Community Organizations

Dove Springs Proud

Dove Springs Proud (DSP) is a civic group for the entire 78744 with the mission to support all the residents and youth of this zip code area. Founded in Oct 2013, DSP has served over 4500 people with medical, funeral, academic financial assistance. DSP also hosts annual events like our Ceremony/Gala and Youth Summit. DSP also has given out over 65 college scholarships. DSP promotes positive civic activities for 78744, registering to vote, voting, meetings and events. With over 950 members, DSP is located on Facebook as a private group. Members are those who live, work or grew up in 78744.

Southeast Combined Neighborhood Plan Contact Team (SCNPCT)

The Southeast Combined Neighborhood Plan Contact Team (SCNPCT) is a group of residents, property owners, business owners, and non-profits in 78744, whose responsibility it is to implement the neighborhood plans (Franklin Park, McKinney, and Southeast Neighborhood planning areas) that were originally developed by the residents with the support of the City of Austin Planning Department. The Neighborhood Plan was adopted by the Austin City Council on October 2002. Our meetings are usually the 2nd Monday of each month at 7pm.

Dove Springs Recreation Advisory Board (DSRAB)

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