Book Out And Available


My book is now available at Amazon. It is a review of what I see as the cultural factors that give rise to the characteristic low levels of trust of the Mexican for government at the local or national level. I outline major aspects of the Mexican economy and seek to identify what may lie ahead for Mexico and the United States with special emphasis on Texas and my home community of Austin. You may go here for more information at Amazon: Failed State

With the return of the PRI to the control of Mexico we are seeing the expected increased suppression of the media and negative reports about Mexican violence. All of us are compelled then to ask friends what they are hearing. Here is an example that I have heard in the last few months and parallels reports recently from California of extortion cells operating in San Diego and Tijuana.

Extortion of Family Members

I have a friend that has worked for the University for many years and now has a business in Austin. He has mentioned that his wife will get a telephone call from her home town in the State of Durango and the caller will say that they are holding her brother and will harm him some way or kill him if she does not send money, usually about three thousand dollars, to an address in that state. They will provide personal information about the brother such as birth date. When she frantically calls and gets him on the phone, she finds that this is a ruse by some party in Mexico


Presentation To Law Enforcement Offcials On Border Trade and Drugs

Hill Country Law Enforcement Association Thursday, Sept. 26, 2013

Round Mountain, Texas

Border Map

First some geographical and population facts about the border and the several countries that meet along the Texas side of the U.S. Mexico border. I focus upon this 1200 mile section of the 2,000 mile border as in the last two years the level of immigration crossings is highest here and it is also where most trade passes.



Country Population Median Age



Costa Rica



El Salvador





















United States




U.S./Mexico Surface Trade – Texas Corridor

The State of Texas has a 1,254-mile long border with Mexico.  Texas’ multiple border crossings makes it the largest port-of-entry for goods traveling from Mexico into the United States as well as goods heading south from the U.S. into Mexican markets.

The Texas-Mexico auto manufacturing region has emerged over the past decade as the land bridge connecting automakers with plants in Texas, Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, Kentucky, and other states of the  \American South to the concentration of assembly plants in central Mexico, such as those in León and Toluca and as far south as Puebla. The auto supply chains run north and south, from Mexico to Canada,  24/7. More of the auto industry flow passes through Laredo than any other U.S.-Mexico port.

In 2010, about $114 billion in international freight crossed through Laredo. Nearly half of it was auto-related. The next-largest category, mainly electronic products and components, amounts only to one-fourth the amount of auto freight. Most, 98 percent, of Texas exports go to Mexico and more than 463,000 jobs in Texas and 700,000 in California rely on trade with Mexico.

Texas is responsible for about 44 percent of U.S. exports to Mexico. A large portion of those shipments are destined for maquiladoras, factories along the border that use cheap Mexican labor to assemble components manufactured in the U.S. into final products before sending them back over the border to be sold. In short, the migration of low-skill manufacturing away from America and into Mexico has had some collateral benefits and problems for Texas.

Texas Exports to Mexico

The major exports from Texas to Mexico are agriculture: cattle, pork, chicken, wheat, cotton and other coarse grains. Refined oil products and natural gas are exported to Mexico and about 1/3rd of Texas refined exports go to Mexico

IH 35 Corridor

These trade items move principally north and south by rail and truck on the IH 35 route. Laredo is the world’s busiest land port with a truck crossing every 8 minutes 24/7.

Core of the Mexican Economy

Export Item Dollar Amount Profit Percentage Profit
  1. 1.      Petroleum
$130 billion 10% $13 Billion
  1. 2.      Tourism
$185 billion 8% $12 Billion
  1. 3.      Visiting Workers
$300 billion 10% $30 Billion
  1. 4.      Manufacturing
$100 billion 15% $15 Billion
  1. 5.      Narcotics
$50 billion 80% $40 Billion




The reality of the foundations of the Mexican economy is that the two most profitable are the most troubling. Oil exports which fund the middle class in Mexico have grown stagnant since 2005. The other very profitable sector is drug trafficking.  Its impact is illustrated by the Cartels and sample efforts such as Project Coronado and Delirium to reduce Mexican presences including command and control operations in the United States. With the immense profits Mexican drug barons look for ways to “wash” the money to make it legitimate. The trials in Austin this year of the Zetas and their quarter horse schemes are only illustrative.





2009 Project Coronado

2011 Project Delirium

2013 Zetas’ Quarter horse Money Laundering

Four Alternative Scenarios For Mexico

A. Collapse in progress

World recession deepens. Oil plays out in Mexico’s top producing fields, Mexico cedes control to private actors over the south and north of the country with 10 million refugees in Mexico from the countries to its south, and 20 million refugees from within Mexico head to the northern cities of Mexico and the United States. Millions will come to Texas alone. Mexico is beset with guerilla bands controlling much of the countryside and several of the larger low-income neighborhoods in Mexico City. Staged attacks on American border cities occur with regular frequency and local police in Mexico are overwhelmed facing cartels that are better organized, funded and equipped and abandon their posts. American border cities are overwhelmed with refugees and violent gangs. American military units are required to defend against armed intrusions from Mexico.

B. American Protectorate

Cartels use hit squads to attack American law enforcement in border cities on both sides. The United States intervenes with military forces as it has done in other countries and creates a protectorate for the Mexican Federal government south to Monterrey, Saltillo and Durango. Wealthy and educated Mexicans move to Texas for safety and call for more American military and police action to defeat cartel armies. The traditional northern Mexican antipathy toward the “chilangos” of Mexico City grows and a process of tying the northern Mexican states closely to the American Southwest accelerates. Leftist and nationalistic mobs burn and sack the American Embassy in Mexico City. The ancient fear of another American invasion of Mexico becomes real and kindles long simmering antipathy toward the north. Norteños from bases in Texas plan to re-take northern cities fallen into chaos and urge U.S. support.

C. Revival of Pax Americana

American economy revives and joint American and Mexican efforts suppress cartel activity with attendant boosts in tourism, maquila employment and domestic growth. America sharply reduces illegal drug consumption. Mexico increases its historical ties with Central America and opens the region to the south to economic growth and channels American technological knowhow through all of Latin America. Mexico curtails the power of its unions and its most wealthy and extends public education to 14 years for all citizens. America provides support for joint educational ventures with American and Mexican universities. The North American continent becomes the model for integrating raw material, labor resources and intellectual creativity in a bursting of prosperity and hemispheric free trade.

D. Reprieve

World economy rebounds. Oil prices rise to $200 a barrel. Mexico permits foreign investments and spins off Pemex, which modernizes engineering, refining and exploration. The rising price of oil removes the labor cost advantage of nations in Asia for manufactured items imported to the United States and Europe. Maquila partnerships and fully domestic manufacturing activity soars in Mexico. Corruption is curtailed and profits soar. Situation stabilizes to a significant degree as the wealth generation exceeds what is loss to corruption. Mexico continues to make progress in developing manufacturing relationships with various foreign companies. Tourism rebounds as the PRI controls press reports of crime.

Adapted from The Dying Elephant-Mexico’s Path to a Failed State ©2013

A Line In The Sand

In November of 2012, Michael McCaul, now the new Chair of the U. S. House of Representatives Homeland Security Committee issued an update of that Committee’s regular assessment of events in Mexico and on the U.S.-Mexican Border that affect security. Here is the repeat of an interesting news story involving the Mexican Cartel, los Zetas, and an effort an Iranian to contract for one of the Zetas to conduct an assignation in Washington, D.C. reflecting the likely broadening of threats near the border:

From Page 13 of the report “Iran and Hezbollah have been involved in the underworld of Latin America long enough to become intimately familiar with all of its inhabitants and capitalize on their capabilities. Former DEA executive Michael Braun has an interesting way of describing this dynamic:

“…If you want to visualize ungoverned space or a permissive environment, I tell people to simply think of the bar scene in the first “Star Wars” movie. Operatives from FTOs (foreign terrorist organizations) and DTOs (drug trafficking organizations) are frequenting the same shady bars, the same seedy hotels and the same sweaty brothels in a growing number of areas around the world. And what else are they doing? Based upon over 37 years in the law enforcement and security sectors, you can mark my word that they are most assuredly talking business and sharing lessons learned.”

Braun says as Europe’s demand for cocaine continues to grow and TCO’s operate in West and North Africa to establish infrastructure to move the drugs:

“These bad guys (cartels) are now routinely coming in very close contact with the likes of Hezbollah, Hamas, Al Qaeda, who are vying for the same money, the same turf and same dollars. It’s really a nightmare scenario. And my point being is if anyone thinks for a moment that Hezbollah and Qods Force, the masters at leveraging and exploiting existing elicit infrastructures globally, are not going to focus on our southwest border and use that as perhaps a spring board in attacking our country then they just don’t understand how the real underworld works.”

Iran attempted to leverage this capability in October 2011 with the foiled plot to assassinate the Saudi Ambassador to the United States. According to a federal arrest complaint filed in New York City, the Qods Force attempted to hire a drug cartel (identified by other sources as the Los Zetas) to assassinate Saudi Ambassador Adel al-Jubeir for a fee of $1.5 million. The terror attack was to take place at a popular restaurant in Washington, D.C. without regard to collateral deaths or damage.

The Qods Force made this solicitation because it knows drug traffickers are willing to undertake such criminal activity in exchange for money. Moreover, if this terror attack had been successful, the Qods Force intended to use the Los Zetas for other attacks in the future. Had it not been for a DEA informant posing as the Los Zetas operative, this attack could have very well taken place.

It has been suggested that this assassination was directed by the Iranian government in retaliation for a Saudi-led military intervention in Bahrain against an Iranian-backed Shiite Muslim majority that was protesting a Saudi-backed Sunni Muslim minority government.There are also indications that Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei has ordered the Qods Force to intensify terror attacks against the United States and other Western countries for supporting the ousting of Syrian President and Iranian ally Bashar al-Assad.”

The Election Year: Results[i]

Michael Lauderdale

October 2012

Three years ago we looked at the spread of violence across Mexico and offered some explanation of its causes as well as speculating on the ways the violence would spill over from Mexico into the United States. It is now accelerating and the U. S. State Department continues to issue travel warnings[1] not just for border towns like Juarez and Nuevo Laredo but in a third or more of Mexico. We examine some of these changes in this critical year, attempt to spot important trends for public safety and revisit our predictions of alternative outcomes for Mexico and the U.S.



here are two major electoral events in North America whose outcomes will provide consequential impacts for the rest of the decade. In some ways much of what we discuss here should be seen as a byproduct of efforts among Mexico, the United States and Canada begun in 1990 and now known as the North American Free Trade Agreement, NAFTA. NAFTA was largely inevitable and, at its sum, desirable but like many efforts there are unintended consequences. Look at the map at the end of this piece to illustrate why we are seeing some of the unintended consequences. By December we should have a better fix of what next may come in the United States and in Mexico.

The Countries

There are three major countries in North America: Canada, the United States and Mexico, seven small countries south of Mexico and thirteen sovereign states in the Caribbean. Canada has a population of 34 million grown 6 percent in the last half dozen years with western Canada having the greatest relative increase. Cities like Calgary and Edmonton in western Canada are the most rapidly growing and are driven by energy booms much like those in Texas. Canada has two major political parties, the Conservatives and the Liberals and many minor parties. In 2011 the Conservatives won a majority in the national assembly. Canada has well-developed transportation and communication systems, energy distribution, excellent health and educational systems. It is a prosperous and stable economy.


Like Canada the United States with a population of approximately 310 million, has two major parties, the Democrats and the Republicans, but unlike Canada does not have a large number of smaller parties. It has the world’s strongest economy, the most advanced areas of health care and the best higher education system in the world reflecting enviable rates of innovation and creation of new businesses. Neither political party is assured of election this year and economic challenges, the winding down of wars in the Middle East and budgetary troubles seem unsolvable by either party. Yet all of these challenges must be met in some way. Campaigns are underway and it promises to be a rough run to November.


Since the last Revolution from 1910 to 1920, Mexico with 115 million people has had only one national political party, the Party of the Institutional Revolution, the PRI. But in 2000 Mexico ushered in a level of party competition and genuine democracy, not seen since the 19th Century in that country, and that competition ended with the Mexican Presidency going to the National Action Party, the PAN. The predecessor, the PRI was and is a very conservative party that governed through close ties to unions, the wealthy and big businesses. It held all of Mexico in its thrall for 80 years and continued the centuries long dominance of the country by elites from Mexico City.


The PAN has its roots in the religiously conservative northern states such as Jalisco and was supported by urban dwellers, small businesses, teachers, homemakers and those that saw the need for a political system characterized in contrast by more of a market of ideas and with alternative centers of power, geographically and socially, to the PRI. Polls indicated early in 2012 that the PRI would return to power and they won the election in July and will assume power in late December. In the last 20 years Mexico has grown to be the third largest and most advanced economy in the Americas, 14th in the world, exceeded by the United States and Brazil.


South of Mexico including through Guatemala and to Panama are 50 million people with the partial exception of areas of Costa Rica that are young, poor and have much lower levels of education, health care, and income. Agricultural work is the primary occupation and the wealthy consumer societies north of them in Mexico, the United States and Canada are distant dreams.


The United States’ and Mexico’s national elections go much beyond who will win and will set in motion responses especially to Mexico’s national trauma in efforts toward restoring a tranquil society. The economy and unemployment appear to be the major factors in the American election. But, for Mexico, the consequences may be the viability of the Mexican state, itself.

The Cartel Wars

To a limited degree Vicente Fox elected from the PAN in 2000 and to a greater degree, Felipe Calderon in 2006 reduced state control of many businesses and worked to remove corruption from elections. They began the long hoped for modernization of Mexico, its economy and its institutions. Following the initiatives of GHW Bush and Clinton through NAFTA, both Mexican Presidents saw the opportunity for expanded trade and economic exchange with the United States. Fox and Calderon reached out to George W. Bush to increase collaboration between the countries but Bush rapidly became absorbed in the politics of Washington and, all too soon, the Middle East from the 9/11 attacks.


Both Fox and Calderon sought to sweep the cobwebs of decades of cronyism and monopoly of the PRI and made some progress in selling off state-owned enterprises and raising standards of living for the middle class and the poor. But it was Calderon’s efforts to pursue organized crime and reform local, state and federal police that have become the central concerns in his administration.

The Roots of Organized Crime in Mexico

Organized crime and the PRI go back decades and the relationship is arguably most entrenched at local levels. Property crime, extortion, prostitution and drugs have long been part of the mixture. All during Prohibition alcohol could be purchased in border cities like Juarez and Tijuana and were sources for bootleggers as well as Americans that were forbidden alcohol in the United States. During the 1930’s the American military encouraged growing of the opium poppy plant by Chinese immigrants in Sinaloa to have access to morphine for medical needs as conflict with the Japanese curtailed imports from south Asia. After World War II ended, opium growing continued as did a flow of black tar heroin from Sinaloa to the United States.


But in the last 20 years large-scale movement of drugs has been the defining feature of organized crime in Mexico. What caused this development was the success of the United States with the interdiction of drugs coming from Columbian fields through the Caribbean and the destruction of much of the base of organized crime that produced cocaine in Columbia, Peru and Venezuela and trafficked it to Miami and other cities on the east coast. With that route closed, land movement through Central America and Mexico began as Mexican cartels replaced Columbian traffickers. In the last decade huge profits from the drug trade to the United States have built organized crime empires in Mexico unlike those ever seen there in past decades. And as long as American demand for drugs continues unabated, profits and power accrue to these Cartels.


