Dear Council Members,
We are looking forward to a fantastic Spring semester with you, starting with nominations for new member to join the Fine Arts Advisory Council in Fall 2023. If you have friends or colleagues that would be interested in supporting the College of Fine Arts as a member of our council, please nominate them by Friday, March 10th.
To gauge interest, please share the Fine Arts Advisory Council Website, including the member responsibilities page, with prospective new members.
This year, we have moved to a completely digital nomination process. You can find the online nomination form here, which can be filled out either by the nominator or the nominee. Once the form is completed, I will reach out to both the nominee and nominator(s) to confirm.
Nominations will be reviewed by the Nominating Committee, and a slate of approved nominees will be put to a vote by the full council via email before the end of April.
Please let me know if you have questions about nominations or any other council business.
As always, thank you for all you do for the College of Fine Arts!
Lauren Cunningham
Assistant Director of Development