Last Thursday, Jay T. Bender, graduate student from the Milliron & Resasco Groups, gave an amazing talk exploring kinetics, reaction mechanisms and microkinetic analysis for electrocatalytic reactions. Check out the recording below and stay tuned for more electrifying chalk talks from the UT community!
Don’t Miss May’s Electrochemistry Chalk Talk This Thursday!
Howdy, Electrochemistry Community!
Join us next Thursday for May’s electrochemistry chalk talk! Jay T. Bender from the Milliron & Resasco groups will talk about kinetic rate analysis of electrocatalytic water splitting reactions. You can also watch the event through Zoom and our official Facebook page!
Check out the recording of April’s chalk talk on electrochemistry!
On Friday, we had our second chalk talk on electrochemistry, now about batteries! Yixian Wang, graduate student from the Mitlin Group, explained some novel strategies and designs for improving the performance of anode-free batteries. Check out the recording below and stay tuned for upcoming chalk talks on electrochemistry from the UT community!
Don’t Miss April’s Electrochemistry Chalk Talk This Friday!
Howdy Electrochemistry Community!
Join us next Friday for April’s electrochemistry chalk talk! Yixian Wang from the Mitlin Group will show us how to design current collectors for anode-free batteries. You can also watch the event through Zoom and our official Facebook page!

Check out the recording of our first chalk talk on electrochemistry!
Last Thursday, we started our very first chalk talk about electrochemistry! Raul A. Marquez, graduate student from the Mullins Group, explained the fundamentals of the electrochemical double layer and how to use it to estimate the electrochemical surface area of conductive materials. Check out the recording below! And don’t miss our future chalk talks where students and postdocs will teach us relevant electrochemistry topics!
Don’t miss our new hybrid chalk talks on electrochemistry!
Howdy Electrochemistry Community!
Join us next Thursday for our first electrochemistry chalk talk. Our first speaker Raul A. Marquez will talk about how to properly measure the electrochemical surface area using the double layer capacitance. We will also stream the event through Zoom and our official Facebook page!