These drug trafficking organizations conduct a number of activities including controlling routes and police in Central America and then through Mexico to bring drugs into the United States. Access to the United States is most frequent through large cities along the Mexican-American border. The criminal empires referred to as cartels, war among themselves, alternatively in conflict and then cooperation with local gangs and police to control these pathways and territories, the ports of entry into the U.S., called plazas. One plaza long in play is the “no man’s land” that used to run for a mile or so north of Tijuana to the International Port of Entry eighteen miles south of San Diego, California. The Tijuana Cartel controlled the plaza. The Tijuana Cartel and corollaries in Mexican states to the south were originally operated by a visible Miguel Ángel Félix Gallardo, who was active from 1980 to 1989 running most of the cocaine and heroin coming into the western United States.


Felix Gallardo was thought to have ordered the abduction of DEA agent Kiki Camareno by corrupt municipal Guadalajara police officers in 1985 where he was tortured and murdered with the body found weeks later in Michoacán. The DEA reaction against the cartel and Felix Gallardo was swift and fierce. Felix Gallardo’s response was to move many of the drug activities back underground, to be run by bosses who were less well-known to Mexican authorities and importantly to the DEA. Félix Gallardo did this by bringing the nation’s top drug narcos to the resort of Acapulco where he designated and assigned the plazas into the United States to separate crime groups. The Tijuana would go to the Arellano Felix brothers. The Ciudad Juárez would go to the Carrillo Fuentes family. Miguel Caro Quintero would run the Sonora corridor. The control of the Matamoros, Tamaulipas corridor-then becoming the Gulf Cartel-would be assigned to Juan García Abrego. Meanwhile, Joaquín Guzmán Loera and Ismael Zambada García would take over Pacific coast operations, becoming the Sinaloa Cartel.


The cartels and their territories were long known to the Mexican government but ties with local PRI operatives and the police purchased immunity from arrest. It was also felt in some quarters that immunity and hush money of organized crime ran to the top of the Mexican government and may have dated back to the 1940’s. Perhaps the most notorious example is the involvement of the Mexican President’s brother, Raul Salinas, during Carlos Salinas’ term from 1988 to 94 and the tie with the Gulf Cartel in Tamaulipas, which borders most of south Texas. At any rate Fox in 2000 and more fully Calderon in 2006 brought a new direction from the Mexican Federal government and that was to contest the power of the cartels everywhere but especially on the American border. Those contests to wrest control from the cartels and local law enforcement authorities along with the breaking of the agreements among the cartels on the borders with their respective plazas has ushered in a 6-year period of exceptional violence beginning in border cities like Juarez but now spread throughout Mexico. Since the effort began in 2006 at least 50,000 Mexicans have died, many being among the members of the contesting cartels but thousands of others including Americans as collateral from the violence.

Current Known Cartels

The effort to disrupt the cartels appears to have further weakened the tacit arrangements among the cartels over who controls which territory. It has also seen some cartels disappear and others grow. In 2012 the major cartels are the Gulf that reaches from south of Brownsville, Texas in Matamoros and Reynosa, Tamaulipas down the Gulf Coast through Veracruz; the Zetas, the former enforcement arm of the Gulf, originally American Army-trained Mexican soldiers and now actively contesting the Gulf’s territory with a focus in Nuevo Laredo and into Guadalajara to the west and east in Monterrey and Saltillo opposing the Sinaloa Cartel. The Sinaloa is headed by Joaquin Guzman purportedly next to Carlos Slim, the wealthiest person in Mexico. The Juarez Cartel is headed by Vicente Carrillo Fuentes and in a frantic battle protecting its territory from the Sinaloa Cartel. The Tijuana Cartel is headed by Luis Fernando Sánchez Arellano. The Beltrán Leyva Cartel is headed by Héctor Beltrán Leyva and holding territory in the interior of Mexico and often allied with the Zetas against the Sinaloa Cartel. La Familia de Michoacán is centered in the State of Michoacán. Current leadership in this cartel is unclear and the Mexican government claims the cartel has been exterminated.


Michoacán is a very impoverished state and more than a million of its residents are thought to reside in the United States including Austin and San Antonio. In 2006 it followed patterns from Pakistan of beheading enemies and tossed the heads of 5 rivals on a dance floor in a club in Uruapan. Such public brutality has been taken up by other cartels and is another dimension of the cartels’ psychological wars among each other and toward the government. Given the poverty of the area in Michoacán and the natural availability of contacts and cover from immigrants living in the United States, it is unlikely that la Familia is gone. Indeed a large-scale enforcement action against this Cartel including drug busts in several areas of Central Texas including Austin in the summer of 2011.

Loosely structured groups not organized armies

The reality of the cartels is that they are highly fluid organizations that continuously recruit from the millions of unemployed, poorly educated and unskilled youth of Mexico. Half of Mexico’s population is under 26 years of age, 55 million youth and children with many neither in school or employed; so the pool of potential cartel recruits is vast. Drugs are only part of the contraband they move. They also smuggle people, bootleg DVD’s and CD’s, kidnap, extort and deal in a broad variety of stolen items from jewelry to autos. Members come and go with lives often brutal and short. The cartels will commission musical groups, the narcocorridos, to chronicle and romanticize their exploits to intimidate their enemies and support their activities. It promotes a youth culture of potential quick and extravagant wealth, violence and notoriety.


The cartels do not operate like American corporations such as McDonalds or Wal-Mart with franchise areas and management development patterns and career ladders. They are loosely coupled organizations quick to seize an opportunity and quick to change. Armies and police forces often assume enemies have similar organization to their own, an army or a police force with a unity of command, specific tasks and clear assignments. We see that assumption of our forces in the Middle East and only as a conventional army is replaced by units like the Special Forces or the Seals does the United States adopt strategy and tactics fitting the land and the enemy. That is a lesson not yet fully learned by those who oppose the cartels.

Cartel Influences in Texas

There are a variety of events that have appeared in Texas that betray the influence and the existence of Mexican cartels in the state. In the last three years arrests and convictions have occurred of persons determined to be members of La Familia, los Zetas and the Gulf Cartels in Austin. The arrests include violent acts, drug trafficking and money laundering through buying, training and selling racehorses. The DEA estimates that somewhere between 20 and 40 billion dollars of illegal drugs are brought annually into the United States and IH 35 is one of, and perhaps the major route, north from Mexico into the United States accounting for a fifth or more of that flow. Highway stops by law enforcement of bulk amounts of marijuana; methamphetamine, heroin and cocaine almost surely have come from Mexico. All of these events are testimony to the spillover of forces convulsing Mexico.

Threats To American Youth From The Cartels

A recurrent fear of families living in northern Mexico and in the Valley is the possibility of their youth being recruited by the cartels to serve as lookouts as well as drug couriers and dealers. There is historical evidence for this in border towns from Brownsville to El Paso. Some years ago an El Paso street gang, the Barrio Aztecas began in that fashion and today are part of the “muscle” for the Juarez Cartel on the streets of Juarez and El Paso as well as being on the list of the 12 most dangerous gangs (Security Threat Groups) in Texas prisons. Another widely reported example is Edgar Valdez Villarreal, who grew up in a prosperous suburb of Laredo, played linebacker for the high school football team and like youth in Laredo and Nuevo Laredo, indeed every border city, 5 years ago and farther back viewed both cities as one. Parties and drinking would begin on the American side and when the bars closed continue through the night in bars and clubs on the Mexican side. Through contacts in nightclubs in the cities, the boy nicknamed “la Barbie” for his Ken/Barbie doll looks, became a small time marijuana dealer and then got to know cartel members in Nuevo Laredo. La Barbie ran afoul of the Zetas and the Gulf Cartel, as he was not paying taxes to them.  He had to flee Nuevo Laredo and went to Monterrey where he was befriended by Arturo Beltran and joined their organization later returning to Nuevo Laredo and fought an unsuccessful war in the mid-2000’s to rid the city of the dominance of the Gulf Cartel and Zetas.  In time he rose through the ranks of cartels in Mexico to a high position in the cartel world near Acapulco and was arrested in 2010 in Acapulco on a variety of charges including drug smuggling and murder.


The wars across Mexico and especially the north are so widespread that wealthier Mexicans particularly from Monterrey have fled to Texas to avoid the violence. The violence has negatively affected trade and tourism in Mexico most significantly in northern Mexico. This has increased the flow of refugees from Mexico into Texas even as the traditional source of jobs for these persons in home and commercial construction, ranching, restaurant and hotel work, yard maintenance and field agricultural work has lessened because of the American recession.


Mexican Americans and their neighborhoods feel the first and greatest impact of this set of problems coming from Mexico and yet caused by American drug use. Cartel operatives will come to these neighborhoods first as they may be less conspicuous. They pose substantial and long-term challenges in dozens of communities. The first area of impact will be in the public schools where compulsory attendance laws bring the children of Mexico into contact with American children. This is the initial area to watch for gang activity and the footprints of the cartels.

Refugee Flows From Mexico

The flow of persons from Mexico is far more complex today than before the cartel wars began. These are the major components:


  • Traditional seasonal agricultural workers that follow harvest patterns from Texas to Michigan and Oregon-Washington. These individuals intend to return to rural Mexican areas after the harvest and follow family patterns that go back to the 1920’s.


  • Persons seeking longer-term employment in traditional areas such as ranching, meat processing plants, restaurants, construction and hotel work. They follow family contacts to Kansas City, St. Louis, Denver, Chicago and Des Moines as well as Portland and Seattle. They will send money back to relatives in Mexico but in time become partially absorbed in American culture and are the many millions that live in the United States but without citizenship yet with weakened ties to Mexico.


  • Persons with some wealth and/or professional skills moving from Mexico to avoid violence and able to secure longer term visas with legal residence. These persons will locate in closer proximity to Mexico in cities like Houston, San Antonio, El Paso and Austin.


  • Persons involved in cartel activity either because they must maintain control of the flow of drugs and people, north and the flow of money and guns back into Mexico. They are often higher cartel operatives that prefer the relative safety of the States and the superior access to shopping, schools and medical care that the States offer. They choose cities like Houston, San Antonio, Austin, Dallas, Denver, Los Angeles, and San Diego. The locations are peaceful yet near the supply routes of the drug trade as it moves into and across the United States.


  • Youth from Mexico City that are in street gangs and find suburbs in Houston, Brownsville, San Antonio, Austin and Dallas attractive targets for property theft. They will move into Mexican American neighborhoods where they are less conspicuous.


  • Very poor migrating people from Central America particularly El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. Knowing little about traveling through Mexico or where to land in the United States they are driven by the economic chaos and overpopulated areas in much of Central America.

Bribery and Extortion

These are familiar and well-practiced skills in much of Mexico and no one is more skilled than cartel operatives. From the “mordida” the driver pays to the traffic cop to avoid a trip to the station house and court all the way up to the thousands of pesos to a politician, it is a way of doing business in Mexico.


People from Mexico like anyone from another culture bring these cultural understandings with them. It is part of life in Mexico and has been so for decades. The practices will take the form of hiring off duty police officers in cash to look the other way when a drug load is passing through to heavy contributions to political candidates from school boards to district judges and prosecutors to governors and U. S. Senators and the Presidency. Extortion is achieved by providing gifts and special favors at places like clubs and bars and then using photographs and unguarded comments and statements to secure compliance. It is a way of life in Mexico and we are seeing more examples in Texas from Laredo to Arlington to Washington, D.C.

Solutions for Mexico

The surest protection against bribery and extortion is highly transparent procedures in political contributions and conduct of officials. Transparency, trust and reciprocity embodied in mechanisms like a free press, honest elections, public education, etc. are hallmarks of traditional American life and they are the surest protection and remedy in the United States and in Mexico. Fox and Calderon sought to increase this trust and reciprocity, social capital, in Mexico but powerful forces resist the modernization and move to promote and extend civic order. Cartels, organized crime, exist when money and private arrangements with government, especially the police and military, can be secured. Such corruption is no stranger to any culture from tong societies in China to Tammany Hall in New York City in the late 1800’s and the Chicago Mob of the 1920’s and 30’s in the United States. More police and military including American military presence is not the solution for Mexico. The solution is the same forms of transparency and honesty that secure social capital in other societies.


Mexico’s economic future has been built on five pillars. Foremost is oil. Second is income from tourism. Third is export earnings from maquila manufacturing and agricultural exports. Fourth is “loaned workers”. The fifth are profits from the drug trade. The ratio of profits to costs in drugs is remarkable as vast markups occur all along the route from starter chemicals or plants in the field to a street sale. Unlike the first four pillars, little capital investment, formal education or training is required and the path to wealth is quick but with so many competitors the stay at the top is short.

Five alternative scenarios are possible for Mexico.

Mexico is at a crisis point. Events are deteriorating rapidly and no longer not just at the border. At this point the first two scenarios now have equal probabilities. The third is the hoped for path of the old PRI. The later two come into play only if events elsewhere in the world come crashing down. The clearest key as to which of the following scenarios will come is how the Mexican election for President is resolved and the subsequent actions of the incumbent and those of the United States.


Collapse in progress

Oil reserves play out in Mexico’s top producing fields, Mexico cedes control over the south and north of the country and 20 million refugees head to the northern cities of Mexico and then into the United States. Millions will come to Texas alone. The PRI is returned to power but makes little progress trying to return to the old methods. Mexico is a failed state with guerilla bands controlling much of the countryside and several of the larger low-income neighborhoods in Mexico City as well as other cities such as Veracruz, Matamoros, Monterrey, Acapulco, Torreon, Guadalajara, etc. Staged attacks on American border cities occur with regular frequency and local police are overwhelmed facing cartels that are better organized, funded and equipped. American border cities are filled with refugees and violent gangs. Mexico as Texas’ largest customer of our exports from agriculture to oil exploration and refining expertise, contracts and so does the Texas economy.

American Protectorate

Cartels use hit squads to attack American law enforcement in border cities on both sides. The United States intervenes with military forces as it has done in Haiti, Cuba, and Panama in years past and creates a protectorate for the Mexican Federal government south to Monterrey, Saltillo and Torreon. The traditional northern antipathy of Mexicans toward the “chilangos” of Mexico City intensifies and a process of tying the northern Mexican states closely to the American Southwest accelerates. Border law enforcement and the Texas Department of Public Safety gird for conflict and deploy heavier weaponry including armed defensive craft on the Rio Grande and in the air. Leftist and nationalistic mobs burn and sack the American Embassy in Mexico City. Mexican expatriates in Texas call for American military intervention in the north to permit them to re-establish homes and businesses in cities like Veracruz, Matamoros, Monterrey, San Miguel Allende, etc. It is reminiscent of Cuban exiles in south Florida in the 1960’s but many times the size and consequence.

Return To The Past

The early strength of the PRI suggests that Mexico may attempt to turn the clock back. The PRI regain control, and through the bribery of Chapo Guzman, the Zetas are eliminated.  Mexican cartels go back to an existence of one powerful cartel who controls the plazas much like the Guadalajara cartel did in the 1970’s.  The violent killings are greatly reduced and order among cartels is instituted. America’s unsatiated drug habits are the source of the greatest wealth in Mexico and a return to institutionalized corruption in many parts of Mexico’s government is restored.


World economy rebounds. Oil prices rise to $200 a barrel, Mexico permits foreign investments and spins off PEMEX, which modernizes engineering, refining and exploration. Corruption is curtailed and profits soar. Situation stabilizes to a significant degree as other sources of wealth particularly oil supplants the power of drug money.

Revival of Pax Americana

American economy revives and joint American and Mexican efforts suppress cartel activity with attendant boosts in tourism, maquilas and domestic growth. Mexico tackles its endemic problems of corruption in police, military, elections and the courts and transforms them to honest, open forums for justice. America sharply reduces illegal drug consumption. Mexico deepens its historical ties with Central America and opens the region to the south to economic growth and channels American technological knowhow through all of Latin America.

