Journal Publications (In reverse chronological order) *Italics indicates supervised graduate or undergraduate student; Underlined names indicate supervised postdoctoral scholars † Author order deviates from traditional ordering of authors in the construction space (that orders authors by contribution). For these articles, the last and corresponding author is the lead PI and supervisor of the study, common for many other disciplines, including water resources engineering.
73. | Tariq, M., Hacker, M., Katz, L.E. and Faust, K.M.† Why Are Some Household Water Treatment Systems Successful? Motivators and Barriers of Adoption in Developing Contexts. J. of Water Resources and Management. [accepted July 2023] |
72. | Spearing, L., Tariq, M., Safarpour, H., Abia, T., Mallory, M., Guild, J., Katz, L.E. and Faust, K.M.† Moving Beyond Techno-Economic Considerations: Incorporating Organizational Constraints into Fit-for-use Technologies. Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering [accepted July 2023] |
71. | Thelemaque, N., Spearing, L., Faust, K,M., and Kaminsky, J. Small Drinking Water Utilities’ Resilience: The Case of the COVID-19 Pandemic. ES&T Water. |
70. | LaPatin, M., Spearing, L., Tiedmann, H., Kavvada, O., Giorda, M., Daniélou, J, and Faust, K.M.† Controversy in Energy Construction Projects: How Social Systems Impact Project Performance. Energy Policy. |
69. | ALaPatin, M., Barrens, S. Poleacovschi, C., Vaziri, B., Spearing, L., Padgett-Walsh, K., Feinstein, S., Rutherford, C., Nguyen, L., and Faust, K.M.† Engineering in a Crisis: Observing Students’ Perceptions of Macroethical Responsibilities During Pandemics and Natural Disasters. Journal of Civil Engineering Education, 149 (4), pp. 1-15, 2023. |
68. | Tiedmann, H.R., Spearing, L.A., Castellanos, S., Stephens, K.K., Sela, L., and Faust, K.M. † Tracking the Post-Disaster Evolution of Water Infrastructure Resilience: A Study of the 2021 Texas Winter Storm. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2023. |
67. | Drake, R., Poleacovschi, C., Faust, K.M., True-Funk, A., and Kaminsky, J. Civil Engineers as Avoidant Actors: Using Culturally Relevant Problem Solving to Enhance Civil Engineering Students’ Critical Action. Journal of Engineering Education. 2023. |
66. | Castellanos, S., Potts, J., Tiedmann, H., Alverson, S., Glazer, Y.R., Robison, A., Russo, S., Harmon, D., Ken-Opurum, B., Weisz, M., Acuna, F., Stephens, K., Faust, K., and Webber, M.E. A synthesis and review of exacerbated inequities from the February 2021 Winter Storm (Uri) in Texas and the risks moving forward. Progress in Energy, 5, pp. 1-15, 2023. |
65. | Osman, K.K., Hacker, M.E., and Faust, K.M†. Conceptualizing Equity for Onsite Non-potable Water Reuse Systems in the United States. Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment, 9 (2), pp. 1-12, May 2023. Editor’s Choice for issue 9 (2) |
64. | Rueda, V., Young, M., Faust, K., Rateb, A.M., and Leibowicz, B.D. System Dynamics Modeling in Local Water Management: Assessing Strategies for the City of Boerne, Texas. Water 14(22), pp.1-19, November 2022. |
63. | Araya, F., Singer, R., and Faust, K.M. † Beyond the Pipes: Sociotechnical Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Interactions in the Colonias, Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment, 9 (1), pp. 1-11, 2023. |
62. | Yang, E., Butcher, D. Edwards, M., and Faust, K.M†. Exploring the Relationship between Public Trust towards the Water Sector and the Use of Bottled Water within US Shrinking Cities. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. |
61. | Spearing, L., Mehendale, P., Albertson, L., Kaminsky, J., and Faust, K.M†. What Impacts Water Services in Rural Alaska? Identifying Vulnerabilities at the Intersection of Technical, Natural, Human, and Financial Systems. Journal of Cleaner Production, 379, pp. 1-12, December 2022. |
60. | Bakchan, A., Faust, K.M., and Khwaja, N. Automated Vehicle Detection Systems Data as a Promising Approach for Roadway Construction Planning: The Case of Dallas, Texas, Highway System. Transportation Research Record. |
59. | Nguyen, L.M., Poleacovschi, C., Faust, K.M., Padgett-Walsh, K., Feinstein, S., Vaziri, B., Rutherford, C.J., and LaPatin, M. Covid-19 Pandemic Reveals Challenges in Engineering Ethics Education. International Journal of Ethics Education, pp. 1-29, September 2022. |
58. | Brown, M., Spearing, L., Roy, A., Kaminsky, J., and Faust, K.M.†. Drivers of Declining Water Access in Alaska. EST Water, 2 (8), pp. 1411-1421, August 2022. |
