To offer the most informative and up to date conference in the science and regulation of global drug development
Challenges of Public Health and Scientific Advances in Biomedicine in the 21st Century – Leveraging Digital Technologies to Transform Drug Development and Regulatory Risk-Benefit Models Model(s) – Innovation in Manufacturing Technologies.
On behalf of the University of Texas at Austin College of Pharmacy, and the Planning Committee of the International Conference on Drug Development (ICD2), we are delighted to welcome you to Austin, Texas for the 58th ICD2 referred to as the Gordon Conference on Drug Development.
This year’s ICD2 theme is “Responding to the Challenges of Public Health and Advances in Biomedical Sciences in the 21st century”. This theme unequivocally necessitates constant innovation to improve the sustainability and efficiencies of drug discovery and development models presently used by the pharmaceutical industry. There is a need to leverage digital technologies to accelerate and improve the efficiencies of drug discovery and development. We should also leverage digital technologies in combination with real world-evidence to improve the sustainability of risk-benefit models presently used by the Food and Drug Administration and the Pharmaceutical Industry to accelerate and bring new drugs and therapies to patients.
Transformative Modernization of the FDA and Pharma in the digital age is a priority that may also lower the cost, improved the access, and the quality of medicines. The reality is that still, unmet medical needs remain at the forefront in our constant fight against disease, the number one enemy of humankind. Designing new solutions around the patients by leveraging digital technologies will also improve compliance, treatment of drug addiction, and will improve the sustainability of drug development, and drug discovery models in the 21st century.
This year’s conference is dedicated to the transformative modernization of drug development, the Food and Drug Administration and Pharma leveraging digital technologies to expedite drug development to meet patient’s medical needs without compromising quality, safety, and efficacy of drugs, biologics and devices.
ICD2 offers an informal forum to exchange ideas to find solutions to the constant public health and biomedical innovation challenges to expedite breakthrough therapies to the patient.
Thank you for joining us this year!
Salomon Stavchansky, Ph.D.
ICD2 Conference Scientific Chair
Alcon Centennial Professor of Pharmaceutics
The University of Texas at Austin College of Pharmacy