How to Download Course Materials
Course materials are linked to each presentation on the same site you used to register for the event. This system requires a password, the one you used when setting up your registration.
Follow the same steps below to complete the online evaluations.
Step 1: Log In
Go to the website to Log In:
Note: Use the Email you used when you registered for the conference. If you do not remember your password, use the “forgot password” link to set up a new one. If you need assistance, please call the UT CPE office at 512-471-6213 between 8-5 PM, or see our staff at the check in table at the hotel.
Step 2: Find the Event
Click on the
“Pending Programs/CE”
link at the top of the page.
Next, click on the name of the program,”28th Psychiatric Pharmacotherapy Update • 2016“. This will bring you to the event page.
NOTE: for Pharmacists the title will say “CPE Credit”, for all others, the title will include “CME, CNE, APA, Social Work Credit”.
Step 3: Download Materials
Click on the presentation titles. Under each presentation section, look for “Presentation Material(s)“. Each presenter’s slides have been linked in a PDF format. You can click the title of the speaker, then download the PDF document. See the RED arrow below:
Step 4: Completing Evaluations after the Course – Evaluations for this Course are now Closed
After you have completed the course on Friday, return to the same page where the documents were downloaded (repeat steps above), and click on the “complete evaluation” link on each session you attended in full. For Pharmacists (CPE Credit), once you complete each evaluation, the credits will automatically be sent to your NABP e-profile. For all other credits, a PDF copy of your certificate will be emailed to you within 30 days.
See the GREEN arrow / Complete Evaluation example in the above picture.
The Deadline for completing evaluations is December 27. Evaluations completed after December 27 will not receive credit. This is a new rule instituted by ACPE in 2013 placing a strict 60 day deadline for completing all aspects of a course in order to received ACPE credit. Please be sure to complete your credits before the deadline.
NOTE: Each downloadable presentation is in a PDF format, which required Adobe Reader. You can download the Reader here.