57. | Bakchan, A., Roy, A., and Faust, K.M.† Leveraging Water-Wastewater Data Interdependencies to Understand Infrastructure Systems’ Behaviors during COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Cleaner Production, 247, pp. 1-9, July 2022. |
56. | LaPatin, M., Roy, A., Poleacovschi, C., Padgett-Walsh, K., Feinstein, S., Rutherford, C., Nguyen, L. and Faust, K.M†. Measuring Ethical Development of Engineering Students Across Universities and Class Years. International Journal of Ethics Education, pp. 1-17, July 2022. |
55. | Spearing, L., Bakchan, A., Hamlet, L., Stephens, K., Kaminsky, J., and Faust, K.M. † Advancing Analytic Transparency and Rigor in Qualitative Construction Engineering and Management Research: The Case of Arctic Water Infrastructure. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 148 (7), pp.1-12, July 2022. |
54. | Tiedmann H.R., Spearing, L., Sela, L., Kinney, K., Kirisits, M., Katz, L., Kaminsky, J., and Faust, K.M.† Modeling in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Overcoming the Water Sector’s Data Struggles to Realize the Potential of Hydraulic Models. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 148 (6), pp. 1-16, June 2022. |
53. | Yang, E., and Faust, K.M†. Quantifying the impact of population dynamics on the robustness of water infrastructure using a structural hole influence matrix approach. Environmental Science and Technology Water, 2 (7), pp. 1161-1173, June 2022. |
52. | Zechman Berglund, E., Buchberger, S., Cunha, M., Faust, K.M., Giacomoni, M., Haxton, T., Goharian, E., Kleiner, Y., Lee, J., Ostfeld, A., Pasha, F., Pesantez, J.E., Saldarriaga, J., Shafiee, E., Spearing, L., van Zyl, J.E., and Yang, Y.C.E. Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Water Utility Operations and Vulnerability. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 148 (6), pp. 1-12, June 2022. |
51. | Abel, K., Sivakumar Nair, G., Faust, K.M. †, and Bhat C. Breaking Out from Food Desert Boundaries: Using Location-Choice Modeling to Enhance Food Access Measurement. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 148 (2), pp. 1-12, June 2022. |
50. | Abel, K., and Faust, K.M. Modeling Urban Systems: Comparing the Efficacy of Simulated Interventions on the Urban Food Environment. Sustainable Cities and Society, 78, pp. 1-15, March 2022. |
49. | Bixler, R.P., Belaire, A., Faust, K.M., Scoggins, M., and Gonzalez, A. Exploring the connection between transdisciplinary co-production and urban sustainability solutions: A case study at an urban stream management symposium. Urban Ecosystems, 25, pp. 1207-1216. March 2022. |
48. | Skiles, M., Yang, E., Reshef, O., Robalino Muñoz, D., Cintron, D., Lind, M.L., Rush, A., Perez Calleja, P., Nerenberg, R., Armani, A.†, Faust, K.†, and Kumar, M. † Conference demographics and footprint changed by virtual platforms. Nature Sustainability, 5, pp. 149-256, February 2022. |
47. | Bakchan, A., Roy, A., and Faust, K.M.† Impacts of COVID-19 social distancing policies on water demand: A population dynamics perspective. Journal of Environmental Management. 302, pp. 1-10, January 2022 |
46. | Gee, I., Faust, K.M., and Webber, M. A framework for determining energy use in rural food delivery services: capturing system interdependencies through an agent-based discrete-event approach. Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability, 1, pp. 1-14. November 2021 |
45. | Spearing, L., Tiedmann H.R., Sela, L., Nagy, Z., Kaminsky, J., Katz, L., Kinney, K., Kirisits, M. and Faust, K.M.† Building Utility Systems and Population Dynamics: Understanding Water and Electricity Demand Profiles during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Environmental Science and Technology Water, 1 (11), pp. 2327-2338, November 2021. |
44. | Osman, K.K. and Faust, K.M. † Toward Operationalizing Equity in Water Infrastructure Services: Developing a Definition of Water Equity. Environmental Science & Technology Water, pp. 1-10, accepted July 8, 2021. |
43. | Hacker, M.E., Faust, K.M., Kaminsky, J., and Rauch, S. Regulatory exemptions illustrate the humanitarian-development nexus in highly developed cities. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 61, pp.1-11, July 2021. |
42. | Ward, M., Poleacovschi, C., Faust, K., and Svec, J. Modeling Public Support for Utility Expansions in Displacement Situations. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 147 (6), pp. 1-13, June 2021. |