[i] Excerpt from The Dying Elephant that examines the American consequences of a failed Mexican state, public safety imperatives for cities and directions Mexico will need to take to restore economic viability and civil order. Michael Lauderdale is Professor of Social Work, Board Member of the Greater Austin Crime Commission and Chairs the City of Austin’s Public Safety Commission and the UT Police Oversight Committee.



This is one of several renderings of the developing rail and highway travel and trade corridors coming from NAFTA growth. The second map is a planned extension with more attention to the west. The trade patterns are essential and well-established. Less understood is how the Cartels use this economic resource and the emerging realities in North America.

Free Trade and Cartels

Michael Lauderdale


ne of the great features of the close of the Twentieth Century was the expansion of world trade along with the collapse of alignments of nations posed for war. Out of the collapse emerged major trading blocs. The foremost became the European Common Market that tied the highly educated and stable states of northern Europe such as Germany and France to states with populations with less education but cheaper manpower such as Italy, Spain, Turkey, Greece, etc. Products were envisioned, designed and engineered in the north and then manufactured in the cheap labor regions of the south. Asia followed a similar path with Japan and Taiwan as the designers and South Korea and China as the manufacturers. Watching this emerging alignment with an expansion of world trade, the leaders of Canada, Mexico and the United States began taking similar steps in the 1970’s leading to the North American Free Trade Agreement, NAFTA. Following diplomatic negotiations dating back to 1986 among the three nations, the leaders met in San Antonio, Texas, on December 17, 1992, to sign NAFTA. U.S. President George H. W. Bush, Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney and Mexican President Carlos Salinas, each responsible for spearheading and promoting the agreement, ceremonially signed it. The agreement then needed to be ratified by each nation’s legislative or parliamentary branch. It was ratified in the United States during the Bill Clinton Administration on January 1, 1994.

The intent of the legislation was to remove trade barriers such as tariffs between the three countries, facilitate the flow of trade in North America and leverage the inherent advantages of each country to create growth and prosperity. Highways and railroads were improved. Utilities and communications infrastructure expanded and banking arrangements for credit and payments created. Using the Common Market and the patterns of Japan and Taiwan, the United States and, to a lesser degree Canada, become the design centers and much of the labor-intensive manufacturing developed in or was moved to Mexico. Raw agricultural flows expanded with grains from Canada and the central United States exported to Mexico and tropical fruits and vegetables flowed from Central America and Mexico north. Manufacturing expanded greatly in Mexico with automobile assembly plants being among the more visible. Ford has made recently more than a billion dollar investment in its plant in Puebla and General Motors and Volkswagen have substantial manufacturing in Mexico for domestic sales and exports. Jobs were created in Mexico but less substantially in Canada or the United States but products were cheaper.

The growth of NAFTA has required transportation platforms to move product and spurred urban developments at crossing points along the Mexico-United States border and created one of the largest land ports in the world at Laredo-Nuevo Laredo. Traffic there moves across 4 international bridges with 8,500 trucks a day and 3/4ths of all Mexican exports flowing through the port. This averages about 1 truck every 3 minutes, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

Import-export trade at other border points such as Tijuana-San Diego or Juarez-El Paso pales to insignificant to the flows that have developed in the last two decades where IH 35 ends at the Mexican border. Part of the reason for the growth of this trade corridor is that it reflects the fact that the major portions of the populations and manufacturing areas of Mexico and the United States are along the corridor and to the east not areas farther to the west. Texas is far and away the exchange, the pivot point for NAFTA.

Trade and Cartels

Trade is always both legal and illegal and borders are important. Clearing borders for NAFTA has a similar impact on illegal trade. These NAFTA facts then make the Texas border area the most attractive in North America for organized crime groups to establish a strong presence for contraband headed into either country. Until twelve years ago crime groups throughout Mexico and on the border built local franchises by seeking arrangements with the Party of the Institutionalized Revolution, the PRI. But in 2000 with the election of a PAN President and the first time that the President of Mexico did not come from the PRI since the Party’s creation about 1929, this relationship was upended. Mexico had a public face that it was a democracy and that ordinary citizens controlled all levels of the government. But that was never true and the individual Mexican had no doubts. There was little trust and faith in the government. Every Mexican suspected that the local cop was likely crooked and the requirement of mordita proved the point. Every Mexican suspected that each President served first his interests and those of his circle and rarely the needs of the citizen. But in 2000 with the election of a PAN President and the first time that the President of Mexico did not come from the PRI since the Party’s creation about 1929, this relationship was upended. In the new Century Mexicans saw a glimmer of hope that the authoritarian old ways may be changing. But as the top-down controls of the Mexican state weakened and the possibility of a civic culture appeared; there came a paradox as well. That election essentially created a free-for-all in controlling crime venues across Mexico.

The most lucrative venues were always at the border between Mexico and the United States. Efforts to secure these venues, the plazas, saw the development and rise of strongly organized and armed groups, the Cartels. One emerged in a marijuana and heroin-producing region of Sinaloa and came to be dominant at the San Diego crossing. Another became visible in Juarez, the Juarez Cartel. A third was the Gulf Cartel in the Mexican state of Tamaulipas that borders Texas cities like Brownsville and McAllen. The Gulf Cartel began to recruit Mexican Army members of its special forces some trained by the American Army for urban warfare as “muscle” to intimidate and control local, state and federal police and to keep other Cartels out. This unit was called the Zetas for the call letter of the leader when he was with the Mexican Army. In a few short years the Zetas broke from the Gulf Cartel and became a separate and competing group. In a few years the Zetas became the dominant organized crime gang in Nuevo Laredo.

Today at least four Mexican Cartels compete to control the plazas of the Mexican cities that lead into the United States. They are the Sinaloa, Juarez, Gulf and Zetas. Their conflicts appear elsewhere in Mexico and there are other groups such as la Familia centered in Michoacán but these four are the most powerful, brutal and wealthy. And the most important prize for which they compete is the busiest crossing along the border, Nuevo Laredo-Laredo.

The Probabilities of Smuggling

Smuggling is a game of probabilities and subterfuge. Smugglers spread the product across several carriers and time crossings when detection is most unlikely. Ideally it is placed with persons and vehicles to avoid drawing attention. Open, empty areas along the border are ready targets for sophisticated detection. Small towns betray unusual and heavy traffic. It works best in conditions of high normal traffic and Nuevo Laredo-Laredo is ideal. Other crossings have a fraction of the volume of traffic. Remote areas are readily observed by American authorities using technology. The evolving Cartel business strategy is to move contraband in the flow of legit goods and the higher the traffic area, the more the appeal for the Cartels.

For these and likely other reasons, Nuevo Laredo has become a prize fought over by the Cartels. In the past the Gulf and Sinaloa have contested the Zetas for the control of Nuevo Laredo. The Zetas have proven the stronger. There are other contest points among the Cartels including Veracruz, Monterrey, Guadalajara, Juarez, Acapulco, etc. Reports by Dudley Althaus and Dane Schiller on the Nuevo Laredo violence suggest pieces are moving into play on the chessboard to contest the control of this greatest prize of the plazas. The murders three weeks ago in Nuevo Laredo and then with 23 on Friday, May 4, 2012 are signs of gang warfare, Cartel warfare to control that plaza. The hanging of 9 bodies from bridges is a Cartel tactic, psychological warfare with warning declarations to other Cartels

Perhaps members of the Mexican Cartels suspect that the PRI will secure the Mexican Presidency and revert to the concession arrangements of the past. Thus Laredo becomes the most valuable prize and one to be secured this year. Whoever is dominant there is in the best position to seal the deal with the PRI, if it wins the election and reverts to its patterns of old.

That is why Nuevo Laredo may well become this year, Mexico’s most dangerous city! Two hundred and 40 miles south, a 4-hour drive down IH 35. This shift may have well begun. The seizures of record amounts of contraband by the Austin Police in March of 2012 and the fact that the smugglers were all Mexicans citizens is proof of this shifting strategy to IH 35.

[i] Michael Lauderdale is Professor of Social Work, The University of Texas at Austin, Board Member of the Greater Austin Crime Commission and Chairs the City of Austin’s Public Safety Commission.

The Prime Minister of Canada and the Presidents of Mexico and the United States in 2009


[i] Michael Lauderdale is Professor of Social Work, Board Member of the Greater Austin Crime Commission and Chairs the City of Austin’s Public Safety Commission.

The Need for All-Hazard Awareness and Risk Assessment in a Devolving Border Environment

President of Signature Sciences and Senior Scientist examine bio and other hazards from a fragmenting Mexican-American border.


Adam L. Hamilton, P.E., President & CEO

E. Norman Furley, Senior Strategist

Signature Science, LLC


22 July 2011



“Risk comes from not knowing what you are doing.”

Warren Buffett

The Problem

The risks associated with an increasingly unstable United States/Mexico border are growing national concerns in both countries. Headlines often include quotes from leaders of both nations that express outrage over reports of human trafficking, drug cartel activity, and the murder of civilians and government officials. And while the threats resulting from lawless behaviors are real, any consideration of the dangers that both nations face along the border is incomplete without a recurring, informed deliberation on the risks associated with the aforementioned threats and other hazards. Security and risk management along the U.S./Mexico border is a pressing issue that will require well-informed decisions to make effective mitigation investments. Until both countries and the affected states join in collaborative efforts to periodically assess the full spectrum of threats and hazards to identify and prioritize the real risks, it will be increasingly difficult to distinguish perceived or sensationalized threats (often highlighted in the news media) from hazards that are potentially catastrophic to one or both nations and develop the best risk mitigation plans for residents on both sides of the border.

Good Fences, Good Neighbors?

It has often been said that good fences make good neighbors. If the next door neighbor is the president of the Home Owners Association and a part-time dog breeder with four kids and a pool, a good fence will certainly make him a better neighbor. But this analogy implicitly assumes that only a physical and visual barrier is required and that the delineation of the properties is of manageable dimensions. If the neighbor is a nation with which you share a border in excess of 1,900 miles, establishing boundaries (not simply in the physical sense) and developing mutually-beneficial solutions becomes a much more difficult task.

For example, insidious non-violent hazards from biological pathogens (disease-causing organisms) present risks to public health and agriculture (plant and animal) that no practical “fence” can stop. Fungal diseases (Figure 1) that can damage or destroy important commercial plant products such as corn (Mexico will produce over 24 million metric tons of corn products this year—an increase of nearly 14% over last year) [1] reproduce by spores that are spread by natural mechanisms, and enhanced by anthropogenic activities. In 2008, the top vegetable exports from Mexico to the United States included tomatoes, peppers, onions, and fruits—all susceptible to common and adapting pathogens and parasites. In other countries, viroids (single-stranded RNA viruses without a protein shell) responsible for tomato decline have been inadvertently imported on ornamental plants and other asymptomatic food plant products [2]. There is no fence that can protect against all of these agricultural threats—even if the deliberate movements of all agricultural are stopped.

Of potentially greater concern is the movement of animal pathogens. The most contagious disease of food production animals is Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD). FMD is caused by a virus (FMDv) that affects nearly all cloven-hoofed animals (Figure 2). FMD is of particular concern to the cattle and swine industries. However, this disease also affects sheep, goats, deer and other animals. Animals can become infected with FMDv after exposure to contaminated facilities, vehicles, humans (FMDv does not cause disease in humans), feed, water, or wild animals that may carry the virus but do not become sick from it. A single case of FMD in a country is likely to have significant economic impact because of the international trade bans that will immediately close export markets. The United States has been free of FMD since 1929 [3]. The rest of North America (Mexico and Canada) is currently FMD-free as well. However, FMDv is endemic in many parts of the world and is still a significant concern to animal-exporting countries.

An FMD outbreak started in Mexico in 1946 after infected cattle were imported from Brazil. Once the outbreak had been diagnosed, an immediate ban was put in place to prevent the importation (to the U.S.) of all cloven-hoofed animals from Mexico. The coordination (between countries) of the eradication effort was laborious and time-consuming and the outbreak expanded to an area of nearly 260,000 square miles. It wasn’t until September, 1952—nearly six years later—that Mexico was declared “FMD free” and the U.S. embargo was lifted. The extended value of the coordination efforts between the two countries was illustrated during a subsequent outbreak of FMD in Mexico that began in May, 1953. This time, it took less than a year for the outbreak to end and trade to be re-established [4]. As commerce and traffic increase across the border, the United States and Mexico need to ensure that plans and mechanisms for similar cooperative arrangements are already in place—before another FMD-type outbreak occurs.

On 6 July 2011, the United States and Mexico signed an agreement that will allow trucks from both countries to traverse the other’s highways. This accord provides resolution to a dispute over part of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). The U.S. Department of Transportation states that safety concerns related to the operation of Mexican trucks on U.S. highways have been resolved [5]. Unfortunately, the resolution of operational safety concerns does not mean that there is no additional threat to agricultural health from the bi-direction flow of commercial vehicles across the U.S./Mexican border.

As a further example of this real threat, while there are some unresolved scientific issues, the cause of the 2007 FMD outbreak in the United Kingdom (Figure 3) has generally been attributed to the inadvertent transfer of FMDv by in mud on a truck tire. According to the government’s Health and Safety Executive (HSE) report [6]:

“We established that some of the vehicles, probably contaminated, drove from the site along a road that passes the first infected farm. We conclude therefore that this combination of events is the likely link between the release of the live virus from Pirbright and the first outbreak of FMD.”

Thus, there should be some concern that more liberal access for trucks (American and Mexican) could enhance the potential for the spread of FMD and other agricultural/animal diseases with undetected rapidity. A clear understanding of sanitary animal shipping practices and methods of inspection and verification must be in place to help minimize the potential for the enhancement of disease spread if an outbreak was to occur.

Additionally, there are human health issues that are potentially exacerbated by the deteriorating conditions along the U.S./Mexico border. Many Mexican and American nationals along the Texas/Mexico border live in colonias—small and usually impoverished communities. It is estimated that there are 2,300 colonias in Texas [7]; it is difficult to enumerate the colonias on the Mexican side of the border. The U.S. government and the State of Texas have committed the talents of many individuals and agencies to address human health issues in the colonias; significant resources have been invested to improve the conditions for the colonia residents and much progress has been made. However, the evolving issues in the border area will potentially add to the public health problems that plague these residents and may provide a border-area “foothold” for larger public health crises.

In Texas, nearly 45,000 people live in 350 colonias classified as “highest health risk.” These colonias are lacking potable water and/or wastewater disposal systems and/or solid waste disposal systems, etc. [8]. The inhabitants of such colonias are already suffering from higher than normal rates of water-borne and vector-borne (i.e., mosquito) diseases. Accommodating additional persons (either transient or permanent residents, who may also bring new disease concerns) will likely apply an additional burden to the existing public health infrastructure and increase the potential for localized disease outbreaks. A growing number of Mexican nationals are leaving Mexican border areas (like Ciudad Juarez) to seek a more peaceful, but perhaps more impoverished, lifestyle in the U.S. [9]. Meanwhile, non-governmental agencies that have historically provided assistance and support to the inhabitants of the border have become less active because of the threats of border violence. An increase in the morbidity of easily treatable bacterial diseases and other vaccine preventable diseases should be expected.

