Center for Brain, Behavior, and Evolution (CBBE):
The Center for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics: Graduate Student Testimonials from UT CCBB
UT Austin Bioinformatics Resources:
Bioinformatics Consulting Group (Bioinformatics)
Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC)
Genome Sequencing and Analysis Facility (GSAF)
Cichlid Genomics Resources:
Ensembl Genome Browser The Kocher Lab’s gateway to comparative genomics of cichlid fishes
Cichlid BLAST Server This BLAST server (maintained by the Kocher Lab) allows users to enter any sequence in FASTA format and find similar sequences among all publicly available cichlid ESTs and genomic sequences. This resource uses the well-known NCBI interface and blastn algorithm
Cichlid Evolution – Behavior – Neurobiology Labs:
Craig Albertson’s lab at University of Massachusetts – Amherst
Nadia Aubin-Horth’s lab at Universite Laval
Sigal Balshine’s lab at McMaster University
Karen Carleton’s lab at the University of Maryland – College Park
Russ Fernald’s lab at Stanford University
Darrin Hulsey’s lab at the University of Konstanz
Scott Juntti’s lab at the University of Maryland – College Park
Tom Kocher’s lab at the University of Maryland – College Park
Karen Maruska’s lab at Louisiana State University
Axel Meyer’s lab at the University of Konstanz
Nori Okada’s lab at the Tokyo Institute of Technology
Suzy Renn’s lab at Reed College
Walter Salzburger’s lab at the University of Basel
Ole Seehausen’s lab at the University of Bern and Eawag
Daphne Soares’ lab at the University of Maryland – College Park
Todd Streelman’s lab at Georgia Tech
Christian Sturmbauer’s lab at the University of Graz
Barbara Taborsky’s lab at the University of Bern
Michael Taborsky’s lab at the University of Bern
Science Blogs:
STEM Fatale Podcast. By Emlyn Resetarits and Emma Dietrich, formerly at University of Texas – Austin
Breaking Bio. By many researchers formerly at University of Texas – Austin
The Serial Mentor: Science, Writing, Fitness, Nutrition, Professional Development. By Claus Wilke, University of Texas – Austin
Living in an Ivory Basement: Stochastic thoughts on science, testing, and programming. By Titus Brown, Michigan State University
Telliamed Revisited. By Rich Lenski, Michigan State University
The Scorpion and the Frog. By Sarah Jane Alger, University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point