41. | Araya, F., Faust, K.M., and Kaminsky, J.A.. Agent-Based Model of Hosting Communities’ Perceptions of Water and Wastewater Infrastructure during the German Refugee Crisis. Journal of Management in Engineering, 37 (4), pp.1-17, July 2021. |
40. | Spearing, L.A., Stephens, K.K., and Faust, K.M.† Shelter shopping: Where the built environment and social systems meet. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 58, pp.1-13, May 2021. |
39. | Rendon, C., Osman, K.K., and Faust, K.M.† Path towards community resilience: Examining stakeholders’ coordination at the intersection of the built, natural, and social systems. Sustainable Cities and Society, 68, pp. 1-12, May 2021. |
38. | Faust, K.M., Roy, A., Feinstein, S., Poleacovschi, C., and Kaminsky, J. Individual responsibility towards providing water and wastewater public goods for displaced persons: How much and how long is the public willing to pay?. Sustainable Cities and Society, 68, pp.1-9, May 2021. |
37. | Berglund, E., Thelemaque, N., Spearing, L., Faust, K.M., Kaminsky, J., Sela, L., Goharian, E., Abokifa, A., Lee, J., Keck, J., Giacomoni, M., van Zyl., J.E., Harkness, B., Yang, Y.C.E., Cunha, M., Ostfeld, A., and Kadinski, L. Forum. Water and Wastewater Systems and Utilities: Challenges and Opportunities during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 147 (5), pp. 1-9, May 2021. Editor’s Choice for issue 147(5) |
36. | Bakchan, A., Hacker, M.E., and Faust, K.M.† Resilient Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Systems through Integrated Humanitarian-Development Processes: The Case of Lebanon’s Protracted Refugee Crisis. Environmental Science & Technology, 55 (9), pp. 6407–6420, May 2021. Selected for Supplement Cover Volume 55, Issue 9 |
35. | Spearing, L.A., Thelemaque, N., Kaminsky, J.A., Katz, L.E., Kinney, K.A., Kirisits, M., Sela, L., and Faust, K.M.† Implications of Social Distancing Policies on Drinking Water Infrastructure: An Overview of the Challenges to and Responses of U.S. Utilities during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Environmental Science & Technology Water, 1 (4), pp. 888-899, April 2021. |
34. | Spearing, L.A., Dias, F.F., Faust, K.M., and Bhat, C.R. Determining Multilevel Drivers of Perceiving Undesirable Taste and Odor in Tap Water: Joint Modeling Approach. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 147 (3), pp. 1-12, March 2021. |
33. | Poleacovschi, C., Faust, K., Roy, A., and Feinstein, S. Identity of Engineering Expertise: Implicitly Biased and Sustaining the Gender Gap. Journal of Civil Engineering Education, 147 (1), pp. 1-8, January 2021. Editor’s Choice for issue 147(1) |
32. | Spearing, L.A., and Faust, K.M. Cascading system impacts of the 2018 Camp Fire in California: The interdependent provision of infrastructure services to displaced populations. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 50, pp. 1-12, November 2020. |
31. | Araya, F., Osman, K., and Faust, K.M.† Perceptions versus reality: Assessing residential water conservation efforts in the household. Journal of Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 162, pp.1-10, November 2020. |
30. | Guerra, B.C., Leite, F., and Faust K.M. 4D-BIM to enhance construction waste reuse and recycle planning: Case studies on concrete and drywall waste streams. Waste Management, 116, pp.79-90, October 2020. |
29. | Agbim, C., Araya, F., Faust, K.M., and Harmon, D. Subjective versus objective energy burden: A look at drivers of different metrics and regional variation of energy poor populations. Energy Policy, 144, pp.1-13, September 2020. |
28. | Singer, R., Xu, T.H., Herrera, L.N.S., Jose Villar, M., Faust, K.M., Hotez, P.J., Aiken, A.R.A., and Mejia, R. Prevalence of Intestinal Parasites in a Low-Income Texas Community. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 102 (6), pp. 1386–1395, June 2020. |
27. | Araya, F., Faust, K., Khwaja, N., O’Brien, W.J., Liang, X., and Bur, M.K. Exploring a Quantitative and Qualitative Mixed Approach for Estimating Preliminary Engineering Efforts of Bridge Replacement Projects. Transportation Research Record, 2674 (6), pp. 13–22, June 2020. |
26. | Araya, F., Faust, K., and Kaminsky, J.A. Understanding hosting communities as a stakeholder in the provision of water and wastewater services to displaced persons. Sustainable Cities and Society, 57, pp.1-11, June 2020. |
25. | Ward, M., Poleacovshi, C., Faust, K., Weems, C.F., and Gabiam, N. Evaluating the Role of Infrastructure Components and Demographics on Social Capital in Refugee Camps. Journal of Management in Engineering, 36 (3), pp. 1-11, May 2020. |
