Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Oregon
Email: pyamin@uoregon.edu
Website: https://polisci.uoregon.edu/profile/pyamin/
Twitter: @priscilla_yamin
Topics of Expertise: Economic Inequality / Feminism & Families / History & Trends on Gender, Marriage, & Family Life / Immigrant, Mixed Status, & Transnational Families / Reproductive Health / Race, Ethnicity, & Culture / Work & Family
Priscilla Yamin is an Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Oregon. She is also an affiliate faculty member of Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies and Indigenous, Race and Ethnic Studies departments also at the University of Oregon. She is the author of American Marriage: A Political Institution (UPenn, 2012) and many articles including: “The Racialization of Privacy: Racial Formation is a Family Affair” published in Theory & Society and winner of the Distinguished Contribution to Scholarship from the American Sociological Associations’ Race, Gender and Class section.; as well as “Illegalizing” Families: State Status and Deportability” published in New Political journal and winner of the Christian Bay Award from the American Political Science Association New Political Science section. She is an interdisciplinary qualitative scholar that examines the historical and political development of marriage and family and its effects on notions of citizenship and equality.