Professor of Sociology, Iowa State University
Topics of Expertise:
Children / Couples Conflict, Separation & Divorce / Feminism & Families / Marriage & Divorce / Parenthood: Motherhood/Fatherhood / Step-Families
Website: https://soc.iastate.edu/directory/susan-stewart/
Susan D. Stewart is professor of sociology at Iowa State University. She is the author of Cosleeping: Parents, Children, and Musical Beds, Multicultural Stepfamilies, Brave New Stepfamilies and Marriages, Families, and Relationships. Her research focuses on gender, family, demography, and child and adult well-being. She has published in leading peer-reviewed journals such as Journal of Marriage and Family, and her research has been funded by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, the Annie E. Casey Foundation, and more.