24. | Hacker, M.E., Kaminsky, J., Faust, K.M., and Rauch, S. Regulatory Enforcement Approaches for Mass Population Displacement. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 146 (5), pp. 1-9, May 2020. Editor’s Choice for issue 146(5) |
23. | Faure, J.C. and Faust, K.M. Socioeconomic characteristics versus density changes: the operational effects of population dynamics on water systems. Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure, pp.1-14, May 2020. |
22. | Faure, J.C., Faust, K.M., and Kaminsky, J. Stakeholder Legitimization of the Provision of Emergency Centralized Accommodations to Displaced Persons. Sustainability, 12 (1), pp. 1-26, January 2020. |
21. | Abel, K.C. and Faust, K.M. Modeling complex human systems: An adaptable framework of urban food deserts. Sustainable Cities and Society, 52, pp. 1-13, January 2020. |
20. | Yang, E. and Faust, K.M. Human–Water Infrastructure Interactions: Substituting Services Received for Bottled and Filtered Water in US Shrinking Cities. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 145(12), pp. 1-14, December 2019. 2020 Best Policy-Oriented Paper |
19. | Yang, E. and Faust, K.M. Dynamic Public Perceptions of Water Infrastructure in US Shrinking Cities: End-User Trust in Providers and Views toward Participatory Processes. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 145 (9), pp. 1-13, September 2019. |
18. | Osman, K.K., Claveria, J.B., Faust, K.M., and Hernandez, S. Temporal Dynamics of Willingness to Pay for Alternatives That Increase the Reliability of Water and Wastewater Service. Journal of Construction Engineering Management, 145 (7), pp. 1-14, July 2019. |
17. | Guerra Uribe, M., Faust, K.M., and Charnitski, J. Policy driven water sector and energy dependencies in Texas border colonias. Sustainable Cities and Society, 48, pp. 1-11, July 2019. |
16. | Bakchan, A., Faust, K.M., and Leite, F. Seven-dimensional automated construction waste quantification and management framework: Integration with project and site planning. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 146, pp. 462–474, July 2019. |
15. | Araya, F., Faust, K.M., and Kaminsky, J.A. Public perceptions from hosting communities: The impact of displaced persons on critical infrastructure. Sustainable Cities and Society, 48, pp.1-16, July 2019. |
14. | Hacker, M.E., Kaminsky, J., and Faust, K.M. Legitimizing Involvement in Emergency Accommodations: Water and Wastewater Utility Perspectives. Journal of Construction Engineering Management, 145 (4), pp. 1-8, April 2019. |
13. | Guerra, B.C, Bakchan, A., Leite, F., and Faust K.M. BIM-based automated construction waste estimation algorithms: The case of concrete and drywall waste streams. Waste Management, 87, pp. 825-832, March 2019. |
12. | Bakchan, A., and Faust, K.M. Construction waste generation estimates of institutional building projects: Leveraging waste hauling tickets. Waste Management, 87, pp. 301-312, March 2019. |
11. | Faure, J.C., Faust, K.M., and Kaminsky, J. Legitimization of the Inclusion of Cultural Practices in the Planning of Water and Sanitation Services for Displaced Persons. Water, 11 (2), pp. 1-33, February 2019. |
10. | Faust, K.M., Hernandez, S., and Anderson, J. Willingness to Pay for Perceived Increased Costs of Water and Wastewater Service in Shrinking US Cities: A Latent Class Approach. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 144 (7), pp. 1-9, July 2018. |
9. | Kaminsky, J. and Faust, K. Infrastructure epistemologies: water, wastewater and displaced persons in Germany. Construction Management and Economics, 36 (9), pp. 521-534, June 2018. |
8. | Kaminsky, J.A. and Faust, K.M. Transitioning from a Human Right to an Infrastructure Service: Water, Wastewater, and Displaced Persons in Germany. Environmental Science and Technology, 51 (21), pp. 12081–12088, October 2017. |
7. | Zamenian, H., Faust, K.M., Mannering, F.L., Abraham, D.M., and Iseley, T. Empirical Assessment of Unobserved Heterogeneity and Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe Failures in Water Distribution Systems. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 31 (5), pp. 1-8, October 2017. |
6. | Faust, K.M. and Kaminsky, J.A. Building Water and Wastewater System Resilience to Disaster Migration: Utility Perspectives. Journal of Construction Engineering Management, 143 (8), pp. 1-10, August 2017. |
5. | Faust, K.M., Abraham, D.M., and DeLaurentis, D. Coupled Human and Water Infrastructure Systems Sector Interdependencies: Framework Evaluating the Impact of Cities Experiencing Urban Decline. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 143 (8), pp. 1-17, August 2017. 2018 Quentin Martin Best Practice-Oriented Paper |
