Dear Friends,
What a busy spring! The past few months have flown by with non-stop activity on campus, our ongoing regional Advisory Council meetings, and the hire of new development team members. Doug and I always enjoy traveling around the state to visit with you, and I want to extend my appreciation again to everyone who hosted or attended the regional meetings.
And now for some exciting news: I am happy to report that this year will be the most successful fundraising year for the College of Fine Arts since Ernest and Sarah Butler made their landmark $55 million gift to name the School of Music in 2008.
Supporters like you have given more than $30 million this year to every area of the college, and I would like to recognize a few of your fellow Advisory Council members for their inspirational gifts.
First, Robert Moor and Adrienne Cleere of Chicago made a $1 million planned gift to the Center for American Music in the Butler School of Music. The center and its mission to forge links between higher education and Austin’s world-renowned music community have long been a point of passion for Bob, and his ongoing support will create one-of-a-kind study opportunities for our students.
Also, just recently, Meredith and Cornelia Long of Houston added $1 million to The Meredith and Cornelia Long Internship Fund, which helps Fine Arts students afford to accept low-paid or unpaid internship opportunities anywhere in the country by underwriting travel and living expenses. The gift effectively triples the amount of funding available from the endowment, so even more students can now benefit from the Longs’ generosity.
This year’s fundraising is a phenomenal achievement, and I want to thank each of you for the important part you played by advocating for the college, connecting us to potential donors, and most importantly, contributing through your own philanthropy.
Thank you for your tireless support of the college, and I wish you a safe and relaxing summer!
Warm regards,
Sondra Lomax
Executive Director and Associate Dean for Development