UT Drupal Kit

UT Drupal Kit 3 – Beta 3 Release

ITS has posted the third beta release of UT Drupal Kit 3.0 (UTDK 3).

UT Drupal Kit 3.0.0-beta.3 largely consists of bugfixes and minor display enhancements related to consistency.

It also includes an update from Drupal 8.8.0-beta1 to 8.8.1, as well as updates to the latest stable version of the following contributed modules: Adminimal Admin Toolbar, Admin Toolbar, Adminimal Theme, CKEditor Height, Editor Advanced Link, Google Tag Manager, Layout Builder Modal, Layout Builder Restrictions, Metatag, Pathauto, Redirect, and Responsive Tables Filter.

Please visit the UT Drupal Kit 3 documentation for complete release notes and instructions for updating an existing beta codebase using Composer. Always be sure to check for available database updates after updating the codebase.

A note about beta releases

This is a beta release for the next major version of the UT Drupal Kit. Betas are good testing targets for developers and site builders who are comfortable reporting (and where possible, fixing) their own bugs. Beta releases are not recommended for non-technical users, nor for production websites.

How do I get started with UTDK 3?

The first thing anyone interested in starting with UTDK 3 should do is to head over to our brand-new documentation site:

The “What is the UT Drupal Kit?” chapter contains detailed explanations of what the Kit contains, as well as a list of differences between versions 2 and 3.

The “Getting Started” chapter includes technical requirements for running version 3, as well as detailed instructions for setting up an environment on your own local workstation, a LAMP server, or Pantheon.

If you run into problems or have questions, please check the “Support” page for available support options.


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