4. | Faust, K.M., Abraham, D.M., and McElmurry, S.P. Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Management in Shrinking Cities. Journal of Public Works Management and Policy, 21 (2), pp. 128-156, April 2016. |
3. | Faust, K.M., Mannering, F.L., and Abraham, D.M. Statistical analysis of public perceptions of water infrastructure sustainability in shrinking cities. Urban Water Journal, 13 (6), pp. 618-628, No Month 2016. |
2. | Faust, K., Abraham, D.M., and DeLaurentis, D. Assessment of stakeholder perceptions in water infrastructure projects using system-of-systems and binary probit analyses: A case study. Journal of Environmental Management, 128, pp. 866-876, October 2013. |
1. | Goodchild, A., Albrecht, S., Lam, T., and Faust, K. A Container Terminal at the Port of Prince Rupert: Consideration from a Transportation Perspective. Canadian Political Science Review, 2 (4), pp. 60-75, December 2008. |
Refereed Conference Proceedings (peer reviewed)
51. | Spearing, L., Tariq, M., Katz, L., and Faust, K.M. What Drives the Use of Non-Traditional Water Sources in the Chemical Sector? Engineering Project Organization Conference (EPOC), Berlin, Germany, June 2022 |
50. | Kim, K., Tiedmann, H., and Faust, K.M. Construction Industry Changes Induced by the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Comparison of Korea and the US. CSCE International Construction Specialty Conference (jointly with the ASCE Construction Research Congress), Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada, May 24-27, 2023 |
49. | Oluchukwu, O., Osman, K.K., Faust, K.., Berglund, E., and Sadri, A. (2023). Water Utility Social Media Communication During a Crisis: Is It Equitable?. CSCE International Construction Specialty Conference (jointly with the ASCE Construction Research Congress), Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada, May 24-27, 2023 |
48. | Ritsch, N., LaPatin, M., Armanios, D., Albertson, L., and Faust, K†. Understanding How End-User Preferences for Traditional Water Delivery Mechanisms Influence Future Construction Priorities in a Tundra Community in rural Alaska, U.S. CSCE International Construction Specialty Conference (jointly with the ASCE Construction Research Congress), Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada, May 24-27, 2023 |
47. | LaPatin, M., Ritsch, N., Armanios, D., Albertson, L., and Faust, K.M†. Applying Legitimacy Theory to Understand Decisions Regarding Costs of Water Infrastructure in Rural Alaska. CSCE International Construction Specialty Conference (jointly with the ASCE Construction Research Congress), Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada, May 24-27, 2023 |
46. | Demetracopoulou, V., Porwal, V., Faust, K., and O’Brien, W. Changes in the Design Process for Industrial Projects Utilizing the Advanced Work Packaging Project Delivery Framework. CSCE International Construction Specialty Conference (jointly with the ASCE Construction Research Congress), Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada, May 24-27, 2023 |
45. | Barrens, S., Kim, K., Lapatin, M., Poleacovschi, C., Padgett Walsh, K., Feinstein, S., Rutherford, C., Nguyen, L., Faust, K.M. † Evaluating Engineering Students’ Moral Sensitivity in a Natural Disaster Context. American Society of Engineering Education, Minneapolis, MN, June 26-29, 2022. |
44. | Tiedmann, H.R., Spearing, L.A., Sela, L., and Faust, K.M. † Mapping the Data Needs and Challenges of Hydraulic Model Development During a Crisis. 2022 World Environmental & Resources Congress, Atlanta, GA, June 5-8, 2022. |
43. | Spearing, L.A., Nweye, K., Tiedmann, H.R., Sela, L., Nagy, Z., and Faust, K.M. † Water Demand and Human Behavior during Compounding Disasters: The Case of Winter Storm Uri and the COVID-19 Pandemic. 2022 World Environmental & Resources Congress, Atlanta, GA, June 5-8, 2022. |
42. | Thelemaque, N, Spearing, L., Faust, K.M., and Kaminsky, J. Water Utilities and the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Review of Pandemic-Related Research. ASCE Construction Research Conference, Controversy around Energy Construction Projects. ASCE Construction Research Conference, Arlington, VA, March 9-12, 2022. |
41. | Bakchan, A., Faust, K.M., and Khwaja, N. Big AVDS Data as a Promising Approach for Roadway Construction Planning: The Case of Dallas, Texas, Highway System. Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., January 9-13, 2022. |