An unfortunate and continuing illustration of this concept is taking place in Haiti. Parts of Haiti were devastated by a magnitude 7.0 earthquake that struck near the capital of Port-au-Prince on January 12th, 2010. The international response to the Haiti disaster was swift—governmental and non-governmental agencies rushed to provide relief to the victims. Unfortunately, in October 2010, the beginning of a Cholera outbreak, certainly enhanced by the lack of infrastructure and sanitary conditions resulting from the earthquake, was identified. Cholera is a bacterial disease (causative agent Vibrio cholerae) that can generally be avoided if clean water is available and the disease is easily treated (with a high success rate) by using a combination of hydration and antibiotic therapies. Documented cases of Cholera had not been reported in Haiti for decades. Even with significant levels of international assistance, over 360,000 people were sickened in Haiti by Cholera and more than 5,500 died of the disease—as of the end of June, 2011 [10]. An ironic twist came from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in a July, 2011, report. The CDC report states the evidence “strongly suggests” that the source of the Cholera outbreak was a United Nations camp—housing Nepalese peacekeepers. This illustration is presented to make two points:

1)     Even when response personnel and logistics are available to address the needs of a growing population without adequate infrastructure, human health issues can be overwhelming;

2)     An all-hazards risk assessment should have identified the potential for unanticipated introduction of disease to a vulnerable population and been used to inform the relief coordination efforts.

While gun violence, kidnapping for ransom, human trafficking, and other “high profile” incidents capture much of the public and media attention, with respect to border issues, other hazards (agricultural and public health threats) also continue to pose significant, and escalating, risks. It is imperative that when both countries invest in solutions for the current crises that these hazards are considered alongside the attention-grabbing violent events with which we have become so familiar.

The Plan

Consistent with the perspective engendered by the quotation of Warren Buffett, we must identify all of the hazards and assess them to appropriately address the risks. In common vernacular, risk is something that causes injury or loss. In this sense, risk is often subjectively assessed on personal experiences and expertise or the perceived level of personal (or family) peril. In technical terms, risks are commonly defined as the product of the likelihood of an unfavorable outcome and the consequences of that outcome. That is, the level of risk depends on how frequently a negative situation is expected and how bad the situation gets. An objective and systematic review of the likelihood and consequences of all hazards is the basis for a any useful risk assessment.

Images and imagined catastrophic situations can artificially (high) bias the perception of risk because these catastrophic situations may be very damaging in terms of health, finances, liberties, etc., however infrequent. Other hazards may be inappropriately perceived as low risk if the consequences are less damaging but occur more frequently or are more likely to occur. It is suggested that using a systematic approach to an all-hazards border risk assessment can help differentiate the real risks from the perceived risk—removing subjective biases and subsequently informing the decision-making authorities about the best use of collective resources for the most effective mitigation measures.

A systematic approach would include multiple steps and would be repeated periodically as new hazards are identified, as additional data fidelity is available, or as underlying circumstances change the assumptions and likelihood of events. The steps may include, but are not limited to:

1)     Identifying hazards and threats to public health & safety, business and economic stability, infrastructure, and national defense;

2)     Development of event sequences (and semi-quantitative estimates of the probability of each step in the sequence) that represent scenarios leading up to an event with an unfavorable outcome;

3)     Developing and using models that will estimate the consequences of each scenario in some common and measurable term—typically expressed as economic consequences—even for illnesses (loss of productivity) or death (loss of life);

4)     Ranking of hazards and threats by an established risk (probability x consequence) metric;

5)     Testing the effectiveness of hypothetical hazard and threat mitigation costs to reduce the estimated consequences; and

6)     Providing recommendations on the tactical and strategic use of resources to address the assessed hazards and threats.

Using a systematic approach should, theoretically, result in the maximum risk mitigation (benefit) for any fixed allocation of resources (money) that a state (like Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, or California) or federal government (Mexico, United States) has available. It is already evident that using a haphazard approach to inform resource investment decisions for solutions to perceived or misperceived border problems may lead to counterproductive outcomes, including wasteful spending and even new threats. For example, The United States Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) has disclosed [11] that a an operation designed to help mitigate threats from trans-border weapons traffickers (Operation Fast and Furious) has resulted in more small arms being delivered to organized crime cartels in Mexico. ATF Special Agents and support staff are outstanding public servants and are committed to their profession and roles in border security. However, it is postulated that the resources used to cover the cost of this operation and all of the subsequent investigations could have been put to better use if an all-hazards awareness perspective and risk assessment process were used. Without a complete and systematic assessment of all related hazards and threats, however, it is difficult to determine if similar operations (i.e., risk mitigation techniques) directed against arms trafficking provide more benefit than risk mitigation techniques designed for other hazards—like agricultural and public health concerns.


The increasing instability of the U.S./Mexico border area is a local, state, regional, national and international concern that affects public health, agricultural (plant and animal) health, public safety (rising levels of violence), and regional and national economies. A collaborative, all-hazards/risks assessment approach should be employed to objectively address these risks in order to understand the consequences of each type of hazard and the likelihood (or frequency) of significant high-consequence events. Addressing individual threats/hazards without having an associated governing strategy provided by a systematic approach to risk assessment will often lead to the ineffective use of resources and/or unintended outcomes, which in turn may lead to additional unanticipated risks. Until both countries (and states) join in a collaborative effort to periodically assess the full spectrum of hazards and threats, it will be increasingly difficult to distinguish perceived threats from those that are potentially catastrophic to one or both nations. Consequently, our resources may be misapplied by providing solutions (or attempted solutions) to problems that have minimal impact.

Many collaborative efforts have successfully demonstrated the benefit of international and interstate cooperation. The United States—Mexico Border Health Commission (BHC), with its mission to optimize health and quality of life along the border, has identified many worthwhile strategic priorities and has plans to support additional conferences, forums, summits, and projects in the future [12]. The BHC mission, being focused on human health issues, could provide useful input to an all-hazards threat assessment and risk assessment. The Texas Animal Health Commission and the Texas Department of State Health Services are also well positioned to contribute to an all-hazards assessment, but state budget have made it difficult for these agencies to advance such initiatives. (The “across the board” Texas budget cuts are another example of a solution that may have benefited from a broader assessment of all hazards risk assessment and consequences analysis.) Other state agencies (in Texas and other border states on both sides of the border) could also provide useful input to a high-level, all-threat border risk assessment. However, there is apparently no functional organization with such a mission.

Solutions to these problems may be suggested from policy-level recommendations and analysis provided by a newly formed committee of border state representatives: a Texas—México border committee on all-threats mitigation and response planning. Such a committee would comprise leaders from academia, industry, and government with expertise in organized crime, agricultural diseases (animal and plant), human health, immigration, drug trafficking, economics, human trafficking, and other pressing border issues. These leaders would be supported by risk assessment professionals using a systematic, evidence-based approach to quantitatively (or at least semi-quantitatively) identifying mitigation and response strategies that provide the broadest and most beneficial benefits from the use of our limited resources. Of course, the political support and funding needed to initiate such an effort becomes part of the overall conundrum. Perhaps this is an issue that may be best addressed by a “grass-roots” initiative to coordinate the use of resources provided by civic organizations in the affected border states.


[1]        United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), ‘Mexico Corn Production by Year,’ retrieved 13 July 2011,

[2]        Matthews-Berry, S., The Food and Environment Research Agency, “Emerging viroid threats to UK tomato production,” July 2010, Crown copyright.

[3]        USDA, “Foot-and-Mouth Disease,” Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) Factsheet, Veterinary Services, February 2007.

[4]        USDA, Agricultural Research Service, “History of Foot-and-Mouth Disease Outbreaks in North America,” May 1969, retrieved 13 July 2011,

[5]        Katz, Jonathan M., Associated Press, “US agrees to let Mexican trucking in all states,” updated 6 July 2011, retrieved 13 July 2011,

[6]        Health and Safety Executive, Final report on potential breaches of biosecurity at the Pirbright site 2007, September 2007.

[7]        Ramshaw, Emily, “Red Tape, Catch-22s Impede Progress in Texas’ Colonias,” The Texas Tribune, 8 July 2011, retrieved 13 July 2011,

[8]        U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, “CHIPS: Monitoring Colonias Along the United States-Mexico Border in Texas,” USGS Fact Sheet 2008-3079, September 2008.

[9]        Giovine, Patricia, Reuters, “More Mexicans fleeing the drug war seek U.S. asylum,” 19 July 2011, retrieved 20 July 2011,

[10]     Associated Press, “Haiti cholera outbreak blamed on UN force,” 30 June 2011, retrieved 22 July 2011, .

[11]     FoxNews, “ATF Chief Admits Mistakes in ‘Fast and Furious,’ Accuses Holder Aides of Stonewalling Congress,” 18 July 2011, retrieved 20 July 2011,

[12]     United States – México Border Health Commission, “BHC Initiatives,” January 2011, retrieved 1 August 2011,


The Case of Juarez

Mexico’s Law Enforcement Challenge: The Case Study of Ciudad Juarez


Ricardo Ainslie, Ph.D.



With respect to Drug Trafficking Organizations (DTOs), there is a long-standing history of corruption and collusion within Mexican law enforcement that goes back to the 1970s when Rafael Aguilar, the head of the Federal Security Directorate (DFS by it’s Mexican acronym) in the state of Chihuahua, became one of the founders of the Juarez Cartel. Until his death in 1997, Amado Carrillo Fuentes, who rose to take over the Juarez Cartel, was known to have highly placed contacts within Mexican law enforcement, beginning with the Mexican Federal Judicial Police, which controlled the highways and the airports, to state and municipal police forces which he controlled outright in the states that were of importance to the Juarez Cartel’s operations.   The same is true of the other powerful Mexican drug cartels – historically they have had a firm grip on the law enforcement agencies in the states where they operate and, at times, at the federal level as well.  For this reason, there have been many efforts to clean up Mexico’s various police forces, and most have met with mixed results at best.  Yet, effectively combating DTOs requires effective law enforcement.


Mexico’s president, Felipe Calderón, launched the war on drugs in December of 2006 immediately upon assuming office. It was well established at the time that Mexico’s five most important cartels (the Sinaloa/Pacifico Cartel, Juarez Cartel, Tijuana Cartel, Gulf Cartel, and La Familia) effectively controlled substantial swaths of Mexican territory.   In the view of the Mexican government, the cartels had become more than a crime problem, they had become a threat to the Mexican state.[1] It is clear that the Mexican government believed it had reached the point of no return. Either they took on the DTOs or they lost control of significant areas within many states.  It was already established that municipal and state ministerial police forces in states like Chihuahua, Sinaloa, Baja California, Tamaulipas, Sonora, and Michoacán, to name some of the more important ones, were for all intents and purposes already under the control of the DTOs. Officers who posed obstacles to the cartels’ interests were routinely executed.  Police officers who were not colluding with the cartels were threatened and intimidated into silence and thus effectively neutralized.  These facts on the ground made it evident that the Mexican government had few law enforcement tools at its disposal for achieving the task it had laid out for itself.


The Calderón government embarked on a two-pronged strategy[2].  First, it would use the Mexican army (a force of approximately 240,000 troops) to carry its campaign into the areas where the Mexican drug cartels had the strongest footholds.  Second, it would embark on a massive effort to re-shape and build the force that would become the Mexican Federal Police.  It was believed that the latter force could be both the spearhead in the efforts against the DTOs and, eventually, become the model for cleaning up and reforming state and local police forces. However, at the beginning of the Calderón administration there were but 6500 Federal Preventive Police[3] (the Federal Preventive Police became the Federal Police in 2009 when the role of the Federal Preventive Police was expanded to include investigation and analysis, however, for purposes of clarity of exposition, I use “Federal Police” throughout the rest of this contribution since the PFP and the PF are one and the same organization).[4] In the interim, the Mexican government deployed approximately 45,000 troops to the nation’s most violent cities and states.  In other words, the Mexican military became the boots on the ground as a short-term strategy until the Federal Police could be recruited, trained, and deployed.


Ciudad Juarez

Throughout 2007, Mexican cartel violence was centered in places like Michoacán, Baja California (Tijuana), and Tamaulipas (Nuevo Laredo and Matamoros). Although other communities were affected to a lesser extent, these were the cities where the greatest violence was taking place.  Ciudad Juarez, across the border from El Paso, Texas, had 301 executions that year[5].  Even though the number was record setting, the Mexican government’s attention was on places like Michoacán (where there were dramatic beheadings and grenade attacks against the general population), Nuevo Laredo (where municipal police ambushed a column of Federal Police arriving in the city after the execution of the local police chief), and Tijuana (where violence had been chronic).


In December of 2007, federal intelligence officials notified the mayor of Ciudad Juarez, José Reyes Ferriz, that they had evidence that the Sinaloa Cartel was poised to launch a major effort to wrest control of the city (and its lucrative smuggling route into El Paso and points beyond in the United States) from the Juarez Cartel.[6] That war started in January of 2008.


Municipal Police Collusion with Juarez Cartel

Perhaps the most infamous example of corruption within the Juarez Municipal Police is the fact that in January of 2008 the force’s former Director of Operations, Saulo Reyes, was arrested by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents in El Paso for smuggling nearly a ton of marijuana and attempting to bribe a Federal agent.  Reyes had only left the Juarez Municipal Police (where he was the most important official after the chief of police) three months prior, when the term of then-mayor Hector Murguía expired.[7]  Murguía had appointed Reyes to the sensitive law enforcement post despite significant opposition from people who were concerned about Reyes’ alleged links to the Juarez Cartel.


In the spring of 2008, as the war between the Sinaloa Cartel and the Juarez Cartel erupted, the Juarez Municipal Police became a highly contested strategic asset that each of the cartels sought to control. The result was the execution of scores of municipal and state police officers the spring and summer of 2008 (see Table 1).


Table 1: Police Executions in Juarez 2007-2010[8]

Juarez Municipal Police    Other Police           Total Police Killed

2007                           4                     7                                  11

2008                           38                               33                              71

2009                           25                               42                                67

2010                           67                               82                               149

134                             164                             298

The execution of police officers was a symptom of the conflict that was now raging in the city between the Sinaloa and the Juarez Cartels. The clearest indication of this is a poster that was left at the Monument to Fallen Police in Ciudad Juarez at the end of January 2008 in which the Sinaloa Cartel listed the names of five Municipal Police officers who had been assassinated. It labeled those five officers as “Those who did not believe.” Below that list was a second list of seventeen names of current Juarez Municipal Police Officers under the heading “For those who still do not believe.” The list was an obvious death threat against those officers.  The prevailing wisdom is that the officers on the “still do not believe” list were either officers aligned with the Juarez Cartel or officers who had resisted Sinaloa Cartel efforts to enlist them. Within a year, all of the officers on the “Still do not believe” list were either dead or they had resigned from the police force.


In May 2008, ten police were executed, including one policeman who was decapitated and left with a new list of police who were targeted for execution.  One of the executed was a commander of an elite strike force within the Municipal Police who was killed in his office, evidence that the killers were operating within the police department. By June and July 2008 there was massive panic within the Juarez Municipal Police, leading to work stoppages.   Relatedly, the city was victimized by the outbreak of a serious crime wave.


The budget for the Juarez Municipal Police was approximately 60 million dollars a year.[9] Mayor José Reyes Ferriz estimated that the cost of neutralizing the entire force cost the cartels approximately $300,000 dollars.  “For $50,000 pesos a month (less than $5,000 dollars) they could own a commander, and that person controlled what went on within his area.  Operations people they could buy for anywhere from $20,000 to $50,000 pesos a month, depending on what they did.”[10] An interview with a Juarez Cartel sicario (hit man) similarly describes the mechanisms via which the Juarez Cartel controlled state and municipal police forces.  The sicario worked within the Chihuahua state Ministerial Police. In his training class, there were 200 recruits, of which he alleged that one-quarter were employed by the cartel[11].  Whether or not the specific figures are accurate, the interview supports the idea that the cartels do not need to own all of the police, just key people who are strategically placed.


