In the Electromagnetic Medical Technologies (EMT) Lab, we are interested in electromagnetic (EM)-based solutions with applications in diagnostic, therapeutic, supportive or assistive medical technologies. These EM-based technologies are promising due to their low-cost, minimally invasive nature, and the potential for combined diagnosis and treatment (i.e., theranostics), or combined monitoring and proactive intervention or correction. Our research approach incorporates innovation in engineering with knowledge from multiple fields in order to deliver results that are timely, and of interest to both the medical and engineering communities. We strive to keep research driven by concrete needs, with a clinically-informed and commercially-validated approach to medical technologies. Working in this area is very rewarding, as any contributions we make can directly help both patients and the general public, and improve their health and quality of life.
Graduate Students
Ali Farshkaran
Project: Dielectric Measurement of Heterogeneous Biological Tissues
Jared Culpepper
Project: Impedance- and Microwave-based Imaging of the Head
Andrew Fry
Project: Microwave Ablation Delivery/Monitoring for Treatment of Spinal Tumors
Evan Carnahan
Project: Computational methods for joint EEG-microwave neural activity imaging
Srinivas Bangalore Seshadri
Project: Design of a scalable hardware for medical imaging applications in the microwave frequency range
Undergraduate Researchers
Hannah Lee
Project: Electrical Impedance Tomography for Stroke Detection and Differentiation
Spencer Denton
Projects: Phantoms for Microwave Imaging; Design of Modular Microwave Switching Network; Flexible Probes for Dielectric Measurements
Helen Liu
Project: Simulation of Open-Ended Coaxial Probe for Dielectric Measurement of Inhomogeneous Tissues
Alex Raterink
Project: Microwave Radar for Bladder State Identification
Spring/Summer 2021
Suriya Senthilkumar
Project: Investigation of Clinical Requirements for Mastitis Diagnosis and Treatment
Spring 2021