40. | Spearing, L., Thelemaque, N., Araya, F., Kaminsky, J., and Faust, K.† Connecting Pre-Existing Characteristics of Water Utilities to Impacts during the COVID-19 Pandemic. ASCE Construction Research Conference, Controversy around Energy Construction Projects. ASCE Construction Research Conference, Arlington, VA, March 9-12, 2022. |
39. | Bakchan, A., Roy, A., and Faust, K.M.† Using Wastewater Flow to Understand Water System’s Demand Behavior during COVID-19 Pandemic in an Urban Metropolitan City in Texas. ASCE Construction Research Conference, Controversy around Energy Construction Projects. ASCE Construction Research Conference, Arlington, VA, March 9-12, 2022. |
38. | LaPatin, M., Spearing, L., Tiedmann, H., Kavvada, O., Giorda, M., Daniélou, J, and Faust, K.M.† A Framework to Measure the Cost of Controversy around Energy Construction Projects. ASCE Construction Research Conference, Virtual Conference, March 9-12, 2022. |
37. | LaPatin, M., Faust, K.M., Poleacovschi, C., and Nguyen, L. What Role do Civil Engineering Students see for their Profession in the COVID-19 Response? ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Long Beach, CA, June 27-30, 2021. |
36. | Nguyen, L., Poleacovschi, C., Faust, K.M., and LaPatin, M. Investigating on-campus engineering student organizations as means of promoting ethical development. ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Long Beach, CA, June 27-30, 2021. |
35. | LaPatin, M., Spearing, L., Tiedmann, H., Kavvada, O., Giorda, M., Daniélou, J, Hacker, M., and Faust, K.M.† Why do Energy Projects Fail? Understanding How Different Types of Controversy Impact Construction Projects. CSCE Construction Specialty Conference, Virtual Conference, May 26-29, 2021. |
34. | Nguyen, L., Poleacovschi, C., Faust, K., Padgett-Walsh, K., Feinstein, S., Rutherford, C., and LaPatin, M. The Culture of Disenchantment in Engineering Education Revealed through the COVID-19 Pandemic. Engineering Project Organization Conference (EPOC), Virtual Online, October 21-23, 2020, pp. 1-18. |
33. | LaPatin, M., Faust, K., Poleacovschi, C.P., Padgett-Walsh, K., Feinstein, S., Rutherford, C., and Nguyen, L. Macroethics in Undergraduate Engineering: an Institutional View. Engineering Project Organization Conference (EPOC), Online Conference, October 21-23, 2020, pp. 1-12. |
32. | Osman, K., Hacker, M., Faust, K., and Binz, C. Water Services for All? Placing Equity at the Center of Development Agendas in Water. Engineering Project Organization Conference (EPOC), Virtual Online, October 21-23, 2020, pp.1-10. |
31. | Araya, F., Tariq, M., Faust, K., and Edwards, M.E. Do Water Contamination Events Impact Willingness to Pay for Improved Water Quality in Shrinking Cities? Engineering Project Organization Conference (EPOC), Online Conference, October 21-23, 2020, pp. 1-13. |
30. | Nguyen, L. M., Poleacovschi, C., Faust, K. M., Padgett Walsh, K., Feinstein, S. G., and Rutherford, C. Conceptualizing a Theory of Ethical Behavior in Engineering. ASEE Virtual Annual Conference, Virtual Online, June 22-26, 2020, pp. 1-23. |
29. | Araya, F., Faust, K.M., and Kaminsky, J.A. A Decision-Making Framework for Participatory Planning: Providing Water Infrastructure Services to Displaced Persons. ASCE Construction Research Congress, Tempe, Arizona, March 8-10, 2020, pp. 654-664. |
28. | Bakchan, A., Hacker, M., Faust, K.M., and Kaminsky, J. Humanitarian-Development Nexus Regarding Water and Wastewater Service Provision: Learning from Lebanon’s Protracted Population Displacement. ASCE Construction Research Congress, Tempe, Arizona, March 8-10, 2020, pp. 702-711. |
27. | Spearing, L., Osman, K.K., Faust, K.M., and Armanios, D.E. Systems Vary, Affordability Should Not: Trends of Water Sector Affordability Based on City Attributes. ASCE Construction Research Congress, Tempe, Arizona, March 8-10, 2020, pp. 627-635. |
26. | Ward, M.R., Poleacovschi, C., Faust, K., Weems, C.F., and Gabiam, N. Evaluating the Role of Shelter Design on Social Capital Among Refugees. Engineering Project Organization Conference (EPOC), Vail, Colorado, June 25-27, 2019, pp. 1-14. |
25. | Hacker, M.E., Faure, J.C., Kaminsky, J., and Faust, K.M. The Discourse of Regulation for Temporary Accommodations: A Comparative Case Study. Engineering Project Organization Conference (EPOC), Vail, Colorado, June 25-27, 2019, pp. 1-15. |
24. | Araya, F., Osman, K., Spearing, L., and Faust, K.M. WATER CONSERVATION IN THE HOUSEHOLD: THE IMPLICATIONS OF METRICS AND THE ASSOCIATION BETWEEN CHARACTERISTICS AND PRESENCE OF CONSERVATION. CSCE International Construction Specialty Conference (jointly with ASCE Construction Research Congress), Laval, Quebec, Canada, June 12-15, 2019, pp. 1-10. |
