Dear Friends,
What a great gathering on campus in October for our fall council meeting! My appreciation to all who attended. Since that meeting, the development officers have been traveling around the state to meet with members individually to ask how you might wish to become involved with our college’s campaign initiatives. Please welcome them when they reach out. Lots of exciting projects happening college-wide!
As Doug Dempster stated at the meeting, “The time is NOW to address our facilities’ needs.” As you learned, COFA student enrollment has increased by 20 percent over the past two years, and we are expecting a 40 percent increase by 2021. Much of this growth is in disciplines that did not exist 50 years ago when our 20th century facilities were built.
To successfully accommodate our growing student body and expanding curricula, COFA requires new state-of-the-art facilities with dedicated research, performance, design and computer studios/labs to attract and retain top faculty, students, and yes, even corporate partners and investors. We are reaching out to individuals, corporations, and private foundations to solicit much-needed funds for new and renovated facilities.
Several of you have stepped up already to offer donations, advice, and connections. Thank you!
Some people have asked about naming opportunities, and we are happy to discuss these on an individual basis. Our new and renovated facilities will incorporate multiple naming opportunities that can provide resources for a variety of programs and initiatives. Please let me—or any of the development officers—know if you are interested.
We will be unveiling a special dean’s fund soon for gifts of $100,000 and above. Stay tuned for more information about this special initiative which will honor our dean and his vision for the college.
I hope to see many of you at our spring regional meetings around the state. Watch your email for all the upcoming dates. In the interim, thank you again for your ongoing support, and best wishes to you and your families for a wonderful holiday season!
Warm regards,
Sondra Lomax
Executive Director and Associate Dean for Development