Women (UChEW)
Women in Aerospace for Leadership and Development (WIALD)
Women in Biomedical Engineering (WBME)
Women in Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering (WCAE)
Women in Electrical and Computer Engineering (WECE)
Women in Mechanical Engineering (WME)
Women in Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering (WPGE)

More resources coming soon!!!

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