23. | Araya, F., Faust, K.M., and Osman, K. ASSESSMENT OF WATER INFRASTRUCTURE INTERACTION IN US INFORMAL SETTLEMENTS. CSCE International Construction Specialty Conference (jointly with the ASCE Construction Research Congress), Laval, Quebec, Canada, June 12-15, 2019, pp. 1-10. |
22. | Faure, J., Faust, K., Khwaja, N., O’Brien, W., Hale, W. and Spearing, L. CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING AND INSPECTION (CE&I) COSTS IN THE TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. CSCE International Construction Specialty Conference (jointly with the ASCE Construction Research Congress), Laval, Quebec, Canada, June 12-15, 2019, pp. 1-10. |
21. | Bakchan, A., Guerra, B.C., Faust, K.M., and Leite, F. BIM-Based Estimation of Wood Waste Stream: The Case of an Institutional Building Project. ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering (i3CE), Atlanta, Georgia, June 17-19, 2019, pp. 185-192. |
20. | Madadi Kandjani, E., Sela, L., Faust, K., Leite, F., and Hodges, B.R. Extending the Capabilities of EPANET User Interface with the Optimal Design Plugin Tool. 1st International Water Distribution Systems Analysis (WDSA) / Computing and Control for the Water Industry (CCWI) 2018 Joint Conference, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, July 23-25, 2018, pp. 1-8. |
19. | Faure, J., Faust, K.M., and Kaminsky, J. LEGITIMIZATION OF THE INCLUSION OF CULTURAL PRACTICES OF DISPLACED PERSONS IN THE PLANNING OF WATER AND SANITATION SERVICES IN ACCOMMODATIONS. Engineering Project Organization Conference (EPOC), Brijuni, Croatia, June 25-27, 2018, pp. 570-593. |
18. | Hacker, M.E., Kaminsky, J., and Faust, K.M. MAPPING REGULATORY-RELATED INTERACTIONS OF STAKEHOLDERS FOR TEMPORARY ACCOMMODATIONS. Engineering Project Organization Conference (EPOC), Brijuni, Croatia, June 25-27, 2018, pp. 367-383. 2018 EPOC Best Paper Award |
17. | Abel, K.C., and Faust, K.M. Modeling Food Desert Disruptors: Impact of Public Transit Systems on Food Access. ASCE Construction Research Congress, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 2-5, 2018, pp. 362-372. |
16. | Araya, F., Faust, K.M., and Kaminsky, J.A. Permanent versus Temporary Infrastructure Solutions: Hosting Communities’ Perceptions toward Methods of Provision of Water Services to Displaced Persons in Germany. ASCE Construction Research Congress, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 2-5, 2018, pp. 383-392. |
15. | Osman, K.K., and Faust, K.M. Modeling of Public Perceptions towards Improved Water System Level of Service Arising from Infrastructure Alternatives in U.S. Shrinking Cities. ASCE Construction Research Congress, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 2-5, 2018, pp. 434-443. |
14. | Hacker, M.E., Kaminsky, J., and Faust, K.M. Housing Regulations in Temporary Accommodations for Displaced Persons: A German Case Study. ASCE Construction Research Congress, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 2-5, 2018, pp. 260-270. |
13. | Faure, J., Faust, K., and Kaminsky, J. Rapid Population Increase and Urban Housing Systems: Legitimization of Centralized Emergency Accommodations for Displaced Persons. Engineering Project Organization Conference (EPOC), Lake Tahoe, California, June 5-7, 2017, pp. 1-23. |
12. | Hacker, M., Kaminsky, J., and Faust, K. Legitimization of Water and Wastewater Utilities’ Role in Urban Emergency ResponsE for Displaced Persons. Engineering Project Organization Conference (EPOC), Lake Tahoe, California, June 5-7, 2017, pp. 1-18. |
11. | Abel, K., and Faust, K. MODELING FOOD DESERT DISRUPTORS: AN OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING APPROACH. CSCE International Construction Specialty Conference (jointly with the ASCE Construction Research Congress), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, May 31-June 3, 2017, pp. 1-10. |
10. | Araya, F., Faust, K., and Kaminsky, J. PUBLIC PERCEPTIONS TOWARD THE IMPACT OF DISPLACED PERSONS IN GERMANY ON WATER AND WASTEWATER SYSTEMS. CSCE International Construction Specialty Conference (jointly with the ASCE Construction Research Congress), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, May 31-June 3, 2017, pp. 1-10. |
9. | Hacker, M., Kaminsky, J., and Faust, K. CONSTRUCTING EMERGENCY ACCOMMODATION FOR DISPLACED PERSONS IN URBAN CONTEXTS: A GOVERNMENT PERSPECTIVE. CSCE International Construction Specialty Conference (jointly with the ASCE Construction Research Congress), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, May 31-June 3, 2017, pp. 1-11. |
