Clinical Director, Perelman School of Medicine, Dept of Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania
Topics of Expertise:
Cohabitation, Committed Relationships & Marriage / Couples Conflict, Separation & Divorce / Division of Labor in Families / Domestic Violence & Child Abuse / Family Counseling, Therapy & Parenting Intervention / Feminism & Families / Gender & Sexuality / LGBTQ Partnering & Families / Parenthood: Motherhood/Fatherhood / Step-Families / Transition – Couples to Parenting / Work & Family
Jacqueline Hudak, Ph.D., LMFT is a Couple and Family Therapist who has been working with individuals, couples, families, and groups for over twenty five years.
Dr. Hudak uses her years of clinical experience, research data, and personal life trajectories to bring expert consultation to the patients and professionals who work with her.
She is also known for advanced clinical supervision, the focus of which is narrative and postmodern theory, self of the therapist, and addressing issues of power and social location in the clinical setting.
Dr. Hudak is dedicated to bringing research about the family into public discourses, weaving together the private stories that portray the often hidden cultural landscapes of our time. She has been a blogger on GirlWithPen as well as Psychology Today, and is a popular speaker with both professional and lay audiences, addressing topics pertaining to relationships and the family life cycle.
She has taught couple and family therapy at the graduate and post-graduate levels; her research has focused on sexual fluidity and midlife identity transitions for couples and children, and the impact of heteronormative culture on family life as well as family therapy theory. She has presented nationally on a variety of topics that include the use of qualitative autoethnographic research in the family therapy field.
Dr. Hudak was trained at Harvard University in the mid 1980’s by Dr. Rachel Hare-Mustin, a pioneer in feminist family therapy and postmodern theory. In the early 1990’s she was a founding faculty member of The Multicultural Family Institute of New Jersey. She has worked with The Cultural Context Model, a cutting edge, social justice based theory of clinical work with families, which Dr. Hudak incorporated in her private practice.
Currently, Dr. Hudak is a Board Member and Chair of Marketing for The American Family Therapy Academy, a Clinical Fellow and Approved Supervisor with The American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy, and a member of The Council for Contemporary Families.