Operación Conjunto Chihuahua

In March of 2008, the Mexican government launched Operación Conjunto Chihuahua, in an effort to stem the violence in Ciudad Juarez. 2,500 army troops were sent to support law enforcement efforts.  Initially, the army refused to patrol with the Municipal Police because of the extensive penetration of the police by the cartels. An additional problem was that the army troops, most of whom were from central and southern Mexico, did not know their way around Juarez’ neighborhoods (many of which, because they were established as un-regulated settlements, are labyrinth-like patchworks), a fact that complicated their response to criminal activity and emergencies.  Eventually, this was addressed by having a single Municipal Police officer attached to each military patrol.


A systematic attempt to clean up the 1500 member Municipal Police force was launched at the same time, with the Federal Police administering a battery of tests, known as “Confidence Tests,” that included drug testing, polygraphs, voice biometrics, personality tests, background checks, and finger prints that were checked on the national data base known as Plataforma Mexico[12].  The testing resulted in the firing of approximately 400 officers in October of 2008.  Another 70 had resigned prior to the results and another 17 had been fired in the preceding six months.  Adding the 38 officers that were assassinated in 2008, over a third of the Juarez Municipal Police force was fired, resigned, or killed in the course of 2008.


The police who remained were sent to a military-style boot camp at a Chihuahua military installation called Santa Gertrudis. There, the received training in the use of assault weapons (at that juncture in Mexico no other state or municipal police force was equipped with assault weapons or trained in their use).  In addition, police chief Roberto Orduña, a former army major, and the mayor set out to recruit and train a new police force. They travelled to military installations in Mexican states as far away as Oaxaca and Veracruz in search of new recruits who had a military background because it was thought that they might be more disciplined and more able to resist threats and corruption than local civilian recruits would be, especially given the extensive influence of the cartels and their gangs in the Juarez neighborhoods. However, the continued violence led to a massive attempt to recruit and train a force, mostly recruited in Juarez, that was called the “New Police.”  In September of 2009 a force of 3,000 “New Police” were commissioned. The Mexican army trained the “New Police” recruits who began patrolling the city along side the army units.


Juarez experienced a five-fold increase in drug cartel-related executions between 2007 and 2008, when executions reached a record setting 1606 for the year (see Table 2).  In February 2009, the cartels threatened to kill a policeman every 48 hours until the then Chief of Police, Roberto Orduña, resigned.  Orduña, a former army major, had held the post less than a year and had been spearheading the efforts to clean up the Juarez Municipal Police.  When the cartels made good on the threat, launching a new wave of police executions, the Chief resigned, prompting the federal government to activate extraordinary measures.  In March of 2009, control of the Juarez Municipal Police was essentially transferred to the army under a unique agreement in which the army permitted more than 30 retired or active duty army officers to assume command positions. The army began patrolling alongside the police at this juncture. In addition, 10,000 army and 2,000 Federal Police arrived to reinforce policing functions within the city.


Table 2: Juarez Executions 2007-2010 (Source: El Diario de Cd. Juarez)      

2007                            301

2008                           1,606

2009                           2,754

2010                           3,111

Total Executions   7,772


There were significant problems associated with the strategy of using the army as an interim force while a new police force for Ciudad Juarez was recruited and trained.  The most obvious was that the military was not trained for civilian law enforcement work.  In addition, there were no mechanisms in place for a smooth interface between the military and the civil judicial process.  The military was not efficient at collecting and analyzing evidence, nor was it efficient at preparing such evidence for criminal proceedings in the courts where suspects were formally charged with crimes and trials were undertaken.  In addition, complaints of human rights abuses took a precipitous jump, with citizens alleging that they were being picked up by the military and tortured for information.  There were also many complaints that the military was entering homes without search warrants.  In addition to these substantive problems, there were also logistical problems in terms of housing and feeding that many troops (the city rented out five enormous maquiladora -assembly plant- warehouses for this purpose).


Mexican Federal Police

From the outset of the Mexican federal government’s strategy in Ciudad Juarez and elsewhere, the intent was for the Federal Police to eventually replace the army units that were deployed to fight the DTOs.  At the beginning of the Calderón administration, the Policía Federal Preventiva, the precursor to the Policía Federal, only had 6,500 agents.  The Policía Federal Preventiva became the Policía Federal with the passage of the Ley de la Policia Federal in the Mexican congress that went into effect on July 2, 2009. The former organization, under the so-called “preventive” framework, was limited in its investigative capacities.  The new legislation allowed for the Federal Police to both investigate federal crimes and take a more proactive role in its law enforcement efforts. Over the course of the last four years, the Federal Police has increased to the present force of 35,000 agents.


The Policía Federal Preventiva was created in 1999. It was originally under the Secretaría de Gobernación (Mexico’s Secretary of the Interior) and it drew from the Centro de Investigación y Seguridad Nacional (CISEN, Mexico’s federal intelligence agency), the Policia Federal de Caminos (which was within the Secretaría de Comerico y Tansporte), as well as the 3rd Brigade of the Military Police. It was Mexico’s initial effort at creating a single, unified federal police force.[13]


The Federal Judicial Police (PJF), a separate law enforcement agency that was rife with allegations of corruption, disappeared in 2001-2002 and replaced by the Agencia Federal de Investigación (AFI). The aim of the AFI was to create a more professionalized and modern federal law enforcement agency.  There were significant efforts to create a clean force.  Unlike the PJF, where commanders were appointed by legislators and influential businessmen and were permitted to hire and fire officers at will, within the AFI officers were recruited as a professional corps that was not as subject to political whims.  The training was systematic and many officers were recruited from universities and had college degrees.   Much of the AFI leadership also received training in investigative techniques and analysis of evidence from international law enforcement agencies such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Scotland Yard, and the French police.  These were the first efforts to create a truly modern federal police agency in Mexico and, while the AFI was not immune to the corruption of some officers, it was head and shoulders above anything the country had known previously.


The current Federal Police, under the auspices of the Secretariat for Public Security (who’s director, Genaro García Luna, was the man who spearheaded much of the modernization efforts within the AFI) has continued to build on the framework first established within the AFI (the AFI is now a small force within the Federal Attorney General’s office).  Seven thousand of the 35,000 officers that make up the Federal Police are university graduates, and the force is much better trained in modern law enforcement techniques than anything Mexico has known in the past.   The Federal Police runs a national database (Plataforma Mexico) whereby police in every state may check suspects’ fingerprints and criminal backgrounds, for example[14].  Every law enforcement officer is also part of the database, thereby facilitating the ferreting out of errant officers who move to another state in order to continue their criminal activity.  The Federal Police has an operational wing as well as an investigative and intelligence wing.[15]


Federal Police in Ciudad Juarez

In Ciudad Juarez, the Federal Police that were initially dispatched at the time that the military units were first deployed primarily had an administrative and intelligence role. They also set up the city’s Emergency Response Center. (Until then, the center was staffed by Municipal Police in the pay of the Juarez Cartel and they routinely shared vital information with the cartel, including who it was that was reporting on their activities. This fact was widely known and made citizens understandably fearful of calling the Emergency Response Center to report crimes).


Despite the presence of Ciudad Juarez’ “New Police,” the levels of violence continued unabated, with executions continuing at a record-setting pace, including the executions of police officers.  The month of August 2009, for example, registered 320 executions in the city, thus averaging more than ten per day and making it the bloodiest month since the start of the war between the Sinaloa and the Juarez cartels. For this reason, the federal government decided to again reinforce the presence of Federal Police in the city.  In September 2009, the second phase of Operativo Conjunto Chihuahua was launched. The army stopped patrolling the streets of Ciudad Juarez and switched to a supportive role, although they continued to be nominally in charge of policing activity within the city.  1,400 Federal Police agents, 400 of them specializing in intelligence, were added to the law enforcement efforts in the city and again, in January of 2010, the federal government announced that 2,000 more Federal Police would be sent to Ciudad Juarez.  At present there are approximately 5,000 Federal Police agents assigned to Ciudad Juarez, including 412 patrol vehicles, 8 armored vehicles, 90 motorcycles, and 4 aircraft (three helicopters and one fixed-wing airplane).[16]


The profile of Federal Police activity in Ciudad Juarez had grown steadily since the launch of Operación Conjunto Chihuahua in the spring of 2009. For example, in July 2010, the Federal Police arrested Jesús Armando Acosta Guerrero, alias “El 35.” Acosta Guerrero was an important operational leader of the Juarez Cartel’s armed wing “La Linea” (he received orders directly from “El Diego,” the second in command within “La Linea”).  In retaliation, members of “La Linea” set a trap in which a man whom they’d severely wounded was left in the street next to a Ford Focus loaded with explosives.  A call was then placed to the city’s Emergency Response Center (CERI) indicating that there was a wounded man at that location. When the Federal Police arrived, “La Linea” operatives detonated the car bomb, killing one Federal Police officer, an emergency responder, a physician who had attempted to render aide and a bystander. The car bomb attack was the first time such a terrorist strategy had been used in Ciudad Juarez.  A second and more powerful car bomb was defused in a similar attempt shortly thereafter.  In addition, there have been numerous ambushes of Federal Police agents and convoys in the course of the last year, all new tactics.


There appears to be significant tension and mistrust between the current administration of Ciudad Juarez mayor Hector Murguía and the Federal Police.  There have been at least two armed confrontations between the Federal Police and the mayor’s security detail. In one of these, one of the mayor’s bodyguards was killed.


In April 2010 the Federal Police formally assumed security responsibility for Ciudad Juarez, taking over all policing functions from the Mexican army.  The international bridges as well as airports and highways remain under the control of the Mexican army, as well as the rural areas around Ciudad Juarez, in particular the area known as the Valle de Juarez, to the southeast of the city, long a stronghold of the Juarez Cartel and now a highly contested area between the cartels because its communities run along the U.S.-Mexico border, making them a strategic transit point for smuggling drugs and people into the United States.


In addition to operations against the DTOs, the Federal Police are placing special emphasis on combating the wave of kidnappings (120 of the newly deployed agents are specialists in hostage negotiation and other kidnapping-related law enforcement work) and extortion, crimes that have become epidemic and are increasingly affecting the population as well as commerce.  Tactical analysis and field intelligence have become priorities and there are daily meetings with federal, state, and municipal law enforcement as well as weekly meetings with the army, the federal attorney general’s representative, and the Centro de Investigación y Seguridad Nacional.


The Federal Police created a new approach to covering the city. Out of the historic six police sectors, they divided the city up into nine sectors, breaking these up into 156 quadrants, with 24-hour response teams and air surveillance.  This meant a more effective distribution of forces in relation to the city’s demographics. In addition, they have instituted a “secure corridors” program, identifying 39 stretches of streets and thoroughfares that have additional patrols and checkpoints in an effort to reduce the incidence of criminal activity are create safe zones within the city.  The Federal Police also continued to man the city’s Emergency Response Center (the CERI has received 1,869,234 calls to date, 81 percent of which are hang-ups or prank calls).[17]  The CERI was also upgraded, with up-to-date computerized workstations for each of the city’s sectors where calls were received and locations identified as well as the locations of Federal Police units via GPS technology.  A citywide computerized map along one of the CERI’s walls permits the contextualization of activity within each of the city sectors in relation to the others. A new command center has been built to house the Federal Police, which indicates that the Mexican government intends to keep the Federal Police in Ciudad Juarez for the long haul. The command center has 100 workstations, 40 of which are dedicated to working kidnapping and extortion cases (these fall under the federal purview).[18]



The continuing violence in Ciudad Juarez altered the federal government’s original strategy.  The “New Police,” inaugurated in the fall of 2009 continued to have problems and their limited effectiveness has required the emergence of an approach that includes a longer-term presence of the Federal Police in the city.  This became especially evident once the shift was completed away from the Mexican army as the primary law enforcement tool in Ciudad Juarez.


There have been episodic accusations that some elements of the Federal Police were involved in the extortion of businesses.  In August 2010, there was a mutiny within one of the command groups (the “3rd Group” or regiment) after agents accused their commanders of pressing them to participate in extortions and pocketing their per diem payments. Four Federal Police commanders who were part of the “3rd Group” in Ciudad Juarez were relieved of their commands and all have been prosecuted.


There is some evidence to suggest cautious optimism that the federal government’s strategy is having an impact on the violence in Ciudad Juarez.  The average number of executions for the first six months of 2011 has dropped to185 per month, or close to 2008 levels (134 per month)[19].  By contrast, in 2009 the average monthly toll in Ciudad Juarez was 229 and it was 259 in 2010.  Hopefully, such trends can be sustained, although they still translate into six executions per day on average. Similarly, drawing from their own data (which sometimes differ slightly from El Diario’s numbers) the Federal Police reports a 32-percent drop in executions in the first five months of 2011 as compared to the first five months of 2010.[20]


The long-term goals for Ciudad Juarez are to continue efforts to establish the Juarez Municipal Police as a viable force.  In addition, the government plans to continue strengthening of the Federal Police on a national level beyond its current 35,000 agents.  Finally, the federal government is intent on developing a single police force within each state which would be modeled after the Federal Police. Such a force would be better trained and equipped than are current state police forces and they would work in greater coordination with the Federal Police. Finally, the federal government continues its efforts to improve the Mexican judicial system, presently a weak link in the efforts to control the levels of criminal activity in the country.

[1] Interview with Eduardo Medina-Mora, Mexico’s ambassador to Great Britain and Federal Attorney General until September 2009. London, United Kingdom, September 15, 2010.

[2] Interview with Guillermo Valdés, Director of Mexico’s CISEN – Centro de Investigación y Seguridad Nacional. Mexico City, November 14, 2010.

[3] At the time an additional number of agents were drawn from the CISEN, the army, and other existent law enforcement agencies, but these additional agents remained assigned to their home agencies (Personal Communication, Manuel Balcazar Villareal, Presidencia, Mexico City).

[4] Source: Alejandro Poiré interview at the University of Texas at Austin, April 2011.

[5] Data for number of executions in Ciudad Juarez are from El Diario de Cuidad Juarez.

[6] Personal communication, anonymous.

[7] Hector Murguía was re-elected mayor of Ciudad Juarez in the July 2010 municipal elections and assumed office in October 2010.

[8] Source: El Diario de Ciudad Juarez

[9] Personal communication, José Reyes Ferriz, mayor of Juarez October 2007 – October 2010.

[10] Ibid.

[11] “El Sicario, Room 164,” documentary film directed by Gianfranco Rosi (2011).

[12] February 2010 interview with Facundo Rosas, head of the Federal Police.

[13] Personal communication, President’s Office, Mexico City July21, 2011.

[14] Interview with Genaro García Luna, head of Mexico’s Secretariat for Public Security, Mexico City, November 20, 2010.

[15] Ibid.