8. | Osman, K., and Faust, K. LOCATIONAL AND DEMOGRAPHIC DRIVERS OF PERCEIVED WATER CONSERVATION EFFORTS IN AUSTIN, TEXAS. CSCE International Construction Specialty Conference (jointly with the ASCE Construction Research Congress), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, May 31-June 3, 2017, pp. 1-10. |
7. | Yang, E., and Faust, K. HUMAN-INFRASTRUCTURE INTERACTIONS: STATISTICAL MODELING OF BOTTLED AND FILTERED WATER USE IN U.S. SHRINKING CITIES. CSCE International Construction Specialty Conference (jointly with the ASCE Construction Research Congress), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, May 31-June 3, 2017, pp. 1-10. |
6. | Faust, K.M., and Abraham, D.M. Impact Assessment of Stormwater Alternatives on Generated Runoff in Cities Experiencing Urban Decline. International Conference on Sustainable Design, Engineering, and Construction, Tempe, Arizona, May 18-20, 2016, Procedia Engineering, 145, pp. 540-547. |
5. | Faust, K.M., and Abraham, D.M. Dynamic Modeling of Coupled Human and Water Sector Infrastructure Interdependencies in Shrinking Cities. ASCE Construction Research Congress, San Juan, Puerto Rico, May 31- June 2, 2016, pp. 1507-1517. |
4. | Faust, K.M., Abraham, D.M., and Zamenian, H. STATISTICAL MODELING OF PUBLIC ATTITUDES TOWARDS WATER INFRASTRUCTURE RETOOLING ALTERNATIVES IN SHRINKING CITIES. CSCE International Construction Specialty Conference (jointly with the ASCE Construction Research Congress), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, June 9-12, 2015, pp. 1-10. |
3. | Zamenian, H., Abraham, D.M., and Faust, K. Energy loss modeling of water main breaks : a hybrid system dynamics-agent based modeling approach. CSCE International Construction Specialty Conference (jointly with the ASCE Construction Research Congress), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, June 9-12, 2015, pp. 1-9. |
2. | Faust, K. and Abraham, D.M. Evaluating the Feasibility of Decommissioning Residential Water Infrastructure in Cities Facing Urban Decline. ASCE Construction Research Congress, Atlanta, GA, May 19-21, 2014, pp. 1229-1238. |
1. | Logsdon, R.A., Faust, K.M., Wiener, M.J., and Groh, J.L. Engineering Global Solutions to Water Scarcity: A Model Outreach Program for Middle School Students. Women in Engineering ProActive Conference. WEPAN, Columbus, OH, June 25-27, 2012, pp. 2-12. |
Other Publications
6. | Tiedmann, H., Sela, L., and Faust, K.M.† Modelling in Crisis: Mapping the Data Needs and Challenges of Hydraulic Model Development? [Extended Abstract]. 2nd International Symposium on Water Systems Operations, Virtual Conference, September 1-3, 2021. [accepted July 22, 2021] |
5. | Faust, K.M., Katz, L.E., Kirisits, M., Kinney, K.A., Sela, L., Kopytkovskiy, M., Russell, C., Kaminsky, J. “Consider How Social Distancing Policies Can Affect Drinking Water Infrastructure Performance.” [Column]. Journal of the American Water Works Association Public Health Column, pp.74-77, March 2021. |
4. | Roy, A. Nguyen, L., LaPatin, M., Poleacovschi, C., and Faust, K.† Ethics in Engineering Education during COVID-19 Pandemic. [Column]. ORMS Today, INFORMS, December 15, 2020, p. 1. |
3. | Faust, K.M. and Kaminsky, J. “Call in disaster response teams to help migrant children. They’re trained for this work.” USA Today, Available online June 28, 2019. NPQX3QXNfN1s7UQHuNvCvmgb0NEOdniH1i-hOsjmFY |
2. | Madadi-Kandjani, E., Sela, L., Faust, K.M., Leite, F., and Hodges, B.R. (2018). Generating residential water demand profiles through EPANET plugin development. [Abstract]. 9th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMS), Fort Collins, Colorado, June 24-28, 2018, p. 1 |
1. | Faust, K.M., Kaminsky, J., Faure, J., and Hacker, M. (2017). Centralized Accommodations for Displaced Persons. [Extended Abstract]. Healthy Buildings, Lublin, Poland, July 2-5, 2017, pp 331-332. |
Book Chapters
1. | Faust, K.M., and Kaminsky, J.A. (2018). Gardoni, P., Ed. “Population Dynamics and the Resiliency of Water and Wastewater Infrastructure”. The Routledge Handbook of Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure, Chapter 18, pp. 335-350. |
Media Highlights
2. | Faust, K.M. (2017). “UT professor studies rise and fall of cities,” The Daily Texan, Available online April 24, 2017. |
1. | Faust, K.M. (2017). “The Water Works,” The Hook, Weekly News Show by The Texas Exes, Available online March 17, 2017. |