[16] Source: Policia Federal en Ciudad Juarez  Junio 2011 (Secretaría de Seguridad Pública, Mexico, D.F.) (p.24)

[17] Source: Policia Federal en Ciudad Juarez  Junio 2011 (p.24)

[18] Policia Federal en Ciudad Juarez  Junio 2011 (p.74)

[19] Source: El Diario de Ciudad Juarez

[20] Source: Policia Federal en Ciudad Juarez  Junio 2011 (p.25)

Austin From a Different Perspective


Mexican Drug Cartel Influence in Austin, Texas

Presented at the GACC-LBJ Library Security Summit

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Prepared July 25, 2011

Gregory Thrash




Austin, Texas, known for the foothills of the Texas hill country, the University of Texas, live music and night life, and in recent years, tech savvy entrepreneurs, start-ups and tech expansions; some deeming Austin as the silicon valley of the south. It is home to many major corporations and, although enduring it’s share of suffering during the recent recession and economic downturn, the Austin area’s technical industry not only survived, but there are good signs that the future of the industry in Austin looks very bright. The Austin area is consistently ranked high as one of America’s top cities to reside. As seen from the U.S. Census perspective, the Austin area makes up what is known as the Austin Metropolitan Statistical Area consisting of approximately 1.7 million people, a 37% increase from the 2000 census. Austin has a very vibrant economy, large student population and a transportation infrastructure that rivals any large metropolitan area, (U.S. Census Bureau, 2011). Austin has emerged from a small city focused on college life and state government to a large metropolis with major international influence.


What separates Austin from other cities is not simple demographics, geography, or even economic indicators. What separates Austin is the fullness of its diverse culture. Favorable landscapes, natural beauty, a mild climate, and a bustling assortment of independently minded people thriving on diversity.  The level of diversity is illustrated in not only the attraction of artists, musicians, and film enthusiasts, but in the attraction of big business, professional sports, and one recent notable addition, the creation of the Austin Formula One race track, putting Austin in the company of cities such as Monte Carlo, Singapore, Sao Paulo, and Istanbul. Residing beneath the charm and attraction of Austin however, is an underworld that many never see. It is one that in recent years has firmly embedded itself in the make-up of the city. This underworld is that of major Mexican drug trafficking organizations that we have come to know as the cartels. There is definitely a different side to Austin, Texas.


Along with the exceptional growth and associated demographics, important to note is the geographical location of the area. Austin sits approximately four hours from the busiest point of entry, of drug importation than arguably any other point along the southwest border –  Laredo – as well as only four hours from the points of entry of Eagle Pass and Del Rio; important entry points for methamphetamine and marijuana for the San Antonio and Austin areas. The Austin area, therefore, is demographically, geographically and strategically situated to be one of the prime locations along the southwest border to play host to command and control cells of the Mexican drug cartels.


Although Austin has always played a role in international drug trafficking, it has emerged as a major player in the game in recent years. The effects of drug trafficking, distribution, and the subsequent abuse cannot be stated enough in the Austin area. Consequent to this emergence, law enforcement and other civic authorities have identified these threats and have proactively responded.


As with any large metropolitan area, especially one that has experienced the drastic growth that Austin has seen, the area has its share of crime including drug trafficking.  What is unsettling however is the role Austin now plays in the globally scoped, highly compartmentalized, and unusually disciplined underworld of the Mexican drug cartels. Mexican drug cartel leaders operate from a shroud of secrecy, and to some degree security, in Mexico while leveraging generational and familial ties in cities across the United States to carry out orders and conduct business on behalf of these Mexico based bosses.


Mexican superiors order tasks which are generally carried out by very compartmentalized and distinct cells that operate anonymously from one another. Responsibilities such as receiving drug loads, driving loads, storing, stockpiling, selling, and ultimately carrying out the day-to-day duties to sustain the organization. The tasks are accomplished anonymously in a very compartmentalized manner so the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing necessarily. This is done for obvious reasons of insulating cell heads and mitigating risks to the organization. As the Mexican cartels have evolved into the behemoth they are today, their capabilities within the United States of chameleon type meandering lifestyles, and disciplined operations have far exceeded in terms of effectiveness and longevity other criminal organizations of the past.


What has made Austin, and other similar cities, a haven for these Mexican cells and cell heads? Answering this is somewhat more layered, and goes beyond simple demographics, logistics, and geography. There are numerous factors outside the purview of Austin that all have significant influence on what Austin has become in terms of importance to the Mexican cartels.  One must consider the sheer enormity and openness of the southwest border, the true significance of Mexico’s evolved role in the worldwide drug trade, as well as what factors led to the Mexican trafficker’s meteoric rise to power. Although seemingly disassociated with day to day life in Austin, Texas, the factors that have led to the prominence of the Mexican cartels, congruently affected the role that cities across the U.S. began to play in the domestic drug trade. The role that many Austin drug traffickers play illustrates this point perfectly in recent years.


The gradual shift from dominance of the Colombian traffickers to the Mexican organizations controlling wholesale distribution outlets in U.S. cities leads to many challenges and policy implications for the United States on a national scale. On the other hand, these same challenges and implications exist on the local front for the city of Austin. As an analogy, compare the implications of the illegal immigration issue to the issue of the Mexican drug cartel influence in American cities. As far as these affected U.S. cities and states are concerned, these implications are more personal, close to home, and in many cases insurmountable in the pursuit of maintaining a rule of law. As such, these challenges that face America as a nation are many times multi multiplied when faced on a local level.




Significance of Mexico to the Worldwide Drug Trade. Consider the significance of the portion of the U.S. – Mexico border that directly impacts Austin, Texas. The permeable border that separates Mexico and the United States spans almost 2,000 miles from Brownsville, Texas to San Diego, California. The state of Texas comprises some 60% or 1,200 of those miles. Compare these to the piece of the border that directly impacts Austin, which runs from Brownsville, Texas past Del Rio, Texas revealing that Austin is impacted by approximately 600 miles or 30% of the southwest border. These effects are seen due to where Austin sits geographically and logistically, and the web of highways leading to and from the border cities that serve as gateways for the flood of illicit contraband into and out of Mexico through Austin.


The southwest border  of the United States and principally Texas is the primary arrival zone for most of the illicit drugs smuggled into the United States, as well as the chief staging area for the consequent distribution throughout the country. Cities such as Dallas, San Antonio, Houston, and Austin, are favored by Mexican kingpins due to their second tier status of being one-step removed from the border. In these cities illicit drugs are shipped and stored until further movement to other markets around the U.S, not unlike legitimate industry utilizing distribution hubs for goods to be sold around the country.


Most Powerful Criminal Organization in the World. The question is posed frequently in law enforcement circles; are the Mexican cartels the most powerful criminal organizations in the world? According to the National Drug Intelligence Center’s 2009 National Drug Threat Assessment, the Mexican drug trafficking organizations represent the “greatest organized crime threat to the United States,”… Mexican and Colombian drug trafficking organizations generate, remove and launder between $18 billion and $39 billion in wholesale drug proceeds in the United States annually, most of which is smuggled into Mexico, (National Drug Intelligence Center, 2009).  Examining this objectively, simply consider the following;


  • Approximately 93% of the U.S cocaine supply transits Mexico,


  • Approximately 80% of all methamphetamine in the United States is manufactured in Mexico,


  • Afghanistan produced more opium than any other country; Mexico ranked 2nd with increases in opium production; 2010 was a record-breaking year for heroin seizures along the southwest border including Texas,


  • And consider that anywhere from $18 billion to $39 billion in U.S. currency is smuggled out of the U.S. and into the hands of these cartels,


  • And lastly, consider that most of the U.S. market for illicit drugs is controlled entirely by these Mexican drug trafficking organizations – from entry into the U.S.  to final distribution. It is estimated there is cartel activity in approximately 230 U.S. cities, (DEA Public Affairs, May, 2011).


The structure of these organizations is dynamic and fluid, particularly with the ongoing violence in Mexico. DEA, however, recognizes seven major cartels or trafficking organizations in Mexico. The map below depicts the general structure and general areas of influence.



The Mexican organizations have evolved to such prominence and power and continue to regenerate due to many aspects including the vast smuggling routes and distribution outlets which have been perfected over time. Additionally, they excel at smuggling and transportation, whereby virtually every available method has been seen of secreting and transporting drugs from inside Mexico to points beyond domestically.  They have used sophisticated underground tunnels, false compartments and natural voids in automobiles, as well as sophisticated transit methods in tractor trailers; Mexican traffickers are very innovative and skilled in terms of their smuggling expertise.


Advanced communications technology also plays a role in their strength when one considers the myriad of ways in which one can communicate today; from simple two-way radios to Skype, to various forms of social media, to underground Internet capabilities. Couple advanced technology with the very disciplined nature and compartmentalization of their U.S. operations, and one is faced with a very formidable opponent. Moreover, intimidation tactics that continue to plague the interior of Mexico also has effects within the U.S. These tactics are used effectively to recruit and sustain personnel, as other members are coerced into the trade where in past eras one could simply walk away. Moreover, a very definite desired outcome by the traffickers, individuals are extremely reluctant to provide information to authorities where these traffickers are concerned. Lastly, the sheer amount of bulk currency being funneled into Mexico to the tune of about $18-$39 billion, lends itself to the continual regeneration of these illicit organizations. The significance of Mexico to the worldwide illicit drug trade cannot be overstated. In fact without Mexico’s cartels, the state of drug trafficking in the United States would be unrecognizable in today’s world.




The reasons for the rise to power of the cartels are many, but have as a foundation three primary pillars. In fact, when examining the history of the last century specific to the drug trade, the shift to Mexico as a central focus from Colombia actually makes sense. First, the restructuring of the Colombian cartels from the late 1980’s and into the 2000’s; second, the knowledge the Mexican traffickers have of the United States, the border, and long established smuggling routes; and third, the change in the political climate with the defeat of the longstanding PRI political party in 2000. All three of these factors had key influence on the power shift from Colombia traffickers to the Mexican cartels.


Colombian Cartels. The Colombian cartels dominated the worldwide wholesale markets for cocaine up until the 1980’s to the early 1990’s. During these times Colombian organizations controlled not only most of the production, but virtually all of the cocaine smuggling and wholesale distribution in large and mid-sized U.S. cities.  During the 1980’s and into the mid 1990’s it was not uncommon to find Colombian organizations operating their networks in Texas cities such as Houston and Dallas. This all changed with the Mexican organization’s willingness and ability to establish their own transportation and distribution networks all over the U.S. With the downfall of the former Medellin Cartel and the disintegration of the Cali Cartel, the Colombian organizations restructured and formed alliances with the Mexican traffickers. Once started, these same Mexican organizations essentially took over the cocaine trade in America – start to finish – with the desired smuggling route being Mexico in lieu of the once favored Caribbean corridor. Former DEA Administrator Robert Bonner observed that at first the Mexicans acted primarily as transporters, but quickly led to the Mexicans creating autonomous networks throughout the U.S.,  (Bonner, 2010). He added, “They are headquartered in Mexico, but they have distribution arms in over 200 cities throughout the United States…” (Bonner, 2010, p. 37).


The ground gained against the Colombian organizations of the 1980’s and early 1990’s actually had an effect of boosting the fledgling Mexican cocaine effort.  In his journal article concerning the Colombian and Mexican cocaine transition, Gootenberg suggests that successes made in shutting down Colombian cocaine trafficking in Florida, actually provided a powerful blowback enhancement to the newly created Mexican kingpins. He suggests the blowback actually was a prologue to today’s showdown in Mexico, (Gootenberg, 2010).


Knowledge of the United States and Established Routes. Mexican traffickers have long smuggled contraband into the United States through historical routes, and many Mexican citizens have great knowledge of the United States due to the legal and illegal migration to America. As such, through generational and familial ties, many Mexican citizens, including traffickers, know and share in U.S. cultures, traditions, and means, thereby easily wafting through day-to-day life in America. Couple this with the Mexican trafficker’s historical smuggling routes and expertise, and one sees the existence of an illicit distribution network that the Colombian traffickers could never replicate. As such, the Colombians succumbed to the knowledge and abilities of the Mexican traffickers and took the role of supplier.  Observed in the journal article, U.S. – Mexico Relations: What’s Next?, Shannon O’Neil suggests, “crime-related violence in Mexico is not new. Mexico has always been a supplier of illegal markets in the United States, from alcohol in the prohibition era, heroin during World War II, marijuana throughout the 1960s, and in recent decades, a variety of drugs including cocaine, heroin, marijuana, and methamphetamines” (O’Neil, 2010, p. 69).


Emergence of Democracy – Loss of the PRI.  The emergence of democracy and the integration of a middle class played a large part in the development of the cartels. In the journal article, The Real War in Mexico, O’Neil opines that the reversal from the one-party system dominated by the PRI for seventy years facilitated a more democratic system which in effect upset the balance of power within the underworld of the Mexican drug traffickers, (O’Neil, 2010). This political swing facilitated the development of the cartels as we know them today by allowing access to markets and smuggling routes once closed under the long-standing one party system that dominated Mexico for over seventy years.   Bonner concludes, “A major turning point came in 2000, when the PRI lost power and Vicente Fox of the National Action Party, or PAN, became president. The end of the one-party rule was profoundly important for Mexico’s evolution toward true democracy, and it signaled a new era for the drug cartels” (Bonner, 2010).




Dr. Michael Lauderdale, Ph.D., a Centennial Professor of Criminal Justice within the School of Social Work at the University of Texas,  suggests the influence and manipulation of characteristics comprising the U.S. – Mexico border are more of a zone which actually spans a distance of 200 miles either way; stretching from Monterrey to the south, and into Austin to the north.  Lauderdale concludes that within the international border zone, “Events travel fast. What happens in Monterrey soon has consequences for Houston, San Antonio and Austin!” (M. Lauderdale, personal communication, email, June 19, 2011).  This is particularly true today in light of technology and communication advances.


The greater Austin area has been singled out in recent years as being a haven for the Mexican drug cartels utilizing the area as a command and control center for the distribution and transit of illicit drugs and U.S. currency. Law enforcement agencies report an increasing stream of arrests in the area for drug trafficking involving Mexican based trafficking organizations. The drug threat facing the greater Austin area is clear and distinct; (1) the importation and distribution of heroin, cocaine and methamphetamine by cells of the Mexican cartels, utilizing the city of Austin and surrounding areas as a base of operations for transshipment and distribution; and (2) the potential for increased drug abuse and violence resulting from the such, all impacting severely on the quality of life in Austin.


Moreover, Austin proper is not alone in experiencing the overwhelming effects these traffickers bring. Authorities in the surrounding counties of Austin attest that although their areas may not always be used directly for command and control, they in fact receive the fall-out or residual effects from the conduct of these traffickers and the consequent distribution groups that are spawned accordingly. The fall-out comes in the form of drug stash house operations, increased drug sales, and a consequent increase in drug use resulting in a significant decrease in the quality of life, as well as an increased negative impact on already limited enforcement resources.


Logistics and Demographics. Austin, Texas has a very vibrant economy, large student population and a transportation infrastructure that rivals any large metropolitan area. As noted, by U.S. Bureau of Census definition, Travis County and the greater Austin area are considered a standard Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA). The geographical area of most MSA’s extend well beyond the central city/county as does the Austin MSA. The Austin MSA comprises a population of approximately 1.7 million and includes the counties of Travis, Hays, Bastrop, Williamson, and to a some extent Burnet.  The Austin MSA ranks 35th among the 366 MSA’s designated by the Office of Management and Budget, and only seven MSA’s nationwide had a larger percentage increase in population growth since the 2000 census, (U.S. Census, 2010).


Complimenting the demographics of the area is the geographic location and the transportation infrastructure that exists. As eluded to previously, Austin is an easy drive to prime points of entry from Mexico along the southwest border. In addition to demographics, the area is served by a world-class interstate highway system connecting Austin to close proximity of the large metropolitan areas of San Antonio, Houston, and Dallas, as well as a large international airport. These factors facilitate the fact that Austin is in a position to host not only legitimate business ventures, but also the underworld of organized crime and drug trafficking organizations.


As noted, points of entry along the border that affect Austin include approximately 30% of the entire southwest border. With that being said, what is interesting to note is that the Austin area has been poised to serve as a mooring point for contraband originated from or destined for each of the major points of entry within the aforementioned 30% of the border. These servicing points of entry along the border towns of Texas-Mexico are; Brownsville-Matamoras, McAllen-Reynosa, Laredo-Nuevo Laredo, Eagle Pass-Piedras Negras, and Del Rio-Acuna.


Familial Ties with Mexican Traffickers. The proliferation of Mexican drug cartel influence into the heartland of America has been predicated on factors previously mentioned. One factor, however, cannot be overstated which is one of familial influence. As is the case in any endeavor, personal references play a paramount role in who we hire and who we choose to associate with. The Mexican drug traffickers are no different.


Over the last thirty or so years, the Mexican population migration spread from the traditional Southwest border cities into interior American cities. This occurred due in large part to legitimate job searches and migrant farm pursuits of the Mexican citizens.  Unfortunately, the forces that were making the cartels powerful in Mexico were also pressuring for outlets in an effort to finalize their closed-end smuggling and distribution network. What the Mexico-based traffickers desired was to have on the other end, a trusted family member, even if an extended one, to set-up shop and close the loop so to speak on their distribution network.


The trusted family member would have contact with the Mexican bosses and would recruit his own network domestically. Although the organizational structure of the Mexican trafficking organizations operating from within Mexico tends to be almost vertical, the structure domestically has a tendency to simulate a pyramid structure or multi-level marking strategy. The Mexican based leaders, by using this approach, are insulated from exposure due to the very nature of the strategy. No other criminal organization has utilized this structure or generational and familial connections to spread their cause as effectively as the Mexican traffickers have during the prolific propagation of the cartels. This is well illustrated in Austin, Texas.


Successful Law Enforcement Ventures. As many other major U.S. cities have, Austin, Texas has always played a role in international drug trafficking due to geography, demographics, and familial connections. In recent years, however, due to the promulgation of the Mexican drug cartels into the interior of the U.S., Austin has received a large portion of this spread. With that being said, law enforcement and civic authorities have responded accordingly and timely in challenge to the clear threat posed by these criminal elements.


Austin area law enforcement authorities have recognized this clear threat and in 2008 requested the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) to designate the Austin area as a High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA). The designation of the area as a HIDTA allows additional potential resources, as well as creating a level playing field for information sharing among all levels of law enforcement. In March of 2010 ONDCP approved the petition and the Austin area was designated a HIDTA.  The designation spawned a coordinated coalition whereby multiple federal, state and local agencies combine resources day-to-day in an effort to thwart and contain the drug trafficking threat in Austin that these cartels have produced.


Over the last several years DEA has coordinated nationwide enforcement operations targeting domestic surrogates of the Mexican cartels. Of the four most prominent and successful of these nationwide efforts since 2008, the city of Austin has played a large role in two of them, Project Coronado and Project Deliverance. These two enforcement projects showcase the concerted efforts by federal, state, and local law enforcement resulting in significant blows to the infrastructure of cartel cells operating in the Austin area.


Since 2008, DEA Austin along with local authorities publicly announced the culmination of four major enforcement operations targeting factions of Mexican cartels; as noted, two of these operations were a part of a coordinated, large-scale, nationwide attack;


  • Project Coronado: October 2009; Austin law enforcement participated in the nationwide coordinated Operation Coronado that arrested over 1,100 persons nationwide with several members of the La Familia Michoacán cartel operating in the Austin area. Coronado involved 35 cities and proved to hit the La Familia organization hard with the total seizures of approximately one ton of illicit drugs,


  • Operation Kumbaya: February 2010.  Austin law enforcement culminated a long-term investigation with the arrests of eighteen persons operating a local distribution hub responsible for the sales of hundreds of kilograms of cocaine annually in Austin and Houston, Texas. The local cell was linked to a faction of the Gulf Cartel in Mexico.


  • Project Deliverance: June 2010. Project Deliverance was a coordinated nationwide effort that targeted the transportation infrastructure of Mexican drug trafficking organizations in the United States, especially along the southwest border. Austin law enforcement targeted a transportation cell using the Austin area to transit drugs from Mexico to the east coast of the United States on behalf of the La Familia cartel. The nationwide project as a whole netted over 2,000 arrests and led to the seizure of tons of illicit drugs. DEA Administrator Michelle Leonhart applauded the nationwide effort by commenting, “Project Deliverance inflicted a debilitating blow to the network of shadow facilitators and transportation cells controlled by the major Mexican drug cartels. Deliverance continues a deliberate and strategic effort to cut off and shut down the supply of drugs entering our country, and the flow of drug profits and guns to Mexico.  The stakes are extraordinarily high, and this massive operation is a milestone in our tireless assault on these violent drug cartels” (Leonhart, 2010).


  • Operation Blue Ice: February 2011. The culmination of Operation Blue Ice illustrated how factions of the Gulf Cartel were utilizing local members of the Texas Syndicate prison gang to not only distribute methamphetamine locally in the Austin area, but also transport drug loads from border cities to other cities around the U.S.


These achievements represent only publicly identified outcomes. The intelligence sharing among Austin area drug law enforcement is strong and distinct. There are no issues with connecting the dots concerning drug trafficking intelligence in the Austin area. The aforementioned success stories are a tribute to the professionalism of law enforcement in the area.




The challenges the cartels pose to U.S. law enforcement are obvious and many.  The challenges and implications to other aspects of U.S. Mexico relations are not so transparent, but possibly more pertinent than a military or law enforcement response. Four implications rise to the top when discussing cartel influence and the corresponding effects on the social fabric of Austin, as well as law enforcement; technology, the need of strong local law enforcement coalitions, an alliance with Mexico politically and economically, and a strong rule of law exerted by law enforcement.  Simply put, what affects the United States as a whole, congruently affects our individual cities. The United States can’t face one challenge without Austin facing the identical challenge, or some derivative thereof. The same is true the other way around.


Technology. Although drug law enforcement boils down to fundamentals, technological issues and advances may in fact have a great effect on the way law enforcement conducts business.  Technological advances are occurring at record levels. One just needs to look at the advancement of cellular telephone technology in the last decade. We have progressed from simple cellular technology, to push-to-talk technology, to now where many users never speak, simply texting their coded message. Couple that with encryption technology, email, the underworld internet, Skype communications, Wi-Fi advances, and it is definite that technological advances are a major challenge. Keeping up with these advances, as well as modifying departmental regulations and policies, are paramount in using technology to the benefit of law enforcement and to the detriment of the drug traffickers.


Local Scope. Aggressive Intelligence Sharing and Investigations. As noted in earlier discussion, Austin area law enforcement enjoys coordination and cooperation not seen in every domestic locale. Embedded turf battles and parochial cultures many times clouds the view of investigative agencies and for the most part lends them less effective.  The previously mentioned creation of the HIDTA coalition allows for a platform of law enforcement entities in Austin to set aside differences and focus on investigative goals and objectives. Currently, the HIDTA partnership in Austin is managed by DEA and consists of four federal agencies, the Texas DPS, and numerous additional local agencies, all working in daily concert with one another targeting criminal organizations in Austin. Collaboration among all levels of law enforcement has always been important to successful investigations and ventures; however, it is a challenge that is paramount in today’s age of globalization and technology. The implications of true coordination and information sharing among all levels of law enforcement will immediately reap benefits, and the results will be seen for years to come.


National Scope – Alliance With Mexico. Not only is it in the best interest of the U.S. to help Mexico in their showdown with the cartels, it is also in the best interest to support their democracy and growing middle class. Furthering the development of a democracy not only facilitates a rule of law, but enables economic and political structures to flourish. Strive toward dealing with the cartels as more of a crime problem to be contained, making it our objective to help Mexico make the cartel issue a “manageable crime and drug problem, allowing basic public security and safety in the streets. This will require an approach that recognizes and combats the economic and social factors behind the violence” (O’Neil, 2010). This can be done when Mexico’s struggles become the struggles of the United States. President Obama said on March 31, 2011,  “The battle President Calderon is fighting inside of Mexico is not just his battle: it’s also ours.  We have to take responsibility, just as he’s taking responsibility… And the United States will support him in any way we can in order to help him achieve his goals, because his goals are our goals as well…”,  (B. Obama, speech delivered on March 31, 2011).


Culture and Rule of Law. Trend or anomaly? In contrast to the violence targeted at law enforcement in Mexico by the traffickers, U.S. law enforcement officers experience a much more secure environment. The Mexican traffickers themselves argue that unlike the day of the Colombian cartels directly taking on the government, most law enforcement casualties in Mexico are collateral damage for the most part, not necessarily targets of assassination. Domestically, the year 2011 is shaping up to be the deadliest year ever for American law enforcement, particularly at the hands of firearms. The National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial declares that 2011 thus far is the deadliest year for law enforcement; refer to the chart below, (National Law Enforcement Memorial, 2011).  The figures depict a disturbing 38% increase over 2010 at this point in time in the number of law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty by gunfire.


Law Enforcement Officer Fatalities
Preliminary 2011 Numbers
July 1, 2011



% Change

Total Fatalities








Traffic Incidents




Other Causes




Please note:
These numbers reflect total officer fatalities comparing July 1, 2011 to July 1, 2010.


Why is this important to note in context to the cartel influence in Austin and rule of law? Is law enforcement in general experiencing an uptick in violence directed at them? One can argue this is the case as evidenced by the aforementioned. Additionally, consider that assaults against Border Patrol agents increased 46% since 2006; consider the ruthless May 2011 unprovoked attack on Bexar County, Texas Deputy Kenneth Vann who was ambushed and killed while sitting in a marked patrol car while on duty.

It is rare to see such brazen attacks directed at American law enforcement, and in fact one can argue that we have not experienced such brutal targeted attacks since 1985, as we recall DEA Special Agent Enrique Camarena who was kidnapped, tortured, and murdered by Mexican traffickers while on official assignment in Mexico. This act alone turned the tables on the way in which U.S. law enforcement began to look at what Mexico’s role was, and would become in the worldwide drug trade, and its impact on America (Bonner, 2010).

The conclusion here is not to suggest that blatant attacks on law enforcement officers, or the increase in law enforcement deaths by firearms, are a by-product of the cartel wars in Mexico. It can be surmised, however that the same culture of lawless attitudes that exists in Mexico is permeating the attitudes and behavior of the criminal element domestically, and in turn the attitudes and behaviors of all of society of this generation. Law enforcement officers at every level – from the patrol officer working a beat to the federal agent or detective working white-collar crime – can attest that attitudes toward authority have changed in the last decade or so. There appears to exist an increasing lack of deference when dealing with certain sections of the populace that the general public rarely, if ever sees. This deference is a definite culture swing and a challenge that law enforcement must acknowledge and address.

For many years law enforcement officers carried with them an air of confidence and invincibility. A feeling that the badge was a shield so to speak; protecting them from being a target of the evil of the criminal element as a whole. The Camarena incident completely changed that mindset – at least for awhile. Former DEA Administrator Bonner suggests that not only did this act alone change the way the U.S. perceived the Mexican traffickers; it created a platform for the United States to illustrate America’s solidarity concerning brutality against one of its own. The Mexican traffickers where met with swift and decisive action by U.S. authorities, (Bonner, 2010).


It is obvious the Austin area has seen remarkable changes in population growth, demographic swings, and a sheer increase in the quality of living due to technological advances and a favorable business and educational environment. Although these positive factors all point to Austin’s desirability for family life, business expansion and educational pursuits, Austin is not immune from the plague that has permeated America for the last two decades; the expansion of the Mexican drug cartels within the U.S. The many forces that changed the international drug trade on a global scale were also at work changing Austin. What is encouraging to note is that the same foresight and culture that has made the city of Austin such a vibrant, progressive community, also have enacted a proactive civic structure to proactively address the expansion of Mexico’s underworld in Austin.

Austin, Texas is not alone in being used by Mexican drug traffickers to facilitate their illicit business. The various factors that made this possible are in fact the same that have assisted hundreds of other cities to become the same thing; a haven for traffickers to operate on behalf of the Mexican cartels.  Although aggressive law enforcement exits throughout the U.S., the cooperation among all levels of Austin area law enforcement is superb and achievements speak for themselves. Not only does first class law enforcement exist, the rule of law is supported by very active coalitions consisting of educators, business and community leaders, as well as politicians. These entities strive to support every aspect of making the quality of life in Austin one to be admired and envied. The rule of law that Americans have come to cherish cannot exist without the collaborations among all facets of the community.  Austin, Texas illustrates this collaboration as well as any other city in America.



Bonner, R. C. (2010). The new cocaine cowboys. Foreign Affairs, 89(4), 35-35-47. Retrieved from

Gootenberg, P. (2010). Blowback: The Mexican drug crisis. NACLA Report on the Americas, 43(6), 7-7-12,44. Retrieved from

O’Neil, S. (2009). The real war in Mexico. Foreign Affairs, 88(4), 63-63-0_7. Retrieved from

O’Neil, S. (2010). Mexico-U.S. relations: What’s next? Americas Quarterly, 4(2), 68-68-72. Retrieved from

Leonhart, M. (2010). DEA-Led Operation Delivers Over 2,000 Arrests, Press release dated June 10, 2010, retrieved from DEA’s website,,

National Drug Intelligence Center. (2009). NDIC website,

National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial. (2011). NLEM website,

U.S. Census Bureau. (2010). United States census bureau website,

Connect The Dots

Here are the headlines of three separate stories appearing in the Austin media this week. One details a long running investigation into a Lebanese family that runs several downtown very popular bars. A second story knits together three separate arrests by the Austin police to contraband trafficked on IH 35. The third story is of a missing traveler from San Marcos, Texas who is overdue to return from a visit to family members in Monterrey.

The Dots provide the complexity of the dimensions of spillover violence from Mexico. The Connection requires one to see the impact of low employment and education levels in Mexico, the attractiveness of the American market for drugs and the aggressiveness of the Cartels to increase vertical control of the movement and sale of their products.

Investigators link nightclub owner, associates to drug deals, militant Islamic group, homicide case

APD puts massive drug bust loot on display

Lockhart man still missing after trip to Mexico

Many still function under a normalcy bias of the community and Mexico that was familiar some years ago. These three articles all coming in one week signal times have changed.

These stories are simply a view of an iceberg. The iceberg is far larger and more complex that one can readily imagine. Here is another view from a different perspective: Central Florida


The Election Year

Michael Lauderdale

Two years ago we looked at the spread of violence across Mexico and offered some explanation of its causes as well as speculating on the ways the violence would spill over from Mexico into the United States. It is now accelerating and this week the U. S. State Department issued travel warnings not just for border towns like Juarez and Nuevo Laredo but in a third or more of Mexico. We examine some of these changes in this critical year, attempt to spot important trends for public safety and revisit our predictions of alternative outcomes for Mexico and the U.S.

February 2012


here are two major electoral events in North America whose outcomes will provide consequential impacts for the rest of the decade. In some ways much of what we discuss here should have been seen as a byproduct of efforts among Mexico, the United States and Canada begun in 1990 and now known as the North American Free Trade Agreement, NAFTA. NAFTA was largely inevitable and at its sum very desirable but like many efforts there are unintended consequences. Look at the map at the end of this piece to see why we are seeing some of the unintended consequences. By December we should have a better fix of what next may come in the United States and in Mexico.


The Countries

There are three major countries in North America: Canada, the United States and Mexico, seven small countries south of Mexico and thirteen sovereign states in the Caribbean. Canada has a population of 34 million grown 6 percent in the last half dozen years with western Canada having the greatest relative increase. Cities like Calgary and Edmonton in western Canada are the most rapidly growing and are driven by energy booms much like Texas. Canada has two major political parties, the Conservatives and the Liberals and many minor parties. In 2011 the Conservatives won a major in the national assembly.

Like Canada the United States with a population of approximately 310 million, has two major parties, the Democrats and the Republicans but unlike Canada does not have a large number of smaller parties. Neither party is assured of election this year and economic challenges, the winding down of wars in the Middle East and budgetary troubles seem unsolvable by either party. Yet all of these challenges must be met in some way.

Since the last Revolution from 1910 to 1920, Mexico  with 115 million has had only one national political party, the Party of the Institutional Revolution, the PRI. But in 2000 Mexico ushered in a level of party competition and genuine democracy not seen since the 19th Century that ended with the Mexican Presidency going to the National Action Party, the PAN. The PRI was and is a very conservative party that governed through close ties to unions, the wealthy and big businesses. It held all of Mexico in its thrall and continued the centuries long dominance of the country by elites from Mexico City. The PAN has its roots in the religiously conservative northern states such as Jalisco and was supported by urban dwellers, small businesses, teachers, homemakers and those that saw the need for a political system characterized by more of a market of ideas in contrast and alternative centers of power, geographically and socially, to the PRI.

This year both the United States and Mexico will have important national elections that should have consequences for years to come. The economy and unemployment appear to be the major factors in the American election. But for Mexico the consequences may be the viability of the Mexican state, itself.

The Cartel Wars

To a limited degree Vicente Fox elected from the PAN in 2000 and Felipe Calderon in 2006 reduced state control of many businesses and worked to remove corruption from local elections. Both Fox and Calderon reached out to George W. Bush to increase collaboration between the countries but Bush soon became absorbed in the politics of Washington and all too soon the Middle East from the 9/11 attacks. Following the initiatives of Clinton and NAFTA both saw the opportunity for expanded trade and economic exchange with the United States.

Both Mexican Presidents sought to sweep the cobwebs of decades of cronyism and monopoly of the PRI and made some progress in selling off state owned enterprises and raising standards of living for the middle class and the poor. But it was Calderon’s efforts to pursue organized crime and reform local and state police that have become the central Mexican concerns in his administration.

The Roots of Organized Crime in Mexico

Organized crime and the PRI go back decades and the relationship is most entrenched at local levels. Property crime, prostitution and drugs have long been part of the mixture. All during Prohibition alcohol could be purchased in border cities like Juarez and Tijuana and were sources for bootleggers. During the 1930’s the American military encouraged growing of the opium poppy plant by Chinese immigrants in Sinaloa to have access to opium for medical reasons as conflict with the Japanese curtailed access to imports from south Asia. After World War II ended, opium growing continued as did not a flow of black tar heroin from Sinaloa. But in the last 20 years large scale movement of drugs has been the defining feature. What caused this development was the success of the United States with the interdiction of drugs coming from Columbian fields through the Caribbean and the destruction of much of the base of organized crime that produced cocaine in Columbia, Peru and Venezuela and trafficked it to Miami and other cities on the east coast. With that route closed, land movement through Central America and Mexico began. In the last decade huge profits from the drug trade to the United States have built organized crime empires in Mexico unlike those seen in past decades.

These drug trafficking organizations conduct a number of activities including controlling routes and police in Central America and then through Mexico to bring drugs into the United States. Access to the United States is most frequent through large cities along the Mexican-American border. The criminal empires referred to as cartels, war among themselves, alternatively in conflict and then cooperation with local gangs and local police to control these pathways and territories, ports of entries called plazas. One plaza long in play is the “no man’s land” that used to run for a mile or so north of Tijuana to the International Port of Entry eighteen miles south of San Diego, California. The plaza was controlled by the Tijuana Cartel. The Tijuana Cartel and Mexican states to the south were originally controlled by Miguel Ángel Félix Gallardo, who was active from 1980 to 1989 running most of the cocaine and heroin coming into the western United States. Felix Gallardo was thought to have ordered the abduction of DEA agent Kiki Camareno by corrupt municipal Guadalajara police officers in 1985 where he was tortured and murdered with the body found in Michoacán. The DEA reaction against the cartel and Felix Gallardo was swift and fierce. Felix Gallardo’s response was to send much of the drug activities back underground, to be run by bosses who were less well known to Mexican authorities and importantly to the DEA. Félix Gallardo did this by bringing the nation’s top drug narcos to the resort of Acapulco where he designated the plazas into the United States to separate crime groups. The Tijuana would go to the Arellano Felix brothers. The Ciudad Juárez would go to the Carrillo Fuentes family. Miguel Caro Quintero would run the Sonora corridor. The control of the Matamoros, Tamaulipas corridor-then becoming the Gulf Cartel-would be left to Juan García Abrego. Meanwhile, Joaquín Guzmán Loera and Ismael Zambada García would take over Pacific coast operations, becoming the Sinaloa Cartel.

The cartels and their territories were long known to the Mexican government but ties with local PRI operatives and the police purchased immunity from arrest. It was also felt in some quarters that immunity and hush money ran to the top of the Mexican government. At any rate Fox and more fully Calderon brought a new direction from the Mexican Federal government and that was to contest the power of the cartels everywhere but especially on the American border. Those contests to wrest control from the cartels and local law enforcement authorities along with the breaking of the agreements among the cartels of the borders of their respective plazas has ushered in a 5 year period of exceptional violence beginning in border cities like Juarez but now spread throughout Mexico. Since the effort began in 2006 about 50,000 Mexicans have died, many being among the members of the contesting cartels but thousands of others including Americans as collateral from the violence.

Current Known Cartels

The effort to disrupt the cartels appears to have further weakened the tacit arrangements among the cartels over who controls which territory. It has also seen some cartels disappear and others grow. In 2012 the major cartels are the Gulf that reaches from Brownsville down the coast to Veracruz; the Zetas, the former enforcement arm of the Gulf, originally American Army-trained Mexican soldiers and now actively contesting the Gulf’s territory and into Guadalajara opposing the Sinaloa Cartel. The Sinaloa is headed by Joaquin Guzman purportedly next to Carlos Slim the wealthiest person in Mexico. The Juarez Cartel is headed by Vicente Carrillo Fuentes and in a frantic battle protecting its territory from the Sinaloa Cartel. The Tijuana Cartel is headed by Luis Fernando Sánchez Arellano. The Beltrán Leyva Cartel is headed by Héctor Beltrán Leyva and holding territory in the interior of Mexico and often allied with the Zetas against the Sinaloa Cartel. La Familia de Michoacán is centered in the State of Michoacán. Current leadership is unclear and the Mexican government claims the cartel has been exterminated. Michoacán is a very impoverished state and more than a million of its residents are thought to reside in the United States including Austin and San Antonio. In 2006 it followed patterns from Pakistan of beheading enemies and tossed the heads of 5 rivals on a dance floor in a club in Uruapan. Given the poverty of the area and the natural availability of contacts and cover from immigrants living in the United States, it is unlikely that la Familia is gone.

The reality of the cartels is that they are highly fluid organizations that continuously recruit from the millions of unemployed and unskilled youth of Mexico. Drugs are only part of the contraband they move. They also smuggle people, bootlegged DVD’s and CD’s, kidnap and extort. Members come and go with lives often brutal and short. They do not operate like American corporations such as McDonalds or Wal-Mart with franchise areas and management development patterns and career levels. They are loosely coupled organizations quick to seize an opportunity and quick to change. Armies and police forces often assume enemies have similar organization to the Army or a police force. We see that assumption of our forces in the Middle East and only as a conventional army is replaced by Special Forces Units does the United States adopt strategy and tactics fitting the land and the enemy. That is a lesson not yet learned by those who oppose the cartels.

Cartel Influences in Texas

There are a variety of influences that have appeared in Texas that betray the influence and the appearance of Mexican cartels. In the last three years arrests and convictions have occurred of persons determined to be members of La Familia and the Gulf Cartels in Austin. The DEA estimates that somewhere between 20 and 40 billion dollars of illegal drugs are brought into the United States and IH 35 is one of the major routes perhaps accounting for a fifth of that flow. Stops by law enforcement of bulk amounts of marijuana, methamphetamine, heroin and cocaine almost surely have come from Mexico.

Threats To American Youth From The Cartels

A recurrent fear of families living in northern Mexico and in the Valley is the possibility of American youth being recruited by the cartel to serve as lookouts as well as drug dealers. There is historical evidence for this in border towns. Some years ago an El Paso street gang, the Barrio Aztecas began in that fashion and today are part of the “muscle” for the Juarez Cartel as well as being on the list of the 12 most dangerous gangs (Security Threat Groups) in Texas prisons. Another widely reported example is Edgar Valdez Villarreal, who grew up in a prosperous suburb of Laredo, played linebacker for the high school football team and like everyone in Laredo and Nuevo Laredo 5 years ago and farther back viewed both cities as one. Through contacts in nightclubs in the cities, the boy nicknamed “la Barbie” for his Ken/Barbie doll looks became a small time marijuana dealer and then got to know cartel members in Nueva Laredo. In time he rose through the ranks of cartels in Mexico to a high position is a part of the Sinaloa Cartel and was arrested in 2010 in Acapulco on a variety of charges including drug smuggling and murder.

The violence across Mexico and especially the north is so widespread that wealthier Mexicans particularly from Monterrey have fled to Texas to avoid the violence. The violence has negatively affected trade and tourism in Mexico most significantly in northern Mexico. This has increased the flow of refugees from Mexico into Texas even as the traditional source of jobs for these persons in real estate construction, ranching, restaurant and hotel work, yard maintenance and field agricultural work has lessened because of the American recession.

Mexican Americans and Mexican American neighborhoods will feel the first and greatest impact of this set of problems coming from Mexico and yet caused by American drug use. It poses substantial and long term challenges.

Refugee Flows From Mexico

The flow of persons from Mexico is far more complex today than before the cartel wars began. These are the major components:

  • Traditional seasonal agricultural workers that follow harvest patterns from Texas to Michigan and Oregon-Washington. These individuals intend to return to rural Mexican areas after the harvest and follow family patterns that go back to the 1930’s.
  • Persons seeking longer-term employment in traditional areas such as ranching, meat processing plants, restaurants, construction and hotel work. They follow family contacts to Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago and Des Moines.
  • Persons with some wealth and/or professional skills moving from Mexico to avoid violence and able to secure longer term visas with legal residence. These persons will locate in closer proximity to Mexico in cities like Houston, San Antonio, El Paso and Austin.
  • Persons involved in cartel activity either because they must maintain control of the flow of drugs and people, north and the flow of money and guns back into Mexico or higher cartel operatives that prefer the relative safety of the States and access to shopping, schools and medical care. They choose cities like Houston, San Antonio, Austin, Dallas, Denver, Los Angeles, and San Diego. The locations are peaceful yet near the supply routes of the drug trade as it moves into and across the United States.
  • Youth from Mexico City that are in street gangs and find suburbs in Houston, Brownsville, San Antonio, Austin and Dallas attractive targets for property theft. They will move into Mexican American neighborhoods where they are less conspicuous.
  • Very poor migrating people from Central America particularly El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. Knowing little about traveling through Mexico or where to land in the United States they are driven by the economic chaos in much of Central America.

Bribery and Extortion

These are familiar and well-practiced skills in much of Mexico and no one is more skilled than cartel operatives. From the “mordida” the driver pays to the traffic cop to avoid a trip to the station house and court to the thousands of pesos to a politician, it is a way of doing business in Mexico. People from Mexico bring these habits with them. They will take the form of hiring off duty police officers in cash to look the other way when a drug load is passing through to heavy contribution to political candidates from school boards to district judges and prosecutors to governors and U. S. Senators and the Presidency. Extortion is used by providing gifts and special favors at places like clubs and bars and then using photographs and statements to secure compliance. It is a way of life in Mexico and we are seeing more examples in Texas Laredo to Arlington.

The surest protection against bribery and extortion is highly transparent procedures in political contributions and conduct of officials. Transparency, trust and reciprocity are hallmarks of traditional American life and they are the surest protection and remedy here and in Mexico.

Mexico’s economic future has been built on five pillars. Foremost is oil. Second is income from tourism. Third is export earnings from maquila manufacturing. Fourth is “loaned workers”. The fifth are profits from the drug trade. The ratio of profits to costs in drugs is remarkable as vast markups occur all along the train from starter chemicals or plants to a street sale. Unlike the first four pillars, little capital investment or training is required and the route to wealth is quick but with so many competitors the stay at the top is short.

Five alternative scenarios possible for Mexico.

Mexico is at a crisis point. Events are deteriorating rapidly and no longer not just at the border. At this point the first two scenarios now have equal probabilities. The third is the hoped for path of the old PRI. The later two come into play only if events elsewhere in the world come crashing down. The clearest key as to which of the following scenarios will come is how the Mexican election for President is resolved. That will be determined by July of 2012, this year.

Collapse in progress

Oil reserves play out in Mexico’s top producing fields, Mexico cedes control over the south and north of the country and 20 million refugees head to the northern cities of Mexico and then into the United States. Millions will come to Texas alone. The PRI is returned to power but makes little progress trying to return to the old methods. Mexico is a failed state with guerilla bands controlling much of the countryside and several of the larger low-income neighborhoods in Mexico City as well as other cities such as Veracruz, Matamoros, Monterrey, Acapulco, Torreon, Guadalajara, etc. Staged attacks on American border cities occur with regular frequency and local police are overwhelmed facing cartels that are better organized, funded and equipped. American border cities are filled with refugees and violent gangs.

American Protectorate

Cartels use hit squads to attack American law enforcement in border cities on both sides. The United States intervenes with military forces as it has done in Haiti, Cuba, Panama in years past and creates a protectorate for the Mexican Federal government south to Monterrey, Saltillo and Torreon. The traditional northern antipathy of Mexicans toward the “chilangos” of Mexico City intensifies and a process of tying the northern Mexican states closely to the American Southwest accelerates. Leftist and nationalistic mobs burn and sack the American Embassy in Mexico City. Mexican expatriates in Texas call for American military intervention in the north to permit them to re-establish homes and businesses in cities like Veracruz, Matamoros, Monterrey, San Miguel Allende, etc. It is reminiscent of Cuban exiles in south Florida but many times the size and consequence.

Return To The Past

The early strength of the PRI suggests that Mexico may attempt to turn the clock back. The PRI regain control, and through the bribery of Chapo Guzman, the Zetas are eliminated.  Mexican cartels go back to an existence of one powerful cartel who controls the plazas much like the Guadalajara cartel did in the 1970’s.  The violent killings are greatly reduced and order among cartels is instituted.


World economy rebounds. Oil prices rise to $200 a barrel, Mexico permits foreign investments and spins off PEMEX which modernizes engineering, refining and exploration. Corruption is curtailed and profits soar. Situation stabilizes to a significant degree.

Revival of Pax Americana

American economy revives and joint American and Mexican efforts suppress cartel activity with attendant boosts in tourism, maquilas and domestic growth. America sharply reduces illegal drug consumption. Mexico increases its historical ties with Central America and opens the region to the south to economic growth and channels American technological knowhow through all of Latin America.

Michael Lauderdale is Professor of Social Work, Board Member of the Greater Austin Crime Commission and Chairs the City of Austin’s Public Safety Commission and the UT Police Oversight Committee.

This is one of several renderings of the developing rail and highway travel and trade corridors coming from NAFTA growth.


Papers Relating to Mexico's Challenges from Cartel Violence